August Rush
August Rush
PG | 21 November 2007 (USA)
August Rush Trailers

Lyla and Louis, a singer and a musician, fall in love, but are soon compelled to separate. Lyla is forced to give up her newborn but unknown to her, he grows up to become a musical genius.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Console best movie i've ever seen.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
MartinHafer "August Rush" is a modern fairy tale that is based on "Oliver Twist". However, while it shares many story elements, the film diverges from the novel in many much so that it truly is a unique viewing experience.When the film begins, two young musicians meet, have a one-night stand and are soon separated by her father. This father turns out to be a very manipulative person, because when he discovers his daughter is pregnant, he arranges for her to believe the child died at birth....though he instead put the child up for adoption and forged her name to the surrender papers.Years pass and now the boy, Evan, is living in a miserable orphan asylum. He is ridiculed by the other kids because Evan has a strange gift....a musical talent that makes him more than just a prodigy...more like a savant with super-human musical skills.Eventually, Evan escapes from this facility and ends up in New York City. At the same time, inexplicable forces draw his mother (who JUST learned her baby was not dead) and his father to the city as well. While the viewer knows what will eventually happen, there is still much film to go...during which you see Evan's amazing talents burst forth AND an evil manipulator, 'the Wizard' (Robin Williams, sees the boy's potential and takes him in and puts him to work. However, the Wizard is no humanitarian....he's pretty much like Fagan from "Oliver Twist"...a man who keeps a hoard of runaways and uses them as buskers to make himself rich. How will Evan escape the clutches of this evil man? And, how will he locate his parents? This film is very magical in style....with wonderful music and so much to like. Yes, it IS predictable...but it's also lovely in how it gets to where you think it should go. Well worth seeing and a nice family film.
snperera This movie has such heart and such soul and the characters are so great in this movie! Freddie Highmore is so great in this movie and he really gives his all to this role and he has such energy in his character. I love this film and the passion the movie has for music and talent and I love the chemistry between all of the characters and it is so organic and real.
lisasivertsen11 this was without a doubt the best movie i have ever seen my whole family loves it i love music and i also play guitar and many other instruments the story about this little boy and his ear for music is just genius i have watched so many times and i will keep watching it its the most wonderful story about music and love it shows you that music is truly a language and if you really love music you will hear it every were you go just like august did please make more movies like this.i start watching this movie and i stay focused the entire move everybody should see this movie i believe every child and adult should experience music of all kinds its so relaxing and beautiful your life is it full with out it.
rooprect "August Rush" is the most magical story I've seen in years. It also has some of the biggest plot holes I've seen in years. But in the end I have to say the magic triumphs, and if you watch this movie you'll probably enjoy it IF you are aware of a few things up front.First, this must be treated as a fairytale. That is, just as we accept that a big bad wolf can talk and a family of bears can cook porridge, we must make some large allowances for this film if we are to accept it.I won't go into too much detail what these errors/allowances are (other IMDb members have already compiled quite a list in the goofs section), but if you are a musician, particularly a classically trained one, you'll need some serious suspension of disbelief. The story is predicated on the idea that a young boy is a musical prodigy. That's fine, but this kid is downright supernatural. If you can accept that he can see a guitar for the first time and immediately rock out like Stanley Jordan, then you're OK. If you can accept the notion that he leafs through a 1st grade music book for 10 seconds and immediately knows advanced musical theory (the equivalent of leafing through a basic arithmetic book and suddenly knowing calculus), then you're halfway there. And if you can accept that he has the power to change into a tuxedo faster than Clark Kent can put on his blue tights, then you're gold.OK, enough cynicism. If you can get past all of that, then "August Rush" is really a wonderful and original story that will charm your pants off. Very loosely based on Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist", it's the story of an orphan in search of his parents. But this story revolves around the intangible power of music to draw people together. I've never heard of any story that makes such a powerful & moving metaphor for the power of music, and like I said up front, this powerful metaphor was enough for me to lose myself in the fantasy of it all. I probably would've fallen into it more readily if someone had told me to expect a fantasy. But instead I was halfway expecting realism, making much of the movie hard to swallow. Well now you've been warned, so go into it expecting a dreamlike fairytale and just let yourself be swept away by the magic.A word of admiration for the late, great Robin Williams who plays a very complicated role here: a man who is basically a good guy but prone to inexcusable bouts of selfishness and violence. Not a particularly charming character but a memorable one, played with great skill.