G | 12 June 1963 (USA)
Cleopatra Trailers

Determined to hold on to the throne, Cleopatra seduces the Roman emperor Julius Caesar. When Caesar is murdered, she redirects her attentions to his general, Marc Antony, who vows to take power—but Caesar’s successor has other plans.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Nicarachie 4 hours and 11 mean minutes. It looks good, the palette is very soft and pleasant to the eye even though Roman garb and decor is gaudy it's not obnoxiously taking over unlike every other Roman movie. The score is nice but a little tiresome and distracting from the dialogue. Preformed very well by a cast full of legends, Richard Burton hits all the notes, Taylor comes off a little hammy to me in this but is fine. She's ridiculously good in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf and that's the first thing she's in that I watched. Direction is very meticulous. That being what it all is at times (I understand it was released '63) it needed to move. There's a reason it was cut to 3hr12min for theatrical release. This anniversary edition run time is trying.
gridoon2018 "Cleopatra" (1963) is better that it's reputed to be. It's overlong, of course, but the production drips with opulence from nearly every frame, the acting is strong, the storytelling is good (despite the cuts), and there are some HUMONGOUS set pieces (Cleopatra's entrance into Rome probably surpasses anything similar that has been attempted before or since). Personally I think every movie buff needs to see this movie at least once, it can be an eye-filling experience and it can be an ordeal, but it's a rare example of cinematic ambition (over?)shooting for the moon. *** out of 4.
OneEightNine Media Cleopatra This is a four hour film and I'm two and a half hours into it so far and will probably finish off the rest of it in a few days. If after I finish watching the film, and my thoughts about it change in anyway, I will come back and edit this review. I'm feeling lazy as sh&t right now so expect this to be a halfa$$ed review. No seriously, I am super lazy right now. Scr#w it. This film is outstanding and I wish those pieces of garbage running Hollywood would put out stuff like this nowadays. My final score is 9 out of 10 because this film is epic but has flaws.
Bella Cleopatra is a historical biography about Queen Cleopatra and her relations with the Roman Empire. The movie centres around her attempts to resist Rome's imperial ambitions during her relationship with Cesear which produces a son. The main actress is beautiful and alluring, but she does not look much like Cleopatra should as she is very fair with blue eyes. It would have been easy to alter her appearance with makeup and contacts or cast a different actress.The costumes and weapons are stunning and appear to be historically accurate. There are many different unique and equally stunning costume changes throughout the film. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much since it was so long, but it was interesting and engaging. The dialogue is descriptive and smooth.The settings are my favourite. There are marvellous Egyptian hieroglyphics on the walls and beautiful engraved pillars and columns on the front of the buildings, sphinxes, stained glass windows and gorgeous golden doors. The battles are amazing and engaging, especially considering this movie was made in 1963 and they were limited with what they could do with special effects. The screen cuts are excellent and the film doesn't really have many unnecessary or boring scenes despite its length.