Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania
PG | 28 September 2012 (USA)
Hotel Transylvania Trailers

Welcome to Hotel Transylvania, Dracula's lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up and no humans are allowed. One special weekend, Dracula has invited all his best friends to celebrate his beloved daughter Mavis's 118th birthday. For Dracula catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem but the party really starts when one ordinary guy stumbles into the hotel and changes everything!

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
GazerRise Fantastic!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
iko35 Well really nice and enjoyable movie!!! Very interesting to watch and do recommend to everyone who hasn't watched it yet!!!
Michael Ledo The film opens with a loving nurturing Dracula caring for his daughter in 1895. In order to protect her from evil humans he constructs a huge castle as a refuge for monsters which include, Frankenstein, wolfman, invisible man, bigfoot, zombies, ghouls, Quasimodo etc. We then move to the present as his teen looking daughter turns 118 and wants to see the world. Before the first human shows up we already know the script.There were a number of fun things about the monsters that kids would enjoy but adults will find tiresome. Dracula constantly denies saying "blah, ba-blah, ba-blah." There is one scene the kids laughed at and that was when someone pulled down the swimming trunks of the Invisible Man. He quickly pulls them back up, tells people "I just got out of the pool! It's cold! Don't judge me!" At one point the Invisible Man is playing charades, which he admits, "I'm not very good at."At one point Dracula asks if humans would accept them (the monsters) if they "came out." I'm sure there was some kind of message there.As an adult, I was basically bored with the film which had such great potential. 4 stars from a kids view. Not really scary or funny.
Charles Herold (cherold) There are a few very funny moments in Hotel Transylvania, which takes place at a monster-only hotel invaded by a human doofus and deals with an over-protective Dracula and his adventurous daughter, but there is a lot of dead time in between.Overall it feels comfortable and familiar; if you can't predict every turn in the story way before it happens then you just haven't seen very many movies. There is an adequate story, solid animation, and good voice acting, which is enough for something generally watchable.The laughs pick up a bit in the movie's second half, so if you're mildly enjoying yourself, go ahead and watch it all. But I wouldn't go out of my way for this one.
CallEmLike ICem I got all the way to the end of this before I realized what was missing - crucifixes. This traditional way of repelling a vampire (here the most famous one - Dracula) is omitted, presumably because a healthy number of the production staff are of Jewish ancestry and/or faith.I just have a problem with someone trying to re-write fictional characters now grown to legends, just because some details don't mix with their personal beliefs. I accept fantasy stories within whatever context they present themselves. So when "Hotel Transylvania" delves deep enough into Dracula lore to present him sporting fangs, sleeping in a coffin, and wanted by angry torch-carrying villagers sporting wooden stakes and mallets - but omits crucifixes... the whole thing left me feeling a bit cross.