Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
PG | 30 June 2018 (USA)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Trailers

Dracula, Mavis, Johnny and the rest of the Drac Pack take a vacation on a luxury Monster Cruise Ship, where Dracula falls in love with the ship’s captain, Ericka, who’s secretly a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, the notorious monster slayer.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Steineded How sad is this?
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
TheBigSick This sequel, Summer Vacation, has no difference or improvement over the first two installments. The story is utterly generic, formulaic and 100% predictable. As a result, there is neither thrill nor surprise. It is just a waste of 90 minutes for me.
dandhterrett Funny, entertaining, another winner. My kids love these movies and this one doesn't disappoint role on number four.
Luna-tic No where near as good as the first two movies. You've seen the ads you've seen the movie. As Drac would say other than Drac the other characters are blah. On top that saw it in 3D and there were zero 3D effects. Felt they phoned it in on this one. Also upset cuz we saw this over Ant-man. Mediocre as they come.
KJ Proulx The Hotel Transylvania series has been consistently entertaining since the release of the original film back in 2012. Whether or not you're a fan of the humour throughout these movies or not, it's made for kids, and I believe that it serves its purpose once again with this latest installment in Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation. While each film isn't without its issues, I have been entertained by the life-lessons for kids and the story arcs that each character goes through. Personally, I wouldn't recommend these movies to anyone who isn't susceptible to children's humour, or even animation in general-because this isn't a series that's going to win you over. If you liked the first two movies, you'll probably get a kick out of this one for the most part. Here's why Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation is passable fare.Adam Sandler and company all return to lend their voices to this film and it's honestly the one film franchise where they all fit as a whole in my opinion. This time, the residents of Dracula's hotel attend a summer vacation cruise, but they don't know that it's manned by Dracula's evil nemesis, Van Helsing (well, at least his family's legacy). I would normally consider a plot point like that to be a spoiler, but it's given away in the first 20 minutes, so every viewer's surprise will be ruined regardless. It's a fairly sloppy film in that regard, but the other two are sort of like that as well due to the fact that they're mainly directed at kids. For that reason alone, I can forgive it, but it did make for a bit of a frustrating experience.The storyline involving Mavis and Johnny has always been the heart of the franchise in my opinion and truly the only spark that allowed for sequels. Sure, the sense of adventure has always been there, but their story is what makes the core character of Dracula evolve throughout each film. That being said, they're really given the short end of the stick here, being played off as a bumbling couple for comedic purposes. Yes, Johnny has his time to shine throughout the third act, but I felt like they were left out of the big picture in order to make room for Dracula's story, which they didn't have much to do with.Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation centres its attention on the characters of Dracula and Ericka, who is the great-granddaughter of his arch-nemesis. This plot line is stretched pretty thin throughout the course of the film, due to the fact that there are no surprises or twists to be had with them. You already know she works for the bad guy and you know he will eventually find out. There is no way of spoiling this movie because it's about as by-the-numbers as you can possibly get. Still, this film isn't without its perks and quirks.Every characteristic I enjoyed about each of the characters over the course of this series is cranked up to eleven and many liberties are taken that will either interest fans or completely turn them off, which I found quite risky. For the most part, I enjoyed myself when watching this film, but it truly is as predictable as you can get. Predictability isn't always a bad thing, especially when your execution is really all that matters in the end. I'm not clamoring for another addition in this franchise, but I wouldn't hate to see it continue either. I've always been mildly entertained by these movies and Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation didn't do too much to sway me from that in either direction. It's fine fare for kids at the movies and that's about it, but sometimes that's okay.