Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
PG | 27 March 1997 (USA)
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Trailers

The legendary Power Rangers must stop the evil space pirate Divatox from releasing the powerful Maligore from his volcanic imprisonment on the island of Muranthias, where only the kindly wizard Lerigot has the key to release him. The hope of victory lies in the Ranger's incredible new Turbo powers and powerful Turbo Zords.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Python Hyena Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997): Dir: Shuki Levy, David Winning / Cast: Johnny Yong Bosch, Amy Jo Johnson, Catherine Sutherland, Blake Foster, Austin St. John: Candy coated worthless piece of nothing about a wizard being transported to earth and a villainess who wishes to use his power to open a portal to a demon. One of the Rangers is injured during training and replaced by a kid who seems to be the same size as the others when he puts the suit on. The writer gave him every advantage including not needing a license to drive one of their ordinary (excuse me) extraordinary cars. The villains are in search of people yet they spend nearly the entire duration of film in a submarine. Dialogue consists of such lines as, "Listen, because I hate to repeat myself, I hate to repeat myself," and "Hey you guys. Look at this!" It took the combined efforts of Shuki Levy and David Winning to direct this elementary crap with special effects that look every bit as effective as an episode of Barney. Terrible acting by Johnny Yong Bosch, Amy Jo Johnson, etc. Nobody will win any Academy Awards here. The best they can do is leave the screening with their jackets over their heads. The kid may take the prize for the worst performance although he only barely edges out the others. Absolute junk that should be tramped upon then deposited in a dump where it belongs. Score: 0 / 10
Writer_Commentary Okay, so I know that the Power Rangers: Turbo series is one of if not the most hated season in the Power Rangers universe, even among Power Rangers fans. I know that I've read a lot of bad reviews about this movie, but I don't think that it's bad. I find it to be quite good and entertaining. It is a good setup up for a series and makes you want to see more of it. But I also get the feeling that there is not enough in it. A lot of good scenes were rumored to be cut. I will not go into detail about that here in this review since I don't want this to have any spoilers. I just hope that all these good scenes were filmed and will pop up in a future release someday. I don't know all the people who hate this movie. I will tell you right now, if you aren't a Power Rangers fan, there is no reason to watch this movie and no reason to flood this site with bad reviews because if it. But I like this movie and I recommend it for Power Rangers fan. It isn't as bad as some people think and I figure you might enjoy it to, provided you liked the classic seasons.
jwtrox08706 I was a fan of the series even into '97. This movie made absolutely no sense. When I was 9, I thought it was cool to have a kid be a Power Panger...now I look back on it and cringe...they must've been desperate to keep people interested. And I do believe that we've already had a classic animated series in the '80s featuring cars turning into giant robots and it has a hit movie out now with Shia LaBeouf (Shia, if I spelled your name wrong, I'm sorry) called...I don't know...(cough)TRANS-(cough)-FORMERS(cough)! Bottom line, this movie would have a tough time surpassing Jaws 4...there I said it, as ashamed as I am to say it. (aside: I use Jaws 4 as a comparison to other films that are worse than bad to try and give an idea of how bad a film really is).
trans8010 Saw it once at 9-10 years old did not care for it although I was syked when I heard Jason (Austin St. John) the original Red Ranger and the greatest ranger of all time period! Saw it again yesterday and same thing did not care for it. It looks like the TV show the effects which for a movie of this supposed magnitude should have rocked the house with the then new improved CGI instead looked like LASER FLOYD anyone remember that one neither do I. The plot is really thin and the spoilers are given away almost immediately with the trailers and interviews the only part with the Turbo Megazord was too short 5 mins and face it if there was no zords the show would not have lasted as long as it did or less than that MMPR: the movie's Ninja Megazord had at least 15-20 mins of screen time and had impressive CGI at least at that time it did. The major baddie Mali...something was not threatening at all MMPR had more impressive monsters than this rubberized reject but I give it a four because of a hinted romance between Jason and Kimberly I mean who goes out with a girl solo and still be just friends plus they acted a little too friendly around each other flirting and whatnot and were hardly seen without each other and only fraternizing with each other if that doesn't say love I don't know what does. Even though we get the big three of power rangers I mean everyone knows these guys Jason (the compassionate leader) Kimberly (The heart of the team and she's pretty damn hot) and Tommy (the favorite and pretty boy of the group) the character development well face it there was none plummets this from movie to one overlong action kiddie show. I also give it a four because out goes Rocky Jason's replacement and the most annoying of the original MMMPR and then Blue Zeo Ranger YES!!!!! and enter Justin the other immensely annoying Blue Ranger NOOOOOO!!!!! All in all the return of Jason and Kimberly couldn't save this one from the pointless action sequences thin plot and annoying character of Justin it was better off with a direct to video release even Die Hard fans may want to steer clear of this one