Green Flash
Green Flash
PG-13 | 05 June 2008 (USA)
Green Flash Trailers

At the ripe old age of 30, Cameron Day has given up his chances at pro-basketball fame and settled into an aimless life. A chance encounter with a beautiful woman lands him smack in the middle of Southern California's pro beach volleyball scene. A naturally talented true athlete, he seems destined for sports stardom once again until his old demons start creeping in, threatening his chances at success.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Carolyn Roesbery This is a modern "B" film, so awful that it rates high on the unintentional humor scale and should have cult status. It is a gem that makes Jello out of poignant moments and gave my family quotes to enjoy for years to come; So much fun in that it follows the standard wandering B movie plot. Boy meets defeat, boy meets girl and switches up his sport making for a lot of meta-drama. In no way is this an accurate portrayal of life for real volley ball players of Manhattan Beach but perhaps it is the way we wish it were. It is worth it just to watch the Manhattan Beach, Calif. scenes where it was filmed, a place you will want to visit if you are a big volley ball fan but the beach is not the real star or even a character in the film and neither are the homogenously beautiful actors. The clunky well- intentioned writing is the real star of these moments on screen, unlikely responses that make good acting impossible. I wish campaign speeches were written like this because we would all have a lot more fun at election time. This is the best movie ever to watch with your family or friends who love bad movies, what my father used to call "stinkers." There are some fun anachronisms and continuity breeches to catch. So put extra spice on your popcorn and pull up to the screen after a great day of skiing, surfing and especially volley ball, and have fun! I love this movie! It's stupid crazy fun.
keith_xyz I'm obliged to write this because there are few reviews for "Beach Kings," as displayed on THIS, a channel my TV picked up on the rabbi-ears. It stars David Charvet (I think that's his name), one of the unknown male actors from "Baywatch" not named Mr. Hasselhoff. Also starring Steve Urkel & Kristen Callavari, who unlike the last two, is a future celebrity when this movie was made (unless "The Hills" was on during that time & she agreed to appear on "Beach Kings" to expand her filmography.) The film features your run-of-the-mill story of a washed-up athlete, done with basketball but becomes a rising beach volleyball star. He meets cute w/ some girl (although it ain't Callavari) & she along w/ some BFFs (including Urkel) guide Charvet through the trials & tribulations of comeback athletes. If my spoiler is the Baywatch lifeguard's volleyball team wins the big match as written in any sports movies, my apologies. (& I checked the box just to be safe.) "Green Flash" is such a depressing example of watching watched-up actors do their thing while the movie's sponsors are Life-Alert, vocational schools, Colonial Penn, & something about vaginal mesh. Not exactly cars, junk food, & better movies, huh?
Angelus2 Cameron Day an ex-basketball player gives up his dreams of playing pro-ball and decides to move to California and there he finds everything he is looking for. Sun, love, friendship and a new sport.The overall plot seems to be very interesting as it explores the trials and tribulations of a sport star whose glory days are long gone. Yes, the dialogue was corny and the atmosphere around Day disappearing was a little confusing...But I found it entertaining. However I found the lack of acting talent a shame. David Charvet, who apparently was on Baywatch (Enough said)....has no acting range, he is monotone and has the same expression on his face.The stunning Torrey Devitto from (Drake and Josh as well as One Tree Hill) plays her role with a much needed cheeriness factor. Yes, she fails at times with her acting but she provides the quirkiness and laughs 'I bet I could bench you'...which is definitely needed.An under-dog story with a difference that deserves to be watched.