Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables
PG | 01 December 1985 (USA)
Anne of Green Gables Trailers

At the turn of the century on Prince Edward Island, Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla decide to take on an orphan boy as help for their farm. But they get an unexpected jolt when they're mistakenly sent a girl instead: Anne Shirley.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
CheeseDoodleBandit Okay, anything said by "Napoleon_Dynamite_Rocks" should in all seriousness be ignored. He/she and his/her "literature" class obviously do not know the Anne the rest of us know and love. He/she says "the main characters delivered Shakespearean lines ... but it was painful..." without really knowing what he/she is saying. THAT is who Anne Shirley IS. Try reading the book, Napoleon; I'm sure you'll hate that as well. This obviously just isn't your kind of story (your user name says it all). As for fans of the novel, by all means, watch this movie! You will NOT be disappointed! Megan Follows truly captured the spirit of Anne "spelled with an e" Shirley - same talkative-belongs-in-Shakespeare's-time delightful Anne. Colleen Dewhurst and Patricia Hamilton lived up to my expectations as stodgy-what-do-you-know-she-grew-on-me Marilla and town gossip Rachel Lynde. Marylin Lightstone delivered an equally delightful performance as Miss Stacy, as did all the other actors/actresses in their various roles. Miranda de Pencier made an excellent Josie Pye. I wasn't disappointed with this movie in the least.
pippinmaniac I was about 12 years old when I found L. M. Montgomery's novel, "Anne of Green Gables" at a small community library. I was immediately taken by orphan Anne Shirley and her various misadventures, and grew to love all the characters of Avonlea. Prince Edward Island went to the top of my list of places to visit in the future. Anne was a girl with character-not a put-upon girl who was afraid to speak up for herself. That was a refreshing change from many books aimed at young ladies "back in the day". I have to say that this show was wonderful to see. Megan Followes "was" Anne. Colleen Dewhurst "was" the crusty but lovable Marilla. My favorite was Richard Farnsworth's portrayal of Matthew, the shy, sweet bachelor brother of Marilla. For those who aren't familiar with the story, Matthew and Marilla decide to adopt an orphan boy to help Matthew around the farm. The orphanage makes a mistake and sends Anne. Matthew doesn't have the heart to send her back, so they travel on to Green Gables, Matthew and Marilla's house. Needless to say, Marilla is not amused, but Anne eventually wins her heart. With a temper as fiery as her hair, and a quick mind and huge vocabulary, Anne quickly makes a friend of Diana Barry and catches the eye of Gilbert Blythe. Anne's adventures made for great reading. I am happy to say that this production catches the spirit of the story beautifully. I cried just as hard at the end of this movie as I did at the end of the book when Matthew died. Another 10 from me!
Girlie Grace Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite movie. I love this movie and been watching it over and over again. I cannot get enough, i simply enjoy watching it. I think is is a very great movie that ever made. The actors/actress are very very good. I started to read the book at first and i love it,then i heard that you can get it on DVD and i bought it at once. It is full of excitement and very heart warming, from the starts till the end. I like way the characters made. I like the way that Anne Shirley make her life so exciting and fun and so the people around her. The binding with Marilla and Matthew as her adopted parents. The great kinder spirit friendship between Diana Barry and Anne. And the great romance of Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe is very touchy and exciting.
giraf_21 Annne of Green Gables is the kind of movie that has everything, it makes you laugh, cry, etc... My favourite one is the first one when she goes to Avonlea for the first time. My favourite scenes are the ones with Anne and Matthew like the one where he gives her the dress with puff sleeves and the one when he goes to buy the dress, and he buys a whole bunch of other stuff trying to get the courage up to buy the dress. All the actors and actresses for the movie are perfect for there roles. The writing is brilliant and some of the scipts are really funny. The actress who does Rachel is perfect playing the town gossip. And the love story between Anne and Gilbert is very good and her friendship with Dianna is good too. I've watched this movie over and over again and it's the type of movie you can re-watch and enjoy it as much as if it was the first time your watching it you can't say that about too many movies. I'm from New Brunswick and my province is a neighbor to Prince Edward Island where the film was shot. It's nice to see the province in a movie and it's so beautiful there as you can see in the movie. The theme song is so nice too. Anyway this movie is up there in the top 5 movies i've seen.