The Butcher
The Butcher
R | 11 July 2006 (USA)
The Butcher Trailers

A tragic car accident in the middle of nowhere finds six stranded college students fighting for their lives after making a horrifying discovery in a remote farmhouse in director Edward Gorsuch's rural frightener. With no place to run and no police station for miles, these doomed students are about to discover that down home hospitality is the last thing on the minds of the murderous family who stalks them through the woods.

Cortechba Overrated
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
jthelin I was glad I was exercising at home while this mind-numbing piece of drek droned on and on and on…. Otherwise, I would have completely wasted an hour and a half of my life – 90 minutes incidentally that felt like 90 days.I was reminded of some really bad low-budget sci-fi/horror flicks from the '50s, like The Beast With 50 Million Eyes. The Butcher contained some of the same, uh, qualities: no plot, bad writing, mostly annoying characters consistently blurting out stupid, senseless remarks. The director showed no ability for pacing (the film just sat there, congealing) or suspense or character development, i.e., there was NO pacing NO suspense NO interesting characters. As for the latter, it was hard to tell whether the actors & actresses could be any good, seeing how they were given so little of substance with which to work. As it stands on film, though, they either showed the emotions of a cardboard cut out or thrashed about in over-the-top fashion. And, yes, like some other reviewers, I too could not wait for several of the characters to meet their demise because they were SO annoying.I cannot think of anything redeeming about this dawg. It could never be a guilty pleasure for me, like Wrong Turn, for example. The filmmakers had two left feet and empty heads – and they forced their characters to wander around in the same way, dazed and dumb, with nothing to say. I felt tortured. Don't let it happen to you. You have been forewarned.
carlossanchez1999 as a big slasher film fan i have to say this one, fulfill it's complement: be a horror movie. But there's just something about and it's the fact that: it's just wrong. When i was watching it at one point i though i was watching, wrong turn, then i star thinking about the Texas chainsaw massacre, then hills have eyes and finally i know what you did last summer, the movie it's basically a mix of all these other movies but unsuccessfully did what those other movies did, it's just so predictable, the scrip it's so weak and far beyond scary, instead of that it's so lame, with this thousands of clichés like "don't go in there" "what it's this place" "he's gonna kill us all" you basically know who's gonna die first and why called it "the butcher" there is no butcher in the film and there is not even a good slaughter, they should have call it "i know what the Texas hills wrong turned last summer" or something, honestly i don't know what a company spend money into making this crappy films. I give it a three because, well it's a horror movie after all, invite some friends over and watch it with pop corns in a boring Saturday afternoon. And for the record i should give this movie a zero but the lesbians really help it.
ronloom It wasn't too bad but i have seen so much better, you can bet i wont be watching it again, once was enough for me, needed more gore, then maybe it would have been a little better, but it really mainly needed a little bit of originality, it was too much like other slasher flicks like Texas chainsaw massacre, wrong turn, hills have eyes... the same movie over and over again gets kinda boring...but it would probably be an alright movie to watch once, but there is no way that there could ever be a reason to watch this more than that.i give this movie a 4, but it could have gotten better had it had a little bit more gore and originality...... ......... ......... ........
wrlang This movie is a typical teens get into trouble on the road story. While going off to Vegas to celebrate graduation, 6 teens in an Escalade take a short cut and exchange road rage with the disfigured father of a reclusive family named Mayhew living way off the beaten path. In typical teen fashion they make some really bad decisions and wind up unknowingly invading the home of the Mayhew's where they run from the clan and try and find a way back to reality. During their ordeal 'some' of them are killed in semi-goriness. With a title like The Butcher, it could have been a lot worse. The editing, continuity, and other technical aspects were pretty good. The end holds a few twists that were not totally unexpected.