A Chorus Line
A Chorus Line
PG-13 | 10 December 1985 (USA)
A Chorus Line Trailers

A group of dancers congregate on the stage of a Broadway theatre to audition for a new musical production directed by Zach. After the initial eliminations, seventeen hopefuls remain, among them Cassie, who once had a tempestuous romantic relationship with Zach. She is desperate enough for work to humble herself and audition for him; whether he's willing to let professionalism overcome his personal feelings about their past remains to be seen.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
karen-loethen Unlike other reviewers, I saw this movie in the 80s when it first came out having never seen it on stage first. I was mesmerized! I loved it then and I love it now. As a young person it was my first introduction to the New York Theater scene...now I can see the limitations of the film, but the bones of the movie are perfect. The casting is amazing. Michael Douglas is gorgeous and perfect at Zach; other reviewers don't care for him in the role but I love him. Alyson Reed is luminous and wonderful on the boards. I couldn't choose a favorite character if I tried because each character is well-drawn. YES, I prefer the stage version. But I'm not a musical SNOB...I love the film too. I think it's worth a watch if only for the excellent dance. Don't compare, don't dis, just ENJOY.
talisencrw For what it is--a slice-of-life of a group of people, trying to make the big-time and at least be able to say that they were on Broadway--it's a fine work. I admit I haven't seen the stage play--which many sources say is far superior to this filmic adaptation.I'm rather surprised that: a) Michael Douglas gets star status here, or is even involved. He doesn't dance here. The film would have worked so much better if it showed his character showing some dance moves and getting across to the dancers what he wanted. Both his character would have connected better with the dancers, and he would have connected better with filmgoers; and b) that Lord Richard Attenborough got involved with this: It's definitely not his forte or cup of tea. Perhaps he wanted to expand his directorial palette, or that some of his influences were masters of the genre, such as Lubitsch or Minnelli. Personally, I wish I knew, for he has done much better work in his career.Overall, not one of the better of contemporary (post-1970) musicals, but worth seeing once, if renting or seeing that it's coming on TV. Not a top purchase priority, unless you are a Douglas or Attenborough completest, and then prepare to be disappointed.
Gordon-11 This film chronicles the gruelling audition process for a major Broadway play."A Chorus Line" starts off with an impressive, highly choreographed and impressively synchronised dance performance, but unfortunately the good points end there. The rest of the film features individual auditioning members trying to show off their personalities, and sometimes they really show off so much that it becomes annoying. Who thought that "Year of the Chicken" joke is funny? It is not funny, it is just plain annoying.What evokes more negative feelings is Michael Douglas' character, called Zach. He spends most of the time shouting at people, especially at Cassie. And when he makes people dance, half the time he doesn't even bother watching the dance. The jolly atmosphere is wholly destroyed by Zach.I have not seen the Broadway musical, but as one of the longest running Broadway shows, it has got to be better than "A Chorus Line" the film.
edmichaelsentertainment If anyone has seen the stage version they know this the worst rendition of a Broadway show ever done. They changed songs (example Richie's Give Me the Ball leading to S**t Richie)cut some and took out some of the best dialog lines in the show and worst of all Cassie sings What I Did for Love for her love of Zach when Diana is supposed to sing it for the love of dancing. They only good thing about this movie is the dancing. Other than it's horrible. The actors are the worst actors and singers ever chosen for a movie. They were only chosen for their ability to dance so I guess if you have no care for the Broadway stage it doesn't matter. And honestly besides Michael Douglas,who are these people?