R | 18 October 2013 (USA)
Sanatorium Trailers

On a bitterly cold December night, a paranormal investigations team has set their sights on the bloody Hillcrest Sanatorium to answer the age old question: Is there life after death? With rumours of hauntings and local children gone missing, they may just get their answer the hard way when members of the team mysteriously disappear, leaving behind unnerving evidence.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
gemandeye1 Truly nothing new in the found footage genre. After all these years it's getting to seem like they all blend together. This movie starts out like many before and is a bit monotonous at times as well as over dramatic. However, as the movie builds there are some quite good scenes to satisfy both the found footage fans and horror fans alike. This especially goes for the ending.
dcarsonhagy This is yet another "found footage" movie in the vein of "Blair Witch" and all the "Paranormal Activity" (Part Pi) continuations. However, this one worked--for me anyway. A crew of a local television show is set to visit a closed sanatorium to investigate rumors of an alleged ghost. You've got your cookie-cutter cast, including one male who is just so despicable you want to slap him until your arms get tired. Again, due to constrictions, I will not go further into the plot. I will say though this is yet another shining example of "less is more." Yes, there is some violence but it is not over the top. It's what you DON'T see but hear that completely creeps you out. "After Dark Productions" has made some really good horror movies, and I'm glad to see it is up to its old tricks again! Nicely directed, acted, and edited "Sanatorium" was a pleasant (and scary) surprise. Rated R for violence and language.
svartamoln A friend of mine invited me over his house to watch this movie, I thought at first it would be scary because we were told the movie was so but after watching it we were speechless and I'll explain why. I really love found-footage horror films, they are quite realistic and often are scarier than the traditional one but this movie wasn't, in fact it was very predictable, boring, typical and failed at trying to scare. I remember watching another movie like this (I can't remember its name) but it was exactly the same movie, same story and even same ending, the lack of originality is evident and you'll see no attempt to enhance that during the movie, it is definitely awful but I gave 2 stars to it just because the acting was decent. There's one thing you have to keep in mind, if an horror film failed at its purpose which is to make you scared then think twice before wasting your time in a ninety-minute movie.
james-mac This is another of umpteen hand-held cam films that follow the formula of a bunch of young people encountering malevolent supernatural forces that they initially are sceptical of. The movie then follows the pattern of: "What was that?", "Did you hear that?", "Quit fooling around Joe/Jane!" until the crisis point arrives in which everyone is saying "Oh my God!!!" Chaos then ensues as the POV hand- held goes ballistic until the inevitable jump to black. The End.You have seen this before. However if you enjoy this genre this is a competent film, but it offers nothing unexpected. Which is unfortunate because what hakes this kind of film work is the apprehension of not knowing what is going to happen. I suppose so many of these films are made because they are cheap to produce and they are very likely to make a return on investment with even a modest audience.I have certainly enjoyed some of this genre which was spawned by The Blair Witch Project, but this is nothing ground-breaking. Let's say this film is like a cheese sandwich; it's always great if that is what you are in the mood for because you know exactly what you are getting.
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