The Boy
The Boy
PG-13 | 22 January 2016 (USA)
The Boy Trailers

A young American woman takes a job as a nanny in a remote English village, soon discovering that the family's eight-year-old son is a life-sized doll that comes with a list of strict rules.

Alicia I love this movie so much
GazerRise Fantastic!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
rajchakrabarti-33914 People are too hard on this movie. It's actually such an entertaining film and great for anyone who enjoys horror, and it's slightly alternative horror style is so good to watch. If you have seen the movie 'Don't Breathe' (the one about be blind veteran being robbed) then you will love this movie too. Throughout the film, you will be on the edge of your seat and it's an intense thriller/horror. Then the plot twist at the end is absolutely impeccably portrayed. I live in England myself, and so with the setting being in the English countryside, there was a sense of familiarity for me which I really liked. Great movie.
mojocooley I have been a "horror" junkie since I was young (about 10ys or so) and I have to admit this is a rather good story. I was held interested until the very end and I can honestly say no modern horror movie has done that. I wasn't "terrified" or anything of that degree, but I was drawn into it with suspense and curiosity on how the story would unfold. It was set in a nice creepy environment and the cast makes you invested in their characters and you do have a certain sense of care for them. The ending wasn't quite what I was expecting but it was decent.... meaning nothing over the top or outlandish but I wished it ended differently. The ending wasn't bad to say the least, just not the way I would have ended it. I would recommend this film for anybody looking to have an enjoyable, relaxed thriller to watch.... no gore or ridiculous/ obvious CGI (which kills most horror movies for me). I give it a high 7 closer to 8 stars.
whitesheik First of all, I always have to laugh when I see the standard imdb "I've never written a review here before but I felt compelled to come out of the woodwork to review this movie no one knows anything about" - c'mon, folks, you're not kidding anyone.Then I'm always amused at the little tiny teens who come here to deride any film they can get their slimy fingers on - of course, seeing this in a theater with these twits would be horrible, which is why I don't go to theaters to see movies anymore - too much moron in the audience (and yet they LOVE the most infantile and ridiculous stupid-hero movies, no matter what).So, what do we have here? A fairly well directed movie with nice photography, a good score, and a nice lead performance. It has an interesting and weird premise and it moves along at a steady clip and I rather enjoyed myself during its ninety-something minutes. I could have lived without the jump scare dream cliche - once, maybe, but twice, never. I've seen so much lousy junk lately, and yes that includes the dopey super-hero movies - this one's a masterpiece compared to that idiocy - that whenever I see something that's at least competently done, I'm happy. The doll itself is very creepy and well rendered. Is it predictable - some of it, sure, so what - what isn't?You could do worse.
celtic451 I don' t get reviewers nowadays. It seems like a lot of people are bashing every movie in sight no matter how good they are. This is perhaps the best horror movie I've seen - ever. It was well acted, well filmed, well produced, and had perfect background music. I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The story was presented in a very logical and solid fashion and everything that happened was very believable. Ignore the haters and watch this movie!!!!!!!!