| 11 April 1996 (USA)
Thesis Trailers

While doing a thesis about violence, Ángela finds a snuff video where a girl is tortured to death. Soon she discovers that the girl was a former student at her college...

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Michael Radny Thesis is bone chilling, mind boggling and a very fine thriller. The mystery throughout is enough to get you hooked. The whole film is so well constructed, that it isn't until the final minutes of the film that you find out what is really going on and what happened. The story is too original to put into words, so daring that it is impossible to imagine.Thesis is a great film, an idea that has been lost in such a genre. It's hard to spot any imperfections in this film, given, that some of the decisions made are questionable. However, this is the most frightening film about a mystery hunt that I can ever remember watching.
David Arnold Ángela is fascinated with extreme & graphic violence in movie and film, but it's not for's for her Thesis on why people watch it, if it is morally acceptable to be shown in the film industry, and also should there be a limit to how much is shown. During her studies, she asks her study adviser, Figueroa, to look into getting some material for her. It's here that she comes across a video tape that seems to be of a real murder of a young student. After letting a student who is in the same class as her, Chema, view it as well it definitely is a real "snuff" movie. Together, they both get drawn into a world that they may regret getting into, but not being able to help themselves, they do all they can to find out who the filmmaker actually is.Thesis is a very decent psychological thriller that is along the same lines as 8MM, although it's not as graphic. Thesis focus more on the psychological side of it all and concentrates on what you think you see and not what you actually do see whereas 8MM does both.The two main stars, Ángela (played by Ana Torrent) and Chema (played by Fele Martínez), are so opposite to each other but they play so well together at the same time. They don't like each other much, but they need each other.The story develops nicely and it never gets dull or boring and with the constant development of the plot, it keeps you watching. There are also a good few twists and turns as the story develops as well. It points to the obvious person to start out, then it turns it around, and then back again. It keeps you watching until the very end and keeps you guessing.If you like a good foreign psychological thriller then you can do much worse than Thesis. Definitely recommend giving it a watch.
Sandcooler Wow, this one was good. Written with the precision of a tree surgeon and paced like a treadmill with the button stuck, this movie is like a sledgehammer blow to the face that keeps feeling numb the day after like you've been in a horrible fight. Or something. If I'm allowed to throw in a fun fact, Alejandro Amenabar named one of the victims Castro because that was the professor that kept failing him in film school. The subject in question was screenplay. Seeing how he handles the suspense in this movie so brilliantly, he must have not cared and handed it in with typos and crap. I know I do. The actors play their parts so well I ended up caring for the characters on a personal level. I can't even remember the last time I achieved that. Anyway, not wanting everybody to die in a movie makes a highly effective thriller, near impossible to make, but I can only assume so rewarding when things fall into place. This movie is good to the point that my unstructured ramblings can't even do it justice.
Kashmirgrey These days, thrillers and mysteries have insane twists just for the sake of a twist, often times resulting in the ridiculous. Thesis is not such a film. It keeps the viewer guessing till the end, and when the truth is revealed, you want to say, "I knew it was that person," but you honestly can't, because you never are able to fully make up your mind.I liked "8mm" and I realize I am in the minority. I think the premise of the existence of "snuff" (films of real murders made by the murderers for profit)is an intriguing one. Especially considering that the FBI insists their existence is a myth.Thesis is about Angela, a student who, while gathering research for her thesis on violence on film, comes across a snuff film. She shows it to a fellow student, and before long, both find themselves in the thick of a conspiracy that might involve faculty of the school.I fell in love with Ana Torrent. Her portrayal of Angela is believable and excellent. What I thought was interesting is how she demonstrates a subtle, yet dark interest in the death she witnesses. It is never spoken, but she is obviously drawn deeply into her research.Fele Martínez who plays Angela's schoolmate is sleazy, but slowly you can't help but start to become fond of him with all his cynical humor and quirkiness.Thesis, above all, is a social commentary on public obsession with death and its coverage by the media. Its theme, "Movie makers give the public what it wants," begs the question: who is asking for the violence? The public or the media...