My Little Eye
My Little Eye
R | 04 October 2002 (USA)
My Little Eye Trailers

Five young people apply to live in an isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Leofwine_draca I won't deny that I was pretty excited about seeing this movie. Three years had passed since I saw one of my favourite horror films ever, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, and MY LITTLE EYE seemed to be a film very much in a similar vein – a low budget production about kids trapped in the woods, focusing on realism over everything else. Trailers made the film look extremely scary and with the Halloween season upon us once again, I was eager to see a film that would freak me out. MY LITTLE EYE is no classic but instead a solid, atmospheric and at times deeply disturbing horror film that hits the mark more often than not. Despite a deluge in the horror/reality show market (before the film there was an advert for HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION, with a very similar premise by the looks of it), this is a film to take full advantage of the new internet medium, with a soundtrack chock-full of weird modem noise and sounds of zoom lens and unnatural computer effects.The pacing is deliberately slow with minimal action. The first hour consists of endless plot set-up, character building, and spooky events occurring which only add to the mystery of the situation. The setting of the old, creepy wooden house works well and the isolation of the situation sets in before long. The film itself is strong on atmosphere and as realistic as you could want it. One pleasant surprise is the calibre of the acting, generally being fantastic and as good as you could get: the cast of fresh-faced twentysomething youngsters make their various characters as realistic as possible without resorting to overacting for effect. The best thing to say is that you forget they're acting, so they've done their jobs more than adequately. Special mention to Kris Lemche (GINGER SNAPS), once again stealing another movie with his highly effective and edgy performance.For the first hour, the suspense and atmosphere is gradually upped with a string of inexplicable events. A crow becomes trapped in the house and is killed, a parcel of bricks is found outside, and a bloodstained hammer appears on the bed. Then a stranger arrives, Lemche finds access to the internet and all hell breaks loose. The last twenty minutes turns the film into something like a routine slasher movie, with a maniac going on a varied killing spree, and thus some of the unsettling atmosphere is lost and instead the film turns into a stark, gory stalk-and-slash suspenser. Personally I prefer my horror films to have supernatural explanations so I didn't think this finale was as great as it could have been. It also seems to be needlessly nihilistic just for the sake of it.The film falls into the trap of saying too much at the finale, having to reveal every single plot point to the audience when perhaps some ambiguity should have been in order. Technically, this film is surprisingly proficient and makes fine use of little gimmicks like having the screen split into four at the beginning and end, and some excellent sequences with night-vision cameras which make pupilless eyes glow spookily in the dark. Although this falls short of being a classic in the same way I consider THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT to be a classic, strong production values and acting make it a contender and one to check out for all major fright-fans.
gavin6942 Five young people apply to live in an isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras. Each has their reason for wanting to be there -- fame, money, adventure.Even since "Blair Witch", we have had this stream of films with found footage, hidden cameras, and that awful night vision. I am not a fan of it, but I guess others are because it still persists today (2013) with endless "Paranormal Activity" sequels. Some of this film has it and some is just shot normally. Had there been more hidden camera than there was, I would rate it even lower.My reason for watching this was seeing Bradley Cooper in the cast list. His role is relatively minor -- he is not one of the five young people. If you are a big fan of his, check this out... but otherwise, no need. He is not even on screen enough to say if he did a good job or not and the rest of the film is average at best.
Kevin xaverius I just watched this film one day ago and I found this film has a very interesting storyline, about 5 people who accepted a challenge to live together in a small house in the isolated wood. But, soon they found something's wrong with the competition.The film use a semi-mockumentary style camera and make it more scary to be watched. The scoring and lights effects also very great.But the film has some weakness. First, the acting of the actor and actress were okay but not very good. I couldn't see a well scared expressions from them.And I also hate the ending. It's the worst part of the movie. I think why should the villain kept one of his victim alive in a small room instead of killed her?
michael h My Little Eye tells the story of a group of young people who have decided to live together for several months in an isolated, snowbound house and have their lives broadcast on the internet. They believe they're participating in an internet reality show. If they all make it for six months, they win 1 million dollars each. If anyone gives up and leaves the house, they all lose.Right from the start a creepy mood is established. There's the feeling that something just isn't right with their situation. The voyeuristic views through various web-cams help to create the uneasiness. This movie is very silent, gray and brooding with lots of disconcerting camera angles. The viewer has a sense of foreboding that something horrible is going to happen. As the contest begins to wind down, things start to get a little surreal. The food shipments that would mysteriously arrive in a box at their front door are suddenly empty or contain bizarre items that raise a lot of questions and concerns. A mysterious visitor happens by the house and also raises a lot of good questions about the legitimacy of the "game" they're participating in.Spoilers ahead!As it turns out, they've been unwittingly recruited as the stars of a snuff film that's being broadcast live on the internet. People are actually subscribing to the site to bet on who will be killed first. It also turns out that one of the house-mates has been in on the game all along...or at least he thinks he is. Things go from silent and brooding to terrifying in a matter of minutes as the house-mates realize their predicament. This is a wonderful change of pace and really keeps the viewer on edge until the end of the film.Yes, some of the characters are a little predictable and one-dimensional. Overall though, this movie offers a lot more character development than most horror movies. The acting and writing is not always brilliant, but it's much better than expected from a B-movie like this. The end of the film is where it falls down a bit. All along the movie has almost seemed a little too real. As the killings start, it starts to become more of a B-grade slasher movie; this pulls the viewer out of the eerie reality that had been created. Also, many of the house-mates fall prey to the standard "stupid decision" horror movie clichés. This is not to say the conclusion is bad, it's just not great like the first three quarters of the movie.Despite an ending that doesn't live up to the rest of the film, this one is still well worth watching. If you like psychological scares, My Little Eye will stick with you for quite a while.