Savage Streets
Savage Streets
R | 05 October 1984 (USA)
Savage Streets Trailers

Brenda, vivacious leader of the "Satins", a fun-loving group of pretty high school girls, searches for deadly vengeance against the gang members who assaulted her deaf-mute sister.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
GazerRise Fantastic!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
chribren "Savage Streets" is a Grindhouse/Action movie from 1984, directed by Danny Steinmann.Basic plot: A group of tough girls, lead by Brenda (Linda Blair), are walking out in slutty-looking clothes at night, when Brenda's deaf-and-mute sister Heather gets hit by a car driven by the Scars (a gang of bad boys). Heather is okay, but the other girls get mad at the boys.In one fine school day, Heather gets gang raped by the Scars, and badly hurt. Later on one of the boys throws Brenda's best friend Francine off a bridge and kill her. And Brenda is soon to get to know the truth.This film is no doubt one of the best Grindhouse action movies of the 80s I've seen. The film really seems to have taken inspirations from some other revenge-flicks like Eastwood-, Bronson, or Pam Grier-movies of the 70s, the film is just a little bit more brutal. Here Linda Blair really kicks ass as the girl gang leader Brenda, especially during the climatic revenge sequence. The soundtrack is somewhat cool as well. But the gang rape scene is somewhat graphic and might be disturbing to some viewer. Oh, let's not forget there are several scenes of full female nudity as well.The Danish DVD version I have is completely uncut and runs for 93 full minutes. Thankfully I was in Copenhagen on vacation and bought this film. Recommended if you like Grindhouse action movies with revenge as the theme on the film. I give this film a well deserved 10/10.An another Grindhouse classic from the 80s to be honorable mentioned includes Mark Lester's "Class of 1984".
ObscureCinema101 As part of my "revenge-movie-catch-up," I knew that I HAD to see SAVAGE STREETS. Not only did this have glowing reviews from exploitation fans, but it looked totally amazing as well! Brenda is the toughest girl in her high school who usually goes out with her posse and her sweet, deaf younger sister for some fun. One night, they decide to get back at a gang called the Scars (whom have been hassling them) by jacking their car and then filling it with garbage. The Scars respond by gang-raping Brenda's sister and throwing her pregnant and bride-to-be best friend off a bridge. Brenda decides it's time to adopt the principle of "an eye for an eye," loads up her crossbow, and goes out for some payback.SAVAGE STREETS is classic exploitation at its finest. It has the standard formula (first hour is building on characters, last half hour is payback) and does it very well. This was during Linda Blair's "exploitation days," where it seemed this Oscar-nominated actress would take just about any role as long as the pay was good. I think she did a great job with the role, which surprised me because of how innocent she usually looks (one of my complaints about HELL NIGHT (1981) was that she looked "too Cherubian"). John Vernon makes an appearance as the tough as nails and completely AWESOME principal and spews the classic line about what the gang should do with an iceberg. The actors who play the gang are all over-the-top, but they do come across as despicable people and that's really all that matters.However, my problem here is my problem with most revenge movies: they just wait too long to get to the payback (and awesome) part. But trust me; considering how great that last half hour was, the wait was worth it. A lot of people complain about how a lot of that hour is high school drama where the boyfriend of the head cheerleader keeps hitting on Brenda, but I thought that was all really entertaining (the head cheerleader is just as despicable as the gang members, in my opinion).It's no surprise this was directed by Danny Steinmann, a porn director, because of the abundance of female nudity in it. It was completely unnecessary, yet thankfully, it doesn't really make the film drag like in other movies (THE INVISIBLE MANIAC). The film also features Marcia Karr in a role before she played Rhonda in the phenomenal KILLER WORKOUT (1987) as one of Brenda's friends, as well as everyone's favorite eighties scream queen, Linnea Quigley, as Heather.Even the soundtrack to this movie kicks all sorts of butt, with loads of classic eighties tunes, including the unforgettable "Justice for One." The protagonists are all likable and I really didn't want any of them to die, and as previously stated, the antagonists were all very unlikable and just itching to get an arrow through the throat.SAVAGE STREETS isn't perfect (it skims the surface of being that, though), but there's no arguing that this is a great exploitation movie. Loaded with over-the-top violence, gratuitous nudity, entertaining characters (John Vernon, baby!), likable characters, good suspense, a fast pace, and a great soundtrack. Yes sir, they just don't make 'em like they used to.Essential viewing for everyone.
Scott LeBrun Linda Blair proves that messing with her is dangerous to your health in this trash classic from co-writer / director Danny Steinmann, who'd also given us "A New Beginning", a decidedly trashy, mean-spirited, and funny entry in the "Friday the 13th" series. While admittedly she's not the most convincing gang leader in the world, she's still cute as ever and compulsively watchable in what is basically a revenge saga. When her gang battles with a pack of rabid male animals, the guys cross the line by gang raping and brutalizing her younger sister (Linnea Quigley). However, they can't stop there in showing us just how much they deserve to die, as her best friend (Lisa Freeman) also becomes a victim of their depravity. Simply put, Steinmann's film is about as manipulative and visceral - and fun - as they come. As in "A New Beginning", it proves to have a sense of humour as well as we witness the defacing of an anatomical diagram. It makes sure that fans of the genre get all the nudity they could want - there is a fine shower scene, after all - and Blair's high school nemesis (Rebecca Perle) gets her top yanked off when they have a fight in their science class. The film also isn't afraid to go to some pretty dark places; Quigley is just so damn adorable in her role & performance that it's an absolute abomination what happens to her. The dialogue is fairly quotable, with Blair's "Chained Heat" co-star John Vernon as Principal Underwood uttering the most memorable of them all as he stands up to the degenerates. It's great to see him as always, and the rest of the cast does good work, with Robert Dryer, Sal Landi, and Scott Mayer a lot of malevolent fun as a bunch of guys whom we can't wait to see get some nasty punishment. Johnny Venocur plays the one dude among them with anything resembling a conscience. Also in the supporting cast you'll see people like Marcia Karr and Carole Ita White, who were also in "Chained Heat", Bob DeSimone as the science teacher (he'd play the coke snorting, horny orderly in "A New Beginning"), Paula Shaw (Pamela Voorhees in "Freddy vs. Jason"), Kristi Somers, and Perla Walter (Vera's mother in "Friday the 13th Part III"). The pounding pop-rock soundtrack is quite catchy, and the movie is solidly entertaining all the way down the line. It's a delight to see a super sexy Blair take on the group at the end, armed with crossbow and leading them into booby traps. That bathtub shot is a pleasure to behold, and the "human torch finale" is extremely well done. "Savage Streets" comes highly recommended. Eight out of 10.
atinder I saw this movie on the Horror channel in UK.I was never real going to watch but when I was reading the plot, sound good and it really intrigued me. so I gave it go!A teenage vigilante seeks revenge on a group of violent thugs, who raped her handicapped sister and killed her best friend.I was really shocked, that I enjoyed this, it had some descent plot.With some cheesiness adding as well, which worked really well with the rest of the movie.As I really enjoy it , good cheesy movie.There was some shocking moments as well well.The dose feel a little out dated now, who knows there could a remake of this movie just around the comer .(Don't get any idea Hollywood :)).This was really well and never got boring, there still thing they could have done better.I going to give this 5 out of 10