Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel
G | 19 May 1987 (USA)
Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel Trailers

Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Syl Anne of Avonlea is another wonderful addition. Not much in casting has changed. Megan Follows will forever be recognized and known as the Anne Shirley of my generation and those generations that follows but it's a commanding role that is enduring and wonderful too. Colleen Dewhurst returns to her role as Marilla Cuthbert and Dame Wendy Hiller even has a supporting role. I love Anne and Gilbert's relationship as it evolves from childhood through puberty and adulthood. Anne's coming of age story here is beautifully crafted to display the same brilliance as it was in the original Anne of Green Gables. The cast, the crew, the writers who adapted the novel to the screen, the cinematographer who was faithful to the Canadian history and literary contributions that Lucy Maud Montgomery developed in this novel. The costumes and set direction are faithful to the time period. Watching Anne of Green Gables, you want to visit and perhaps move your family to Prince Edward Island in Canada.
mariogomezg I won´t come into the old debate "book vs. movie"; They´re different mediums, and in the translation from one to the other a number of things have to be changed or left out. In the case of "Anne of Green Gables: The sequel" the problem´s not as much things ommited as the strange mix we get. There are elements from "Anne of Avonlea", "Anne of the Island" and "Anne of Windy Poplars" in here. Trying to be all of them to some extent, it ends up being none.The producers got themselves into unnecesary problems, and ended up making too many wrong decisions. Firstly, there´s no sense in mixing three novels when almost all of the actions belongs to "Windy Poplars". This way, what we get is a kind of twisted version of this novel. It´s Windy Poplars without Windy Poplars! Why do you adapt this lovely book removing the main element in it, the titular boarding house? The delicious widow sisters and the wacky lady who lives with them are a no-show. Instead, characters which were almost anecdotical, like Katherine Brooke and the Harris come to the forefront. I could barely remember them from the book! Introducing Captain Harris as Anne´s love interest, this seems done in order to fit a wrapped up story in four hours, which seemed by far the biggest worry of Mr. Sullivan.Anne and Mr. Harris´ romance is very objectionable. I don´t think she would ever in the world be interested by a 20-years older than her businessman. It´s absolutely against her character! If they wanted to introduce a love rival for Gilbert, it should´ve been some young guy with the romantic appeal Anne´s always been craving for. There´s not even real competition: Gilbert´s absent from the scene, studying in Halifax!Anyway, not everything´s bad, by a long shot. Virtues from the first part are still there, such as very adequate production values and performers. Megan Follows is a good Anne no doubt, though she´s very tiny, and in some scenes she seems all hair. We get a good rendering of the Avonlea universe, and some parts are well reflected, as her handling of the Pringle clan. Along with the defects we get a reasonable amount of "Anneish" moments.I believe they could have avoided most of the problems adapting "Anne of the Island": It tells far more transcendental events in the life of Anne, and it´s got a far more coherent and satisfying love story. I have a hard time understanding why they went with this strange compendium. All in all, a nice if somewhat flawed rendition of L. M. Montgomery´s world. I think Mr. Sullivan does not despise the story, but he doesn´t care enough for it either. I wouldn´t say his is the definitive version of the Anne universe at all. This should be made not into a mini series, but a long one, that delivers all the little details in the novels, which are the real joy of them. Check out the japanese animated series, an absolute masterpiece. Meanwhile, we´ll wait for a more comprehensive treatment of this most exceptional story.
PeachHamBeach Might be a few spoilers...Although it was based on at least 4 of L.M.Montgomery's novels compiled, ANNE OF AVONLEA aka ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, THE SEQUEL is a very engaging, entertaining story that proved (for me anyway) much more entertaining than having read the 4 books it came from. I'm more of a visual person and some of the "older" novels are hard for me to get into. I'd rather a swift, colorful visual spanning 4 hours than a 4 month attempt to read. Anne is growing up, teaching at the Avonlea school, taking care of Green Gables and Marilla (the beloved Colleen Dewhurst) while mourning that her "bosom friend" Diana is engaged and trying to deny to herself that she loves her "chum" Gilbert Blythe. For the first hour or so, we are treated to the good times of Anne, Diana and Gilbert as Diana prepares to get married. Then Anne's travels take her to New Brunswick, where she is given the position of a English teacher at an all girls school. The first time I watched this, I was disappointed that the story didn't revolve around Anne and Gilbert, but Anne's adventures in the Ladies' College are very entertaining. She makes fast friends with a girl who reminds her of herself as a child and fast enemies with the principal of the school, Miss Katherine with a K. Anne finds herself virtually battling a town full of gossip and feuding and ends up putting together a wonderful Christmas concert to benefit the school.As far as plot goes, this, like the prequel, is the ongoing story of a wonderful young woman who lives in an era of horsedrawn buggies, Gibson-girl hairdoes, and picnics in parks with autumn leaves laying everywhere. There is no solid, formulaic plot, except that this young lady inspires love whereever she goes, even in the most grumpy people, such as Mrs. Harris, Katherine with a K. and the sly, troublesome Pringle girls.Loved it!!!
kromar I don't really understand the unsatisfaction. You had better blame him because of Anne 3. Poor Megan not even looks older than Anne could have been in 1915 and in 1919, but looks older than herSELF, also. She misses proper make-up first of all, proper lights during filming (2 or 3 scenes are only perfect) and last but not least good sentences. (Just see the page of memorable sentences! The first two parts have dozens, it only has three of them!) The story, well, it's even worse. So I must say, wether Anne 2 is true to the novels or not, it is a whole, compact story and is NOT boring, this sequel is only his own interpretation. After all, we've been waiting for the very last scene since Gilbert first called her 'Carrots'! Could you wait months for that moment? So I ask you: isn't that what we wanted?
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