Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius
| 30 April 2004 (USA)
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius Trailers

The story of golf icon and legend, Bobby Jones, who retired from competition at the tender age of 28.

PodBill Just what I expected
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I did not know anything about Bobby Jones before watching this, and it is the first of the director's films I've seen, as well. Once you forgive the terribly cringe-inducing pun in the title, you may find that the writing is actually quite good. The plot is interesting, its thematic well-presented, and the characters credible and consistent. There is an appropriate amount of humor in this, and it's pretty funny. Particularly that line about "I checked the law; you don't have to go". The acting is marvelous, with Caviezel and McDowell shining as usual. Every performance is solid, even the children are rather convincing and in general, tolerable(which is sadly not always a given, even when they're not meant to be annoying). The cinematography and editing are nicely done. Dialog is great, and well-delivered. The "moral" is predictable, completely black and white, and has little to offer, though it remains a positive thing to promote. There is infrequent, moderately strong language in this, and nothing else objectionable, apart from some potentially disturbing content. I recommend this to fans of those involved, the man who is the subject of it, and/or golf. 7/10
Juan_from_Bogota Good movie!, shows the beautiful of the golf game and the life of a true gentlemen and a legend! In this movie you can feel the beauty of golf, a game of masters, that involve the society of the 1920's, 30's and 40's trough the life of a legend, Bobby Jones (Caviezel), the only golf player that has ever won the grand slam (the four biggest tournaments in the same year), and the one that designed and started the Augusta National, home of the Masters!.But the more important things, is that you'll be close to the good and bad events in Bobby's life, his bad temper, his values and his life as a son, husband father and player. You can really feel the very human side of Jones noble character; you'll also see great acting roles of Claire Forlani as his wife Mari Malone, Jeremy Northam as his rival and friend Walter Hagen, Malcolm McDowell, as loyal friend O.B. Keeler. Enjoy this good film with really good golf (i'm not a golf fan, but i loved the way the game is shown here)
lpersons-2 OK....I am not a golfer and don't care about golf.. I wasn't going to watch the movie based solely on this, but it was just on TV, and I thought I would just watch a few minutes and see if it would be worth watching. It was!! It is a great movie even if you know nothing about golf and don't care about learning anything about golf. It is a wonderfully done movie with great historical information and a great group of actors and actresses who make the entire movie pleasurable. It follows the life on a golfing legend Bobby Jones, who started playing golf as a child and continued playing amateur golf and is the only person to win the Grand Slam of golf (ok, so maybe I don't remember what the name for the big thing he won, but it was 4 big golf championships). The movie is well worth the time to watch whether you love golf or know nothing about the game.
grahamsj3 The story of the legendary Bobby Jones is an interesting one. I was unaware of some of the facts about his life, such as his frailty as a child. This film takes us from his childhood (approximately age 6) through his precious few years of competitive golf. He never turned professional, despite considerable pressure from many people to do so. This was a fact that I had forgotten. He truly played for the love of the game. The film, while about a golf legend and golf in general, would also appeal to non-golfers. Bobby Jones hated being in the spotlight, yet triumphed while he was in it. The film stars few big names, yet the acting is quite good. It is a well-written, factual (mostly) story and should appeal to nearly anyone. Bobby Jones asked for his wife's support to accomplish a goal (winning the Grand Slam of golf) and promised to retire when he did it. And that is exactly what he did.
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