Meet the Feebles
Meet the Feebles
R | 01 September 1995 (USA)
Meet the Feebles Trailers

Heidi, the star of the "Meet The Feebles Variety Hour" discovers her lover Bletch, The Walrus, is cheating on her. And with all the world waiting for the show, the assorted co-stars must contend with drug addiction, extortion, robbery, disease, drug dealing, and murder.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
tomgillespie2002 After his bad taste début, er, Bad Taste (1987), the young Peter Jackson made the decision to take his filth-laden sense of humour to a new level and direct Meet the Feebles, the kind of film you would expect Jim Henson to make if his life had gone in an entirely different direction and had formed a psychedelic drug habit. He still had little budget to work with, as well as the (understandable) concerns from his funders, but this was the first time he would work with his future wife Fran Walsh, who would work with him on every film after this. Maybe it is her influence that makes Feebles a noticeable step up from his début, or maybe it's not, but the film works thanks to a director seemingly more comfortable in his role, but still renegade enough to inject his guerilla sensibilities into it.The basic 'plot' revolves around The Feebles variety show, of which the main attraction is singer Heidi the Hippo (voiced by Mark Hadlow, Dori in The Hobbit (2012)), a former big star who has formed an uncontrollable attraction to cakes. Amongst the various characters is newcomer Robert, a softly-spoken and naive hedgehog who goes to great lengths to attract a seductive poodle he has fallen for. It is mainly through his eyes that we witness the mayhem of the show, which is ran by Bletch the Walrus (Peter Vere-Jones). Bletch is involved with Heidi, but is secretly having sex with a slutty feline, and is always making money on the side through Trevor the Rat's (Brian Sergent) pornography films. The show comes under threat when sex-addicted Harry the Rabbit contracts an STD and is given a few hours to live, but is busted by the Fly, a pesky journalist.What Meet the Feebles lacks in taste and any sense of actual purpose, it makes up for in sheer invention and entertainment. It moves along furiously, never stopping to consider something as unnecessary as plot, drifting from one scene of complete debauchery to the next. If you would be offended by the sight of animal ejaculating through his elongated snout onto the the pierced udders of a dominatrix cow, then I would recommending passing on this one. The humour is almost akin to that of South Park, but doesn't bogged down with satire or observational gags, and instead seems to seek to disgust. It is juvenile, certainly, but it's undeniably funny, and is simply too twisted and disturbing to go about unnoticed. It is the anti-Muppets, representing depravity where Henson's creations were driven by naive optimism (although the puppets here are quite wonderfully designed).After the proceeding Braindead (1992), which employed a lawnmower as the answer to a house overrun by horny zombies, Jackson seemed to grow up and film the astonishingly dream-like Beautiful Creatures (1994). It is simply mind-boggling how the director of this, a film that has a contortionist get his head stuck up his own a**e, would go on to be the biggest director in Hollywood and create one of the finest achievements of modern mainstream film-making, The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003). Although he never won any Oscars for them, there is plenty to enjoy in early Jackson. You could even say that some of the hideous creations in Feebles were a pretext to some of the monsters seen in Rings and The Hobbit. Although I don't remember seeing Gollum eating s**t out of a toilet with a
kylehaines96 *This is my last review on IMDb. You can now find my reviews on take it upon myself to re-watch movies to see if they are worse or better than I remember. I reviewed this film as my 200th review. Consider this a rewrite. Since then I saw reviews saying that this was a film to see and it was some peoples favorite film, which is weird but I am not one to judge people. I am here to judge this film. Is it better or worse than when I reviewed i?. Well believe it or not, it somehow manages to be worse than before. There is no other film that has made me more disgusted and has made me angrier than Meet The Feebles. This movie is so bad that I could analyze and nitpick every single thing wrong about this film but I'll spare you the time. When I revisited this film I saw at least 15 things that I left out of my original review. So let's get started.Heidi The Hippo is upset because, during rehearsal, Trevor The Rat insults her. Heidi Runs to her lover Bletch The Walrus (Which provokes interesting thoughts) and Bletch comforts her. Beltch is secretly having an affair with Samantha The Siamese Cat (and shows you all of their Interactions). We also have Harry The Hare who gets sick after "Little Bunny Froo Froo" went hopping through the forest. Also a hedgehog who is in love with a poodle, a chicken married to an elephant, a drug addicted frog and the walrus doing drug deals. This I can not make up.Well the story is a good place to start. The main story itself is buried under so many ridiculous subplots it's awful. Also the movie does not know which story to go to because the film keeps jumping around like I just opened a can of Jumping Beans. The stories are terrible, every single one of them. Now all of the plots I mentioned are only half of what is in the film. The rest are either not worth mentioning, or I can't put them in this review or else the wonderful folks over at IMDb Would kick me off forever. We wouldn't want that now would we? The characters... are the most disgusting and vile creatures I have ever seen. The Hippo is star hungry, The walrus is money hungry, The frog is a drug addicted wreck, The rabbit likes to go hopping without protection, The rat is an adult film director and plus there is an Indian running around with his head up his own Rectum! What the hell is going on here? I feel like someone was taking a ride on the LSD train while writing this. These Characters Are Mean-Spirited and soulless. You want investing characters? HA! Don't be ridiculous! There are no characters that you can invest in. Well there are 2 but to be honest they only have 4 minutes of screen time each. Thats not Good.This movie also tries to pass itself off as a musical. I find that hard to believe because there is not a single song in this worthless piece of trash that you can remember, and if you do remember the songs, they stick in your head until you want to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. The soundtrack includes such classics like, "I got one leg missing", "The S***** Song" and the always classic "Garden Of Love". Meet The Feebles does not pass as a musical. A comedy that does pass as a musical is the 1999 film, South Park Bigger Longer & Uncut. That movie was also a satire, and it worked. This does not. Oh, and by the way, Just what the hell is this movie trying to be a satire of, because I'm not seeing it. Apparently, My intelligence is no match for this film.The Ending. This movie features, without a doubt, the worst ending in a feature-length motion picture I have ever seen. There will be spoilers but in all honesty you should stay away from this film. The ending starts with Heidi Trying to commit suicide by hanging herself but due to her being fat(Ha-Ha), she falls down to the basement. She then grabs a gun and decides to go on a shooting rampage. By this point in the film I wanted strangle myself, but I pushed on because there was less than 10 minutes left. She literally kills everybody but 6 people. The Hedgehog and the Poodle have kids(I'm Not sure how that would work), The Elephant and his son live a quiet life, And the worm retires. The next moment made me so mad I wanted to punch the screen I was watching. The Hippo gets only 10 years and then goes to work in a supermarket. Are you kidding me?!!? "Have you had any criminal history". "Oh nothing big, just that I went on a big shooting rampage and killed over 50 people". "Your Hired!". This is the most Abysmal, Appalling, Asinine, Atrocious, Awful, Broken, Clumsy, Coarse, Cold-Hearted, Confused, Corrupt, Cruel, Despicable, Dirty, Disgusting, Disheveled, Dishonorable, Dreadful, Evil, Filthy, Foul, Ghastly, Gross, Grotesque, Harmful, Horrendous, Horrible, Immature, Inelegant, Insane, Junky, Lousy, Malicious, Mean, Misshapen, Monstorous, Nasty, Negative, Objectionable, Offensive, Painful, Questionable, Repulsive, Repugnant, Revolting, Rotten, Rude, Ruthless, Sad, Savage, Shocking, Sickening, Sinister, Slimy, Sorry, Spiteful, Stupid, Terrible, Ugly, Unapolegetic, Unfavorable, Unpleasant, Unsatisfactory, Unwanted, Unwelcome, Unholesome, Unwise, Vice, Vicious, Vile, Villainous, Vindictive, Wicked, Wortless movie I have ever seen. I have never seen a movie so shallow that people would actually say it's supposed to funny. This movie gets nothing right. The only thing that this movie succeeds at is pissing me off! This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen.Not Rated.1hr 33min/93min.BOMB/****
poe426 There've been some show-stopping songs in the long (and sometimes sullied) history of the Movies: Who can forget Judy Garland singing "Over the Rainbow" in THE WIZARD OF OZ, or Gene Kelly singing "Singing in the Rain" in SINGING IN THE RAIN, or "Memories" from CATS or Rufus Wainwright's stirring rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Halleluja" in SHREK, to mention but a few? Add to that list "Sodomy" from MEET THE FEEBLES. Who can forget the line: "People think it odda me, that I enjoy sodomy..."? And who can forget the worm who looks like he crawled straight out of THE 7 FACES OF DR. LAO, or the heroin-addicted lizard who sounds exactly like Christopher Loyd (as "Reverend Jim") on the teleseries TAXI? If you're in the mood for some murderous muppet mayhem, check out MEET THE FEEBLES.
tonymurphylee A variety show starring a large group of puppet animals called "The Feebles" sets the stage for backstage mayhem involving bad drug deals, drug addiction, STDs, murder, and desperation. A hippo named Heidi is the star of the show, and her husband Bletch, who's a walrus, is cheating on her. Heidi grows depressed when she discovers him with a cat named Samantha. Meanwhile, a sexually active rabbit named Harry discovers that he has a deadly sexually transmitted disease, let's just say that it's AIDS, and only has a matter of hours before he dies. He doesn't want to disappoint his fans, however, and doesn't tell anybody, but a fly reporter knows his secret and is going to tell the press and destroy poor Harry. Meanwhile, a new cast member hedgehog named Robert has joined the Feebles and has fallen in love with a beautiful poodle singer. He is joined with a worm who helps him impress her and fall in love with him, but Trevor the Rat wants a new actress for his porno films and has set his sights on Robert's new lover. Meanwhile, a gay fox named Sebastien is nerve racked by the fact that he wants the show to go perfect and is determined to entertain people, even if that means making a stoned Vietnam war veteran throw knives on stage, and do a musical number that he created himself that apparently is not "family friendly" enough according to Bletch, the Head Master of the show. Out of all of Peter Jackson's pre-Lord of the Rings films,(This, BAD TASTE, BRAINDEAD, HEAVENLY CREATURES, FORGOTTEN SILVER, and THE FRIGHTENERS) This would have to be my favorite of his. Not that I don't love the rest of them, but this film has something very special. It has scenes of true human anguish and frustration. It is honest in it's plot lines. It is very funny, witty, and intelligent. And it has characters that you love and care about, despite all the nastiness. If I were to compare this film to another, I'd probably compare it to Paul Thomas Anderson brilliant film, MAGNOLIA, for it's intersecting story lines and stressed out characters. And yet this film offers so much else. This film shows us characters that, to their audience are fun and talented, but backstage are deeply flawed and very disturbed characters. All of the characters turmoils build up to a gore fest finale in which a character goes on a killing spree. The mass murder is an event that shook the puppet world, and yet the viewer won't be surprised by it since one of the characters had to lose it at some point. This film also gives us character development and key plot points that go past being comic events and somehow become all part of a payoff. The film, in actuality, is an emotional roller coaster ride, much like a lot of serious films. There are some Vietnam war flashbacks of the drug addicted frog character that are actually quite terrifying and intense when it stops being funny. The scenes with Heidi growing depressed are quite sad and moving. The scenes of the rabbit dying of AIDS are difficult to watch and give a more honest representation of that reality than most, if not all, movies would feel comfortable giving. It's a vile film is some respects, but I adored it and am proud to own it, even if the DVD has no special features on it whatsoever(unless you count a chapter menu, which I don't). I highly recommend it. It's a great film.