Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
PG-13 | 20 July 2018 (USA)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Trailers

Five years after meeting her three fathers, Sophie Sheridan prepares to open her mother’s hotel. In 1979, young Donna Sheridan meets the men who each could be Sophie’s biological father.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
james-donald-1952 The old ball and chain wanted to watch this because her friends watched it so we haver to watch it. It was terrible, vad music, drag queens, wanton unheavenly lust and corruption and music was terrible and not American. Full of lieberals dancing and prancing. not straight. My wife has learned her lesson alright she knows and told me, so boring MAGA will fix forever
silverwood-59626 The music, the choreography, the costumes, the actors, kept total attention. Tenderness of love in so many facets. Lilly James was perfectly cast as Donna.
geode I had been hoping that this sequel would give Pierce Brosnan a chance to sing again. I was not disappointed, he does a nice rendition of part of "SOS"...a decade ago I was the only one I knew to defend Pierce's singing in the first movie, but his version of the same song is much better ten years later.It is rare that a sequel lives up to an original movie, and even rarer that a sequel is actually better. This is superior in just about every way. Yes, I guess now that the term "prequel" is in common use, this movie is both a "sequel" and a "prequel" at the same time. The director seems to have taken a leaf out of the philosophy of the principal character, Donna, and "thrown caution to the wind" allowing the whole thing to romp with exuberance that borders on becoming silly or a parody, but he keeps a firm hand guiding it so it never crosses that line. Instead it stays frothy, bubbly and fun. The "over the top" approach can be richly entertaining if it is defty held in control. Think of Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean" or John Wayne in "True Grit" ...this works here. Not only is the direction vastly superior to the first movie, so is the editing. This shows up splendidly in song sequences, with "One of Us" as a duet early in the film being a stunning standout. This is one of the lesser known gems in the ABBA song catalog.It is better scripted than the original, with the songs integrated better with the plot. It seemed far less forced. OK, the "Waterloo" scene is a definite stretch, but once again the over the top approach to the number is enjoyable and entertaining. Having Richard Curtis onboard must have helped quite a bit, he is a master with comedic material that still has bite.I knew that Meryl Streep was billed in the cast as well as Cher, and Cher appeared in the trailer, but as the movie neared its end neither had appeared. It was worth the wait. Cher does an excellent cover of "Fernando" with Andy Garcia, and Meryl a poignant duet with Amanda Seyfried, mother and daughter reaching the end of plot arcs that have paralled each other. Meryl's performance in the first movie was the only one she ever rendered with which I was disappointed, but she nails it here. I think the director of the first movie is at least partly responsible for the results on screen that didn't impress me. Phyllida Lloyd may have done a fine job with the stage production, but I didn't think she understood film very well.Lily James has the largest part, and has a pleasing voice. If I have any critical comment about her it might be that she is a little too pretty to play the younger version of Meryl Streep's character Donna.There is a beautifully large production number of "Super Trooper" under the credits at the end and there is a funny post-credits scene that virtually everyone in the audience saw, which is unusual. It takes skill to hold an audience to that point, especially these days.This is what a musical is supposed to be like, something to lift the spirits.About the only negative for me was not giving Christine Baranski a solo. I thought her scene with one in the first film was the best in that movie. I also would have let Pierce finish his song, he was doing just fine with it.I have not yet read a word about this in reviews. I know people that tend to adore the first movie, and it will be interesting to hear what they think about it in a comparison. I can't be this wrong. There must be critics that also think this is an improvement on the first movie. But I have to admit that although I had expected to like the original, I was very disppointed in it as it did not meet expectations. This sequel exceeded them.I recommend this one for those who like musicals. For those that do not like musicals this will probably not be your cup of tea and will seem mindlessly silly.If you see it keep an eye out for Benny and Björn, the two male members of ABBA. They both have very quick cameos.
writeguyr MY FILM REVIEW FOR "MAMA MIA HERE WE GO AGAIN"New star Lily James owns this film she nails a tremendous performance; acting, singing and dancing! Emma Stone a few years ago won an Oscar and a Golden globe for acting, singing and dancing in "La La Land." Lily James has 100 times the singing talent that Emma Stone has! And shows more emotion as an actress in her new film. Meryl strep was WOWED by the newcomer Lily James. "I had no idea Lily James had these singing chops...She shakes the rafters. She's amazing," said Streep in a featurette giving a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Mama Mia sequel.Lily James has a certain charisma in this film, she's beautiful, cute and talented, you really feel for character and the trials and tribulations she has to endure in this film! The film is very well done in a series of flashbacks with Lily James playing the young Donna, mother of Sophie the girl she will give birth to in this film. With the younger versions and older versions of Sam, Bill and Harry appearing in the film. Amanda Seyfried returns as Sophie. But the real star of this film is newcomer Lily James as young Donna. She is a triple treat acting, singing and dancing! This recommendation comes from a former tough newspaper film critic for four years who watched and reviewed one hundred sixty five films a year. Lily James had me teary eyed more than a couple time in this film. I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants to see an uplifting fun heartfelt film see "Mama Mia Here we go again." If you are tired of seeing action hero films, films about Zombies, Sharks and Dinosaurs and buildings being blown up. See "Mama Mia Here We Go Again" and experience Lily James' performance of a lifetime!