Miracle Run
Miracle Run
PG | 09 August 2004 (USA)
Miracle Run Trailers

Corinne is a single mother of twin 5-year-old boys, Steven and Phillip, who are diagnosed with autism. Public school officials threaten to remove them from school due to their behavior, but through therapy, the boys are able to make major strides in their capabilities. A decade later, teens Steven and Phillip seek to prove they can handle high school while still struggling with their disorder.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Pepper_Mouth I have a nearly 9 year old brother, who also is a 'High-Functioning' autistic. The only problem is, they don't actually understand the definition. Yeah, they throw occasional tantrums, but my brother throes them if you touch his toy or whatever.Bottom line. Not realistic, but funny at the trouble they think they can do. (Go fishing in their PJ's, thinking a movie is a good influence on behavior, etc.) 8/10.But my little brother's much, much different. Maybe it's the type or level of autism, I don't know.Autism is not what they are portraying. They're portraying autistics as dopes. They aren't.
edwagreen Mrs. Morgan loses the man in her life when her twin boys are diagnosed with autism. He just can't handle this and has her leave home with the boys. Officials want them institutionalized, but Corrine, played excellently by Mary Louise Parker, has other ideas. She fights the system all the way to secure an education for the boys.Parker conveys a level headed woman's frustration in fighting the system. Her performance is believable.When the school district is forced to act, a special education tutor is provided. While he works wonders with the boys,funding to pay him dries up. He has taught Corrine how to deal with her sons and miraculously, by the next scene, several years has passed and the boys are teenagers pursuing the guitar, running, geography, astronomy and other activities. How they achieve so rapidly is conveniently omitted. With this omission, the film does not fail as it is inspiring and faithful to the human spirit.
Into_The_West "Miracle Run" is not the first film to take on the subject of autism, but it is likely the most affirmative, and that is something significant.I, myself, have Asperger's Syndrome, which puts me on the autistic spectrum, something I didn't know the first time I saw this film. Yet, even on the first viewing, something that caught my attention was the scene where the young Steven Morgan is transfixed by an air conditioner vent on the ceiling as he is being interviewed by a psychiatrist. This is exactly something that happened to me when I was a few years older than Steven was.I bring this up because I feel autism and autistic spectrum orientations are far more common than thought, and I have a feeling many people watching this film have more in common with the Morgans than they think they do. Because of this, the film has tremendous importance. The Morgan twins, who were branded as hopeless when children, and castigated in High School as "retards" for their manner of speech and movement, neither were, nor are, hopeless or mentally challenged. They simply think and learn differently.The film somewhat makes these points. Somewhere in Corinne Morgan's struggle to get appropriate education for her sons is the message that our educational system is geared only for those capable of learning in traditional ways. The film does say that once the boys have been taught in a way that connects with their learning styles, they are fully functional and able to not only be but excel in High School."Miracle Run" does make note of the remarkable abilities of its protagonists, something alluded to at the very beginning by Phillip watching a Superman cartoon. Indeed, even before the running gag begins about the Morgans joining every club requiring intellectual or physical skills in High School, there are vague suggestions of the remarkable minds of these two. This is especially so in one scene where the young Steven puts his hands on either side of the face of his new babysitter, as if he is taking the measure of her as a person.The question remains, however, is what is the film's attitude toward autism, itself? Undoubtedly, this film very strongly asserts that autistic children have the right to everything neurotically children have. It also makes the argument that autistic children can display incredible abilities such as Phillip's guitar playing, Steven's prowess at cross-country, and both brothers' skills at chess, astronomy, geography, etc. etc.But at the very end it notes the foundation Corinne Morgan founded, Miracle Run, has as its goal finding a _cure_ for autism. Obviously, the situation Corinne finds herself in at the beginning of the film, with two low functioning children, no assistance from the educational system and indifference and fear from everyone else, is not a positive one, nor one we, as a society, should allow to be perpetuated.Yet, does this film say autistic people should be cured of the remarkable capabilities they display? Hans Asperger, the pediatrician who discovered the syndrome I have, never viewed it as a negative. In the final analysis, "Miracle Run" seems to contradict everything else it seems to be saying.If that is the final message of this film, however, it does not make it well, and perhaps, it is more obligatory than heartfelt. The film's final message seems to be more about the triumph of the Morgan twins and the "overcoming many obstacles" Steven speaks of in the speech he gives in the film's last scene.Speaking about other pluses of this film, its central focus is Mary Louise Parker, who plays Corinne Morgan. Not unlike the way she plays Ruth Jamison in "Fried Green Tomatoes," Parker displays an inner radiant strength, endless determination, a sense of humor, and dominance without being overbearing. The actors who play the Morgan twins as teenagers also give riveting performances, particularly Zac Efron as Steven. Efron shows great presence and manages to portray a high functioning autistic without his acting becoming mechanical. Not only does he engage our sympathy, he has us rooting for him throughout the film, something that helps the film to work so well.The film's music is also something that caught my attention. Every so often an otherworldly chromatic theme steps in that seems to represent the Morgans' qualities of being both different and transcendent. It underlines every moment of aspiration in the film for both brothers, and at the end, with Steven's amazing first race as a cross-country runner, it is transformed into music of exultation.This is an amazing film.
Sandkitty People often ask me why I became a Special Education Teacher. I became a SPED teacher to help kids that need my help more than anyone. I became a teacher because I know I make a difference. People often think that SPED means "retard" and means the kids are useless and stupid. They have not seen a child's face when they understand something they did not before. They have never felt happy with teary eyes because a child had a new world opened to them. They have never listened to a child's problems. They have never helped that child and helped them to feel loved and cared for. They have no idea the amazing feeling that I feel each and every day that I go to work. I am proud to be making a difference in the lives of children.These boys and their mom are just so amazing. I commend them for their hard work. People with disabilities can do anything they put their minds to. This film deserves 4/4 ****/*****