Hotel Transylvania 2
Hotel Transylvania 2
PG | 25 September 2015 (USA)
Hotel Transylvania 2 Trailers

When the old-old-old-fashioned vampire Vlad arrives at the hotel for an impromptu family get-together, Hotel Transylvania is in for a collision of supernatural old-school and modern day cool.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Pjtaylor-96-138044 In a strange way, it sort of hurts to watch 'Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015)'. Perhaps it is because the first film was actually pretty good, or perhaps it's because your boredom soon begins to set into your bones like a deep, unforgiving chill and you want to cringe so incredibly tightly that your face tears itself from your head but you're never quite given the mercy of a moment just strong enough to finish the job. To put it bluntly, this isn't a good film. There might be a chance, however, that I'm wrong and that it isn't all that bad. The usual defence for this type of picture is that "it's a 'kid's film'." In that case, I guess the abrasive voice-work (which was, I recall, less grating in the series' initial outing), the slightly unsettling and consistently bone-breaking animation (which, again, I remember to have found somewhat charming in the first flick), the egregiously greedy Sony product placement, the over-the-top and usually too-childish-for-children humour, the brash and out-of-place action-scene finale and the tried-and-tested central message that's completely back-tracked upon in the movie's final moments are actually 'good enough' for the young target audience of the piece. Then again, 'kid's film' or not, I think everyone deserves better than this. 4/10
The Movie Diorama Well, we all knew this was going to turn into a ghoulish franchise. In this sequel, Dracula and the gang welcomes his grandson to the family. Adamant that he is more vampire than human, he tries to scare the fangs out of him to prove it. Meanwhile, Mavis explores the human world to gain first hand experience of living in it before making a decision as to whether to stay in Transylvania or not. Also Dracula's father makes an appearance, as does the same recycled jokes and monster puns. This is the pure definition of safe recycling, nothing substantially new was added because they were (ironically) to scared to change it up. They took the first film, disassembled it and thought "hmmmm...what can we do to make a fresh sequel?", to which they then created a brand spanking new story that has less life and cohesion than an idle zombie. Again, it's just a montage of "funny" scenes stringed together. The worst part is they actually reused the same jokes, to precision. "Scream Cheese", "I'm Dracula blah blah blahhh" and the annoying, infuriating and life draining usage of pop music. This time, it wasn't even used properly!? The characters just randomly bust a move to Pitbull! I physically cannot fathom why anyone thinks that's a good idea. The story is incredibly tame, there is no peril. No antagonist until the last five minutes in what I can only describe as an unmemorable fight scene. The constant references to smartphones and apps in an attempt to stay current is embarrassing. It's not all doom and gloom. The animation is still pleasant, voice casting consistently fine and the shared screen time of all the monsters was a requirement that they actually fulfilled. Yes, children will relate and will enjoy this for what it is, so in a sense the film succeeds entertaining its target audience. But us poor adults shouldn't be made to watch drivel like this. Many more intelligent animations out there, watch them instead. to sit through the third one soon.
ketue I am only writing this review because of the sheer amount of good reviews that I do not understand. With all respect to the wonderful animators and artists who made this movie at least as visually appealing as it is and the animation is absolutely gorgeous, the writing itself is trash. Most of the characters are one-dimensionally annoying and even a redemption scene didn't manage to make them any more likable. How can you have a movie full of cool monsters and make them into boring cheap "we-so-hip-and-cool-now" characters I do not fully understand, but that is exactly what happened here. Honestly, if it weren't for the ever-present emphasis on how much cooler and better the modern culture was and all the dancing and flashing lights, I wouldn't be as harsh on this movie as I am, but god was it irritating to watch. Also, the ending totally ruined any message the movie was trying to convey concerning wee Denis and his humanity. Because hey, it doesn't matter who you are, we love you no matter wha- OH THANK GOD, YOU ARE A VAMPIRE AFTER ALL. To sum up: + great animation and the design is unique enough - story, characters, message of this thing, Dracula (yes, he deserves to be mentioned extra. Loved him in the first movie, profoundly hated him in this one)
KineticSeoul This is one of those sequels that is whatever. It's somewhat serviceable but it's very generic, narrow and easily forgettable. They basically tried to milk the premise by dragging out a very simple story with a bunch of slapstick humor and pop culture references. Which a lot of animated sequels tends to do when they are out of ideas but needs to make a certain run time. What makes this movie watchable is the cute factor and the slightly endearing parts (although few) when dealing with the family dynamics. This time around it deals with the two lovers from the previous one getting a child. And most of it revolves around Dracula trying to figure out if his grandchild is also part vampire or not. So they go on a journey to try and bring out the vampire in the child while the parents are away. And while this is going on, the parents which is composed of a female vampire and a male human go around doing human activities while the female vampire is all fascinated by the stuff and activities humans do. I will say, just 5 minutes into this movie I could clearly see where this story was going to go. I even called the ending, which is composed of the kid showing his true identity and the humans and monsters dancing around and celebrating to modern pop music. I say just pass on this one, unless you really want to see the next chapter in this franchise which should have just ended with the first one. It's not a awful movie but it's just another CGI animated movie for kids that is watchable.6/10