R | 06 March 2015 (USA)
Savaged Trailers

After thugs brutalize a deaf-mute woman, the spirit of an Apache warrior takes over her lifeless body and sets out on a bloodthirsty quest for revenge.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
vampiratransylvania Not too shabby at all, for what one can expect from a low budget thriller/horror. The bar has been perennially (though rarely) set high by classics like Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and others. I could not take my eyes away from this movie. The direction and cinematography are excellent. Bonus points for accurate historical references, as well as for truly visceral gore. I regret to have to say though that the movie didn't make much headway for how Native Americans are typically portrayed on film.
Vitor Tadeu Mendes Such a hidden gem! It is hard to believe that good horror movies like this pass by not being noticed by the majority of the genre fans. Great actors and really well done make-up effects. Despite the main plot not being so original (it could easily be named "I Spit on Your Grave 4: Indian Vengeance" LOL - which I do not intend to mean something bad, as I LOVE the "Spit on your Grave" films), there is a supernatural element added to this one and it only makes the story stronger and more interesting. The only thing that could be considered a "flaw" are some of the special effects, but the movie altogether is so amazing that even the little poor effects cannot take away any of the greatness that "Savaged" has to offer in its 95 minutes.
usb-74782 This movie was awesome, great horror movie.If you like horror and action then this is the movie for you. I suggest getting some popcorn and enjoy and nice movie with your date because you will not fall asleep on this one. The quality of the movie was awesome and in HD plus great audio. I will definitely watch this movie again to ensure I didn't miss anything. Furthermore, the Zoe is a good actor, I can see her acting in multiple horror films in the future. He boyfriend is also a good actor and should be nominated as a Oscar for his performance at the end. This is a movie that I will recommend to all of my family and friends and their friends.
kosmasp Story wise you're not going to get anything too exceptional, though the "touch" (or twist if you want to call it that), might be appealing to some. Other than that, you do have a lot of criticism, if you want to look at it that way, about America in general. Which is a bold move, considering that is the market this is supposed to make money in that country.On the other hand, it's obvious that it tries to leave old thinking behind and is about tolerating. The whole "native" revenge thing is convoluted though, not that you'd expect a movie like this to make much sense anyway. The effects are pretty decent for a movie with a budget limitation as this one had.
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