MVP: Most Valuable Primate
MVP: Most Valuable Primate
PG | 20 October 2000 (USA)
MVP: Most Valuable Primate Trailers

Jack is a three-year-old chimpanzee who has been the subject of a long-term experiment by Dr. Kendall, a researcher who been teaching Jack to communicate through sign language. Jack scrambles onto the ice in the midst of practice for Steven's junior league hockey team, and he and his teammates discover the monkey has a natural talent for the game.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
almoace This is a great film family film, and if you like 'Project X' you will love this film too. (See here for more on 'Project X': )I have five young children and it's not easy to get them to sit and watch TV in peace, but when this film came on TV that was it, they sat down and we didn't hear a peep from them (apart from laughter), so that just shows how good and funny it is.When the film had finished my kids wanted to watch it again, so I have been made to go out and buy it on DVD, and you will want to as well, whatever your age.
Travis_Moran I'm way biased on this type of movie. Anything at all with hockey in it I love. But really this movie kicks arse. (I'm doubting IMDb will let me use the other word).If you play hockey, or you have kids that do, you gotta get this movie. It may not have the best acting in the world, but you won't be bored at all. That Air-Bud kid, Zegers, is a good actor. From Canada too I understand so naturally I'm biased there too. He could use a little work on hockey though. Come see me Zegers, we'll get you in shape & work on those slap shots eh.I really like animal movies too, so again bias comes in. That chimp in this movie really moved along. You just had to feel for him. I wonder if he really skated that good or if it was effects.Now some people have picked on this movie a tad, and that's their right, but it's supposed to be a fun movie made for kids, and it shouldn't be judged by standards set for bigger productions. This WAS a fun movie and every kid I know (especially me) had a good time watching it.Hey, if you liked this movie, there's another good kid hockey movie about a kid who is a genius and makes some weird device under the ice rink that makes people float or whatever. The ice breaks apart during a game too. Awesome. Can't think of the name of the movie though.
LiLMekoGirl What appears as another random, corny pet movie, turned out to be really good and entertaining. Jack the chimp provided a lot of laughs throughout the movie, which followed deaf Tara and her older brother in the local hockey team...Really, a very good movie.
dbragiel I just came back from seeing MVP and was amazed. I was surprised because I'm 20 so this is more for a kids movie. I've seen Dunston checks In, Air Bud I II, Ed, and That Darn Cat and I just love pet movies. You can't go wrong. First of all Jack the monkey is brilliant. I have never seen a monkey play hockey so well. I don't want to spoil anything but the ending is very good. If you are 20 above and like pet movies this is movie for you.As far acting goes once again you can't go wrong. Like I said before Jack is one good monkey at skating. His puck handling and skating are convincing and are the best monkey skating I've seen in a movie. Shane Vajda as Moose gave a surprising performance. So for those who haven't seen it skate don't run to your local theatre.Two primate thumbs up :)
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