Hell Night
Hell Night
R | 28 August 1981 (USA)
Hell Night Trailers

As an initiation rite into Alpha Sigma Rho fraternity, four pledges must spend a night in Garth Manor, twelve years to the day after the previous resident murdered his entire family.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
morrison-dylan-fan Taking part in a poll on ICM for the best films of 1981,I started to keep a look out for DVDs of titles from the year. Becoming more aware of her credits after a friend kindly gave me a personalised signed photo of her last October,I was taken aback to spot Linda Blair's 1981 flick in the local DVD shop!,which led to me getting set for a hellish night.The plot:Deciding to give four new students a challenge before they are welcomed into the group,the president of the Alpha Sigma Rho,gives Marti,Jeff,Seth and Denise the task of spending a night in haunted estate,which the lone survivor of a family massacre is said to haunt. Desperate to join the group,each of them decides to take part. Using the estate as an urban legends,members of Alpha Sigma go to the estate to freak the four out by pretending to be ghosts. As they start making spooky sounds,the Alpha Sigma discover to their horror that they have stepped on an estate whose resident does not want any visitors.View on the film:Made during a (how should we word this?...) "hazy" phase in her life,Linda Blair gives a very good performance as Marti,whose "Final Girl" innocence allows Blair to show a Gothic Horror queen reserve manner,which is torn by Blair getting Marti to show some guts in the final Slasher phase of the flick. Stumbling round as the "jock" goofball, Vincent Van Patten gives a terrific performance as Seth,with Patten using Seth's comedic exchanges with Denise to show some wits which become more prominent as the night of hell begins.Initially looking like a typical dumb frat party Slasher movie,the first screenplay by Randy Feldman reveals the satirical bite that Feldman would later use on Tango and Cash. Playing around with Seth being annoyed at just being seen as a complete idiot,Feldman turns the "dumb jock" image of Seth into someone who actually shows intelligence over how to survive the night,which allows for a firm bond to be made between the four. Whilst being a bit inconsistent with the mythology of the estate,Feldman pushes those flaws aside with a delicious blend of the Haunted House and Slasher film,as the creepy things that go bump in the night that the four hear,is smashed by elaborate body count slayings.Making one of his few non-"Adult" flicks,director Tom DeSimone (who reunited with Blair as a co-director on Savage Streets) and cinematographer Mac Ahlberg (who later worked on Re-Animator) give the hellish night an eye-catching,stylised appearance,via slightly "mis—framed" shots bringing attention to the evil bubbling behind the gang. Filmed in three different locations, DeSimone cleverly makes it all look like one location,thanks to whip-pans and overlapping shots circling the estate,as the hell night unfolds.
Fella_shibby I first saw this in the late 80s on a VHS. Revisited it recently on a DVD. Plot - four college students are taken off to run-down mansion and are given the task of spending the night in the creepy old mansion. The house has a dark past, twelve years prior, the owner of the mansion had killed his wife and children except for one who disappeared. The movie is very slow. The first kill happens aft a long time n the tension is nada. As slashers go this is particularly tedious, the kills are bland and badly shot. There is zero nudity in spite of being directed by a porn director. We do get to see some cleavage of the overweight Linda blair dressed in a Santa claus dress. Her chubby cheeks were a total turn off man. One couple keep beating around the bush about sex. They seem to be half dressed in bed for hours but nothing happens. The emphasis on atmosphere is a good point in this film. The house is creepy and the story just offbeat enough to be unsettling. The scene in the tunnels were creepy for those times. Recommended only for 80s slasher fans.
meddlecore Hell Night is a decent early 80's slasher, starring a mechanically inclined Linda Blair.Each year the local fraternity and sorority hold a Devil's Night bash together; using it as an oppourtunity to haze their pledges.They demand that they stay overnight in an abandoned mansion, where a man went mad; killing his wife- and two of three of his deformed children- before hanging himself. Though only three bodies were ever found...Rumour is...the surviving child roams the tunnels that run beneath the house, even to this day.Either way, the ranking members of the not-so-respective fraternities and sororities have rigged the house up with special effects, to ruse the pledges into thinking the place is haunted.But little did they suspect, that something truly was lurking below. The tales were more than just urban legends, it seems.Now Marti, Denise, Wes & Jeff must try to escape with their lives...if they can...The whole thing starts off a bit slow, but the pace really picks up near the end; and you end up right into it. The special effects and gore are kind of lame, but they get the job done. And it's not the best of the sorority girl slashers, but it's also not the worst. Worth a watch if only cause buddy jacks a shotgun from the cops...and of course Linda Blair's general badassery.6 out of 10.
AaronCapenBanner Linda Blair stars as one of four college pledges who must spend the night in the creepy old mansion(reputed to be haunted, with a murderous history) in order to join the sorority and fraternity. Seniors plan to pull pranks on them for fun, but discover to their dismay that "reputed" turns out to mean "factual"...Surprisingly effective thriller may not be original, but has good performances and direction, which create characters you come to care about, and a genuinely spooky atmosphere, especially when it moves underground. Scary and (reasonably) smart, this one stands out from the usual "slashers" of the period, and results are above average, with a memorable ending.