The Little Prince
The Little Prince
PG | 05 August 2016 (USA)
The Little Prince Trailers

Based on the best-seller book 'The Little Prince', the movie tells the story of a little girl that lives with resignation in a world where efficiency and work are the only dogmas. Everything will change when accidentally she discovers her neighbor that will tell her about the story of the Little Prince that he once met.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
timou-17658 The Little Prince is the best Film I ever seen. The animation is great, the Soundtrack is perfect and the story is heartfull.
sergelamarche I watched the french version of course. Super excellent for the animations, the story inside the story and the way the director depicts that the film is only one way of interpreting the sourced book. It is funny to see that the french company making the film is owned by an English company. This is about true of the narrative, the french book is owned by the English story telling it or about it. There is quite a bit of ironies. The school in the film wants to make essential adults, while the main point of the book is to make us realise that the essential is invisible. It is a sort of recuperation by the English. As to what is the essential, it is wisely left to our own ideas. The book is all very slow and ponderous. Very philosophical. This film is more grounded and adventurous although some of it is imaginary.
Kirpianuscus after the final credits , it is not easy to say if it is a good or a bad film. the first sin is too obvious message. so, a propaganda film, obscure for children, boring for adults. than the not real inspired , in same spirit, portrait of the basket with evil characters and a teenager Prince in unrealistic situation. the good part - maybe the pages from the book, the character of aviator ( with few reserves) and the good intention to say , in different manner, the well known story of Saint Exupery. the bad thing - the film has not the status of kick to read the book. and this remains the great sin of a film too preoccupied to send a message and not to remind the beauty of a magnificent story.
rolfesam The Little Prince is one of those films you love to watch just for the sake of seeing what so many people poured themselves into. The movie plays out in three parts, the real world that is portrayed by CGI animation that, while beautiful, doesn't hold a candle to the incredible stop motion of the story world. The third part of the story is where the two eventually overlap, which offers some amazing moments of visual poetry. The stop motion portion of the movie is by far my favorite part of the film. The way it is animated makes me think much less of more modern masterpieces of the genre like Caroline and ParaNorman and more like paper mache works of short movies from a long time ago. It has so much heart and charm that these sections give of would make a fantastic masterpiece in of itself. Now that we've covered the animation it would remiss of me not to mention the voice performances in the film. To be exact I would like to talk about the real stand out of the movie is Jeff Bridges performance as the old man neighbor, this is one of my favorite from the actor, even with the inclusion of his past roles in the Big Lebowski and True Grit. I fully recommend this film to anyone with a Netflix subscription to watch it as it is short and sweet. The only real thing that works against the film is that you can only get it if you have a Netflix streaming subscription.
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