Snow White: A Tale of Terror
Snow White: A Tale of Terror
R | 18 July 1997 (USA)
Snow White: A Tale of Terror Trailers

When young Lili's mother dies in childbirth, her father remarries Lady Claudia, a woman ruled by an evil mirror with the power to make her queen of all living things. After escaping an attempt on her life, Lili finds herself lost in a dark forest, where living happily ever after seems unlikely.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
s k And that's about the BEST thing I can say about this mess. It's one thing for a film to go somewhere slowly. This film, OTOH, goes nowhere slowly. What were they thinking? It was a tale of terror, alright. For the viewer. Considering some of the stars in the cast, it makes me wonder what EVERYONE associated with this disaster was thinking. Avoid at all cost. Or you'll wish YOU'D taken a bite out of a poison apple.
OllieSuave-007 The story of Snow White takes on a new twist, literally, where young Lilli Hoffman (Monica Keena) is disliked by stepmother Claudia Hoffman (Sigourney Weaver), causing her to eventually flee deep into the forest and into the home of seven gruff-looking and aggressive gold miners.Most of the elements of the classic fairytale is included in this movie, but it is also filled with more adult-themed elements such as a semi-graphic scene of Snow White's mother dying in childbirth, passionate and provocative moments shared between Snow White's father Frederick Hoffman (Sam Niell) and Claudia, and the menacing, violent and belligerent characteristics of some of the seven gold miners (not dwarfs as depicted in the original tale). Filmed in the Czech Republic and Germany, this film captures the beauty of the Crusade era with its rich European and classical flavor; the Hoffmans' palace has a magnificent design and the visual effects, costumes and make-up were superb. Thomas E. Szollosi and Deborah Serra wrote a very intriguing screenplay for the movie that provides a plot that is more than just a story about an innocent little princess escaping from her jealous and vain stepmother - it in detail captures the heart-pounding terror and evil magic Claudia and her magic mirror brought, and the horror Lilli and the seven men experience from Claudia's powers. It also elaborates on the frictional relationship Claudia and Lilli share. In addition, the entire atmosphere of the movie is mostly dark and dim, yet hopeful.The acting was mostly great, in which I thought Weaver's Claudia and Gill Bellows' Will character carried the movie. Weaver's character is vain, antagonistic and devious, but has a purpose to her intentions in the movie, and Bellows' character is courageous and is an unlikely hero. Keann's Lilli character is a typical rebellious and bratty teenager, which made her less charming and attractive. The plot's pacing was a little slow and full of those odd dialog exchanges between Lilli and the seven men, making you just root for some poison apple action to happen already. Overall, it is an eerie, thrilling and somewhat creepy adaptation of Snow White that does away with the all-is-well "fairytale" element and is something not suitable for young children.Grade B
meredithcockerille This version of the what may be the Grimm's most famous fairy tale holds very true to the original story. There have been so many film adaptations of Snow White that, although unique and creative renditions, stray very far from the original. I was impressed with the minor details that they included from the Grimm's version, such as the "hair as black as ebony, skin white as snow, and lips as red as blood" and the fact that the heroine is choked by the apple and not put into a magical sleep (like Sleeping Beauty). The story is dark and ominous, which also holds true to the fairy tale, in contradiction to the popular belief that these stories were light-hearted and innocent (we have Walt Disney to blame for that). They did take some creative license with names, character traits, and certain plot elements, but I didn't find it terribly offensive. It served to make the story more realistic and deep. It kept my attention the whole way through and kept me wondering what was going to happen next despite the fact I knew the story. The thing that makes this movie good is the great attention to detail and the awareness of the material the film makers had. I was impressed. Do not be fooled though. This is not a movie for little children. Do not go into it thinking that, or you will completely miss what makes it so special. I would even suggest reading the actual fairy tale before watching it so you can truly appreciate the small but significant specific aspects the film artists obviously took so much care to preserve.
DesperateForMore we have all heard of the legendary Grimm brothers and their renowned fairytale snow white - or have we?we've all watched the Disney version of the classic tale, helpful forest animals and happy, cherub-like dwarfs rescue the innocent princess from the clutches of the evil, jealous queen and her bag of magic tricks and they all lived happily ever after - wrong!thanks to Disney not many people know the original tale of snow white, a much darker and Gothic fairytale than your usual Disney fair and this movie, long over due, has brought it back for all to see on the big screen. snow white: a tale of terror certainly lives up to its name. it absolutely is a tale of terror and it portrays its origins very authentically. starring Sigourney weaver as the evil stepmother, and Sam Neil as a rather subdued and weak father to his daughter Lilli( snow white) Weaver is fantastic as the queen, and u can see that shes enjoying every moment. i love the fact that she is not evil from the start. you get to see the evil and insanity consume her as her magic mirror manipulates her and blames Lilli for the death of her only child. Monica keena is a good, not great snow white. shes pretty, shes got a good few screams in her lungs, but she doesn't give 100% in her performance. the costumes and sets and scenery are all breathtaking and really add to the style of the movie. even from the first scene of the snow covered mountains, the skeletal trees, the wolves watching a grand carriage wind around the dark secluded roads thick in the forest, you know this movie has something special. its such a shame this movie was never released in the cinemas. this is definitely the best adaptation of snow white by far, not to be missed but not for children. its extremely creepy and grizzly. 10/10