NR | 01 September 1956 (USA)
1984 Trailers

In a totalitarian future society, a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
bkoganbing 9/11/01 is the date we lost a lot of freedom, perhaps irrevocably. Whether we move into the society that George Orwell describes in 1984 or retain a significant measure of individuality is up to us. But we will sacrifice a lot for security.Which in Orwell's world written in the late Forties the target date was 1984. Like On The Beach Orwell got the date wrong, but doesn't mean it still can't happen. Atomic war came in 1965 and the world divided into three great super republics, people's republics if you will. Our American leads in a mostly British supporting cast, Edmond O'Brien and Jan Sterling, are from different factions. O'Brien is a member of the Inner Party with a drone like job who is starting to question assumptions on wish his society is built. Among them marriage is tightly controlled with love not a factor. But he does fall for Jan Sterling of the Outer Party. In a country with constant monitoring, privacy is what they want. But there is no right to privacy and surveillance goes way beyond what we have post 9/11. Sterling and O'Brien pay big time for wanting some alone time.Besides Sterling and O'Brien other performances to point out are Michael Redgrave as O'Brien's superior at work, Donald Pleasance as another drone worker who is also a graduate of the state's re-education facility and David Kossoff as the kindly old antique dealer who turns out to be something else.The society most resembling the Orwellian 1984 is that of North Korea with their hermetically sealed country with a cult of secular worship of the ruling family. If the people there shake loose from the tyranny of the People's Republic it might be a great indication of hope for people who will insist on their individualism. Are we sliding in that direction? Time will tell.1984 has had a few different versions made for big and small screen. This one can stand with any of them.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** George Orwell's film based on his book "1984" about a future totalitarian state is more shocking now then it was it was first released some 60 years ago. With new speak and thought police now so common in our everyday language it was Orwell who coined those phrases that are so accurate in today's society. In the film party member Winston Smith, Edmond O'Brian, tries to fight the totalitarian government that he works and slaves for but ends up a mind numbed zombie for doing it. It was with his fellow party, of Oceania, member pretty blond Julia, Jan Sterling, that Winston tried to start a revolution but sadly found that only he he besides Julia were wiling to risk their lives or sanity in doing it.***SPOILERS***Back-stabbed and betrayed at every turn by a number of so-call friends who claimed to be on board with them in the end both Winston & Julia were turned into the thought police by those that they trusted most inner Party man O'Connor, Michael Redgrave, and junk shop owner Carrington, David Kossoff, to be tortured and re-educated by the state. It was love, that was outlawed by the state, that first brought both Winston & Julia together but fear by those whom they most trusted most that in the end did them both in. And it was fear or rule by fear that the government, Oceania, kept it's citizens in line.P.S We never really get to see the "Big Guy" called "Big Brother" or "Be-Be", as he's so affectionately called by his terrified and enslaved people , who's running this entire ruthless and sleaze ball operation that causes so much suffering for it's people but we do see posters of him plastered all over the place. From what we see of the posters of "Be-Be" he look a lot like the then dictator-like Director of the F.B.I J. Edger Hoover!
Greg Treadway (treadwaywrites) Hopefully everyone knows the story of author George Orwell's novel and then the subsequent movie, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Even the cult classic movie Brazil in 1985 has an Orwell type features and themes through the entire fabric of the film. In fact the working title for for the highly futuristic Brazil was 1984 and a half.In the future, the people of Oceania are in a endless, living in a state of poverty, fear, and oppression. Even personal will and thought are monitored for the common good. Meals are rationed and virtually every move is monitored through video cameras and police agents. Winston has memories of when life was better and he expounds about it in a private journal that he keep hidden. Winston begins making eye contact with a younger woman named Julia; it's not long afterward that they are part of the rebellion against the state.George Orwell published his book in 1949. The novel found fame because of its portrayal of everyone watching everyone else and loss of personal rights in the face of a oppressive government. He chose the year 1984 as the target date for Big Brother as he called it.There was a BBC version of the movie followed by the 1956 Edward O'Brien film. Together the movies were able to cause only a minor stir and that was for sending people back to the book to read the full story. This version was directed by Michael Anderson who did such films as Around the World in 80 Days and Logan's Run in 1976. This movie is just not well done, it lacks timing and any degree of suspense. If you can find the BBC version try that one first. Even though there is some combining of characters, Donald Pleasance is in it and does a pretty good job.
Pepito-5 I saw this movie as a young boy,and at the time I was very naive as to what they meant by "Big Brother" Many people to day, in particular the young, do not know the real meaning to Big Brother. Another name for it is the "New World Order" As in the Bible,you will have a noticeable stamp on your body in order to buy food or what have you. And your whereabouts will be monitored. And for this reason, I've NEVER forgotten this movie. It's a must see film by those that are as naive as I was,when I was a young boy.