Blood Widow
Blood Widow
| 03 June 2014 (USA)
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Laurie and Hugh are a successful young couple who have just closed on a weekend home away from the city. Unbeknownst to them, the neighboring property contains the crumbling remains of a boarding school that was shuttered in the wake of an unspeakable massacre. The sole survivor of that massacre still resides in the ruins of the school, hiding from the world and wanting only to be left alone. When Laurie and Hugh's friends explore the property, they have no idea that they disturbed an emotionally-broken killing machine: The Blood Widow.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
JoeB131 This movie is typical, nothing new or creative slasher porn, with a female Jason Vorhees and uninteresting victims. It seems more like a demo flick for a makeup FX company than a real film."Wow, did you see what we did there with that totally implausible Disembowling scene?" "Yes, that would have been awesome if I actually cared about the character."So I can say that the slasher babe actually is hamming it up a bit and she makes her character kind of creepy, but at the end of the day, you don't care about any of the 11 or so people she kills, so what?There's a whole subplot about the guy who wants a party house and the girl who just wants to settle down (by buying a house it takes 90 minutes to get to?) and a few of the typical clichés in modern horror movies like "Oh, the Cell Phones don't work!"
Drew Grimm Van Ess I'm at the point now (like most movie-freaks) where I can tell within 10-15 minutes into viewing a feature, rather it'll be any good or not. And I knew that I was going to be sitting through this one through the duration. Even though some of the acting from the supporting cast is really bad, it wasn't enough to stray me away from the story.'Blood Widow' starts off with a quick off-screen kill that sets the tone nicely. Then, we meet new homeowners, Laurie and Hugh. While happy to be moving, her mood suddenly is turned upside down when Laurie finds out that Hugh invited friends over to their new home, and intends on throwing a party. And of course, Hugh's friends have to be total jackasses, and decide to go to the boarded up boarding school next door, just for kicks. At this point in the movie, I knew that I was going to like it. I was surprised myself, by how much I was into it. Upon breaking into the boarding school, aside from making fools of themselves, Hugh's mischievous friends find themselves in the wrath of the Blood Widow, who has a very troubled origin. I personally like the way the Blood Widow looks. Although it's a bit stylized, and perhaps it ruins the realness of everything, her outfit is pretty sweet, and the mask is nothing less than creepy. It's a very iconic look. It's feminine with a touch of serious danger. And once she gets a hold of Hugh, Laurie, and their buddies, she goes a major killing spree full of blood, brutality, and creativity.Someone gets gutted in a violent and downright gnarly fashion, and there's even a double beheading! Again, some of these kills get away with murder (no pun intended) because, although they're not very realistic all the time, they're enjoyable and entertaining as hell. The Blood Widow is not shy on gore either, there's plenty to go around. And there's an overall gritty feel and setting in the movie, that keeps everything seem so much more intense. Things get crazy towards the end, when the Blood Widow captures Laurie and ties her up. We see some serious sadomasochism, and some surprising unexpected deaths. The movie ends very dreary and dark. And bloody. 'Blood Widow' hits shelves this Tuesday, June 3rd. Don't miss it, especially if you're prone to like your horror a bit dark and gruesome.
nanettefl This was the most laughable horror film I've ever seen. Between the bad acting, predictability and the bad mikes for the actors, this was a sad movie.I honestly can't believe that this was released with several of the actors mikes not working. At first we thought it was the boom person but when an actor right next to another one has his mike on, it's just sad.The ending was awful and I certainly hope that they won't waste anymore time, energy or money trying to make a sequel.In too many places the movie is predictable with very few scary parts, but believe me when those rare moments happen you'll be very surprised!!Too bad these actors couldn't have afforded more acting lessons, and the 'acid' scene could have been played a whole lot better, maybe the director should have researched this better because a lot of what was going on was NOT even close to real life.Hope you laugh you butt off when you watch this very low budget B rated film :)
Shawn Stetsko While this movie had more budget than many of the recent movies (especially the found footage movies) usually do, and thus could have had some benefit from that, I can honestly say that it was money well wasted. The acting is some of the worst I have ever seen, the characters epitomize flat, the premise is weak and given no real development, and the building of suspense is nonexistent. The gore is amateur and funny at best-- but not really funny in a good way. What makes it worse is just how terrible the characters are... for a bunch of successful young adults to just arbitrarily decide, without a second thought, to go onto private property and absentmindedly vandalize a home, even if abandoned, is absurd... it is like the story is written by a barely pubescent teen imagining what adults would do, and things just go downhill from there(note this is not really a spoiler, it happens almost immediately and is not really any more important than anything else in this sad charade of a plot). Of course, as always, watch it if you want to. It is not the very worst movie I have seen by any means, but it comes close, and given the variety of better options out there (including the option of replaying something you have seen before but enjoyed) you might save yourself some time and skip this poor attempt at a slasher flick.