God's Not Dead
God's Not Dead
PG | 21 March 2014 (USA)
God's Not Dead Trailers

After he refuses to disavow his faith, a devout Christian student must prove the existence of God or else his college philosophy professor will fail him.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
yanlimacoutinho You know that god is dead, when there´s movie saying the contrary and being worse than anything from hell, i would prefer being forced to watch the mario bros movie than this.
winsmv This is a Christian movie, and haters or non believers don't need to be mad. The movie show ways that Christians have been discriminated lately and how faith is important in life. Worth watching it.
laurak-94517 Just a note: I was forced to watch this, by my mother. I didn't have much of a bias toward this film, though, even if I did have to watch it. Honestly, I was almost looking forward to it a bit (we got it on DVD). "Maybe it'll be okay," I thought, "There are (several) good religious films out there, after all, it got a good review from the Dove Foundation!" Unfortunately, after a quick search, I realized that every Christian movie out there got a good review from the Dove Foundation, whether or not it was a decent film, and how I wish to live in the ignorant bliss of when I thought otherwise.So I sat down, and with a spark of anticipation in my eyes, I hoped that I wouldn't be disappointed. I was disappointed. As well as shocked.This isn't an exaggeration, even, here's a quick rundown of the characters: Our protagonist and the other Christians (except the girlfriend): Kind, compassionate human beings Muslim dad: Emotionally and physically abusive, kicks his daughter out of the house because she's listening to Christian passages. Liberalist reporter: Condescending to Christians (ironic, as the movie itself does that), arrogant and snobby (that is, until she gets cancer, as a wonderful moral, if you don't believe in god, you'll get a terminal illness and die slowly and painfully) Last and the least 3-dimensional, the Atheist professor: The villain of the story, and he's an atheist because his mom died, instead of, you know, just not believing in an almighty figure because he chose not toLet's not even discuss that the entire concept is a plot hole (Dude, read your rights, report the professor, just drop out of the class, anything but this plan that's just going to hurt you and everyone else around you- and signing your religion away is also definitely illegal, so on that level, you should have no problem, just go with the first and/or second methods. If that doesn't work in whatever universe you're living in, really, just quit the class, you're fighting an obvious straw man here.)This piece of trash depicts everyone who's not Christian as the face of evil, and that's very offensive, and just wrong.And on the same level, it's offensive to the majority of Christians, by showing that they apparently have a hate-filled agenda to others, when really, they don't at all. On the bright side, though, God's Not Dead did something truly unique- it united both the Atheists and most Christians to agree in tandem- this movie sucks.But subtleties matter- because there's a reason I said I DIDN'T have much of a bias, and MOST Christians were united on the stand that this was an awful flick. If you check out the statistics for the reviews, you'll find that while a large percent of people gave this 1 star, almost 30% gave it a 10. That's because, although there were definitely some trolls, this movie did find an audience; that's how they raked in a lot of their $70 million bucks, in fact.These are the conservatives, the incredibly strict Christians who want to feel like the victim, and want to have everyone seem like terrible people except them, and my mother's one of them.(I'm not saying they aren't good people, I'm not going to judge that. I'm a teenager, which means I'm the exact opposite demographic for this, and I don't want to attack anyone or be attacked.)I DID not have a bias against religious films, but now I do, because guess what, my mother and her friends said this was a great film, not a good one, but a GREAT film. And that's what terrifies me about this. There are people who, maybe not out of hate, believe this is the way the world is and this is the way non-Christians act. And because of this, there's an ever-growing supply of these hateful, brash films. There's a sequel of God's Not Dead, even more oblivious to real life than the first (the ending, it would be hilarious if it weren't so disturbing), and another in the making. I'm sick of these movies. I'm sick of the ignorant messages and bland pop songs and the fact that they all make a profit.Believe whatever you want to believe, I did Confirmation, I can accept that, just stop feeding the flame of these movies. Even if you are in my mom's demographic and have somehow stumbled upon this review, don't watch it. Please.
laurelst-96402 This movie is bad, really bad actually. Never in my life had I watched a movie that left a bad taste in my mouth afterward. This movie has some of the most immature and stereotypical portrayals of any thing other than Christianity that made it look like they made the characters off their respective extremist subreddits. Atheists are condescending assholes that bash anyone that isn't an atheist. The journalist is stupid and immature giving them a perfect opportunity for them to pull the "GOD HEALS YOUR LIFE THREATENING ILLNESS!" moment that is everywhere in Christian media. Not to mention they throw Islam in and make the father a control freak who slaps his daughter around and disowns her making it easily the most disgusting generalization of Muslims as many are accepting people. By now you should notice the pattern that any character in this film that's not a Christian is an amoral sociopath that will abuse you if you're a Christian. The worst part is that classic phrase of repetition to brainwash you into texting your family and friends as if the movie already didn't numb your mind up to begin with. "God's not dead" This movie is the perfect example of what propaganda is, and as a Christian myself I apologize for how whiny and immature my people have become thanks to this film.