House of Bodies
House of Bodies
| 19 April 2013 (USA)
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While indulging his appetite for the grim and gruesome by patronizing a voyeuristic Web site that's based in a house where a serial killer once lived, a hearing-impaired boy begins to suspect that the site's violence is more than just make-believe.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Michael Ledo The film builds the story using headlines. Henry Lee Bishop (Peter Fonda) is a convicted necrophiliac serial killer. There is a copy cat killer. The story of the killings awkwardly unfolds after the fact as Detective Starks (Terrence Howard) is questioning Bishop about the copycat killings.Bishop's old house is owned by "House of Bodies" an Internet web site that specializes in recreating the killings as snuff porn for paying customers. The film subplots on Kelli (Alexz Johnson) a shy college girl who needs cash, but hasn't come to terms with nudity. She meets Kyle (Harry Zittel) on line, a shy mute.Once the first clue hit the table, the film lost its mystery appeal as a who dun it. In fact I didn't care, I just wanted to see Kelli after all the tease and hype. The production had the makings of a good plot, but ruined it by making a boring film. They could have left out the interrogation and just made it a copy cat killing with less camera shy girls.Parental Guide: F-bombs. No real sex. Rear and photo nudity.
Tss5078 First of all how does a movie like this manage to get a cast like this? It boggles the mind that these actors would actually be willing to take part in such a shit show, but they did, and it was an epic disaster. Inside a house once owned by a serial killer, college girls looking for money, live, on camera 24/7, in a place where anything can happen. Ya see, they are actually part of a fetish porn website, where they can become victims at anytime and people pay big money to see this. Unbeknownst to them, the serial killer isn't dead, and one night he returns to the house, where the killings become all too real and are streamed live on the web for the whole world to see. Plain and simple this is a mildly pornographic slasher film and a bad one at that. Some big names have some small roles that are honestly beneath them, and not at all worthy of their time. Not only is the story badly written, but the film is just frustrating to watch, as it keeps switching back between the actual house and the poor quality web feed people around the world are watching. The bottom line here, there is a great cast, a title and even a preview that will attract every horror fan that sees it, but if you get sucked in, you will be highly disappointed.
suite92 Henry Lee Bishop is on death row for a series of grisly murders. Years later, he's still in jail, solitary mostly, and similar murders happen. Detective Starks investigates, including going to the prison to talk to Bishop eyeball to eyeball.A bunch of young idiots run a simulated-sex-and-murder-reenacted-over-Internet sort of business. They strive for realism. They fake each other out. It seems the director intends that we don't know what is real or not with this group.A deaf, speechless young man plays video games and visits gory websites. One of these is 'House of Bodies' which supposedly was inspired by Henry Lee Bishop's place of residence. This is the website of the idiots mentioned above. In each room the young women re-enact murders committed there. Our young man reads all this on the site. That's the site's marketing ploy.That's what the detectives are not seeing: the website seems to have generated at least one copycat killer. Tracey runs the house and the site. Kelli is the new recruit who is a bit gun shy. Tisha is more accustomed to the work. Sadey left the job before she was murdered.The deaf boy logs into the site, and Tracey assigns him to Kelli to talk to. They get to know each other a bit. Sadly, the killer comes in, then starts taking out the staff.So, who gets out of this alive?-----Scores-------Cinematography: 9/10 Usually excellent.Sound: 8/10 Usually quite good, but Terrence Howard was badly miked. AM radio in the desert sounds better. The incidental music was good for creepiness.Acting: 8/10 Worth seeing for the interactions between Terrence Howard and Peter Fonda.Screenplay: 8/10 Much better than I expected. Plot progresses well, and the detective solves a mystery.
ForeignFear *****WARNING: SPOILERS*****House of Bodies is a bit of a back-and-forth roller coaster, a feature that I like if it's well- executed. This movie does it quite nicely, in my opinion. Although it's predictable in the fact that everyone but the "good girl" dies, I enjoyed the irony behind it. There is some nudity, as with a lot of movies in the genre, but it is mild and far from distracting to the viewer. The characters were believable, although there were certain scenes that threw in the element of convenience for the sake of letting a certain character live longer. To go off of that, I would have liked a bit more violence, and less of the inmate and detective scene. Overall, not a bad flick. Give it a watch on Netflix, I'm glad I did.
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