R | 14 June 2016 (USA)
Gridlocked Trailers

Former SWAT leader David Hendrix and hard-partying movie star Brody Walker must cut their ride-along short when a police training facility is attacked by a team of mercenaries.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Gustav Jansson In short: Avoid this if you can.The only highlights is the main character killing a enemy by sticking a grenade behind his flack jack and Danny Glover saying "I'm to old for this ****". That's it.Vinnie Jones plays a bland version of the Vinnie that can be seen in "lock stock", "snatch" or even "the condemned". The same goes for the rest of the cast. In this regard Cody Hackman, who plays a child celebrity that likes to party and get drunk, stands out. He's irritating to say the least. He asks people he's just met if they are having sex and actually suggest that the main character should smile more.While the most things Cody says in this movie is irritating or stupid, the last part about "Dominic smiling more" seems more like the film makers try to make a joke that the main character is boring. Dominic, who plays the main character, have played characters with more emotions like Dracula/Drake in "Blade 3" or in "Assault on Wall street", but here it's just bland. Stephen Lang does a passable job, but nothing that stands out. His performance in Avatar is by far better but this might just be his part as his character is always calm.Looking through the cast list a lot of potential is never used. Cody is a "5x World Karate Champion" and Trish Stratus who plays "Gina" is a former wrestler for WWE. This is never shown, It would be a bit of a stretch if Codys character was a good fighter but Gina is a some sort of SWAT officer and only shoots guns.For a better movie about trapped cops, watch "The Raid" or the newer Judge Dredd movie "Dredd". For a better action movie, that's not as bad as this one, with a irritating sidekick watch the older "Judge Dredd". For a better, but still bad, movie with Dominic as lead watch "Assault on Wall Street". For a better lower budget movie on Netflix watch "Arq". For a better action movie on Netflix watch "Spectral". Only see this if you are desperate and have no other choice.
TdSmth5 Some famous moviestar named Brody gets himself arrested. His punishment: riding along with a cop. Of course they don't get along; the cop (Dave) doesn't want to babysit, but the actor tries to be friendly and eventually wins Dave over. Dave agrees to take him to the clubhouse--his former unit's station. Dave was SWAT but for some reason, that we don't find out, he's now assigned to low-level tasks. We meet his unit made up only of another guy, a little girl, and a rookie.Elsewhere some paramilitary guys are up to no good. They set up on someone's ranch after killing the owners.It's late at night but for some reason a network repair team arrives. Of course they are bad guys and detonate an EMP device that cripple the station's electronics. They are also forced to kill some security guards there. This is witnessed by Brody but no one pays attention to him. Eventually Dave and the rest of the unit realize what's going on and a shootout ensues. The bad guys are directed by the paramilitary guys off-site led by Korver.After SWAT takes control of the situation they finally get around to wondering what the bad guys were doing there to begin with. There's some underground rooms that include an evidence locker. We learn that Korver wants some bearer bonds stored there so he organizes an assault on the station. Our SWAT guys of course are undermanned and underarmed since stuff is being moved to another station.There are a couple of surprises and lots of exciting action. The main cast is very strong with Purcell, Lang, Glover, Jones. Some of the rest of the cast are weak. The other SWAT don't look the part at all. The story is good though as it goes beyond just action. But the action does shine here. There is no shortage of B-action movies with one or two big names, but Gridlocked is better than most A-action movies that are released in theaters.
subxerogravity Remember a movie called the Hard Way? Micheal J Fox plays a pampered movie star who goes on a ride along with a tough as nails New York City cop played by James Woods. Gridlocked is a lot like a remake of that movie.Updating the movie star to having to do the ride along in order to stay out of jail, Broody walker is a child actor trying to be an adult actor, somewhere between Lindsey Lohan and Justin Beiber, and his hard as nails street cop is a lot more tougher than James woods ( a lot bigger too) So this is the movie premise, but the film's plot seems to be a rip off of Die Hard (Like Die Hard in a special police task force armory). It's kinda funny considering Danny Glover plays a security guard in the place, even doing his famous line from Lethal Weapon.Best part of the movie is the great Stephen Lang who plays the antagonist in the film. I've become a huge fan of this man since he played the perfect soldier in Avatar. His purpose in the movie is to be a dark and gritty soulless villain whose purpose out weighs any lives that come across him.Adding to his perfect villain is the just as great Vinnie Jones who complements Lang as his lead henchman.Gridlocked could have been better. I feel it looses track as it tries to bounce back and forth from the Hard Way plot to the Die Hard plot and a few other plots in-between that change the focus on the film.
Mark Turner As with the video generation before it companies releasing DVDs straight to video has created a niche market for various stars. These stars have name recognition for some but perhaps not the majority of moviegoers. That's a shame because many of them deserve better than they're getting, some doing better work in small budget films than many major stars.One such actor is Dominic Purcell. His first major break that I was aware of was as the main nemesis of Wesley Snipes in BLADE: TRINITY. A year later he became more recognizable as Lincoln Burrows in the now famous TV series PRISON BREAK. More recently he's starred in the new CW series DC LEGENDS OF TOMORROW. But in between these items he's starred in a number of low budget action films and done a great job in each. Why he's not making a bigger splash is beyond me.This week Purcell arrives in GRIDLOCKED. He plays David Hendrix, a SWAT team leader demoted to street cop and not pleased with that position. Worse yet he is now saddled with a temperamental bad boy young actor on probation after punching a member of the paparazzi. Brody Walker (Cody Hackman) is a stereotypical character here, the obnoxious brat styled young actor who had fame to fast and abuses it at every chance he can. As he tags along with Hendrix he wants to know more about when he can shoot a gun rather than take something useful back from their time spent together.Hendrix is no piece of cake either. Resentful of being stuck with Walker he does everything he can to ignore him. That is until one night when Walker shows up at Hendrix' apartment, six pack in hand and tries to call a truce. Hendrix breaks down a bit and takes him to the training facility for SWAT to show him what their real world is like.Unfortunately they've picked a bad night to do so. While Hendrix and his old squad are in the midst of an exercise, their own Hogan's Alley test area, a team of mercenaries takes out the power and ignites an EMP cutting off any and all access to phones. As a gun battle follows the old guard at the facility Sully (Danny Glover) is shot and reveals to Hendrix what this group might be after. As the two teams go head to head, skirmish after skirmish the leader of the group is revealed, someone who has bad blood with Hendrix. Just who will survive this night remains to be seen.Where the plot line of the spoiled and incompetent movie star partnered with a tough as nails cop has been done before the best thing about it here is that it's used to put the ball in motion but isn't the centerpiece of the film. That makes it work so much better than expected. Instead the writers and director have chosen to make the film about the assault on the training facility filled with enough backstory to make it believable and involving.Purcell's character fits his appearance and skills as an actor. He's an imposing figure to look at with a tough as nails attitude that oozes from every pore in each scene he's in. And yet there are moments when with just a subtle adjustment of body language or quick smile you can see there is more to Hendrix than meets the eye. That's the sign of a good actor.Perhaps the weakest character here is Brody. Hackman doesn't have the chops yet to pull off this character even though he gives it a decent try. As written the character is far too clichéd and it would take someone with more skill to pull this off. Even Michael J. Fox in THE HARD WAY (1991) wasn't able to quite achieve it. When I read that Hackman was a five time karate champion before going into film I wondered why those skills were never used here. It might have made for a more interesting character.The movie offers some great fight sequences, some over the top gun battles and a plot that may have a few holes in it but not enough to make it unenjoyable. The rest of the cast does a great job in their roles and for being a film on the low budget end every penny shows on the screen. I've seen bigger budget films in the past year with more major special effects that haven't compared to this one. So if you're in the mood for a solid action film that will keep you involved from start to finish then give this one a shot. And keep in mind that Dominic Purcell is far better than the roles he's been getting.