R | 23 July 2012 (USA)
Vile Trailers

A group of people awaken to find themselves prisoners in a mysterious house with no means of escape. They are each outfitted with electronic devices attached to the base of their skulls. The chemicals that the brain produces when in pain are collected by the devices, and when it collects a predetermined amount, the doors will be opened. In order to escape, they must hurt themselves and each other.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Paige R. Hackett I've watched a lot of horror movies in my life and Vile is by far one of my favorites. To be honest, the only downside to this movie is that the acting is a little bit mediocre. But aside from that, the characters are well-developed, original, and come from a diverse cast with refreshingly, no racial stereotyping. The reveal of Sam and the death of Tayler at the end is a twist I did not see coming and I'm usually pretty good at figuring out movie endings. The way some of the scenes are shot, the best way to describe it is "poetic." It's artistic and surprisingly gentle for what is essentially a torture porn horror film. As much as I love my Saw movies, Vile takes the cake. I hope that there is a sequel someday. I wonder what Nick did to the cougar woman, or if he became a part of the drug industry that was doing this to them. A sequel would be amazing.
fxdx4 Vile is what indie horror should be. With that said, this is not an amazing movie, but it does the genre right. Indie horror should have an interesting premise, solid gore, passable acting and avoid obvious stupidity. And with the bar set low, Vile easily sails over the bar.Shockingly, the movie starts with a group of teens getting kidnapped. However the twist is they then finding themselves in a locked house with another group of people who discover they must torture themselves to extract a drug from their brain before they can leave. Interesting premise – check.The horror is both physical and psychological. Could you torture yourself via burning iron, finger nail pulling etc? What would you do? All good questions, and often the characters come to the same conclusions (eventually) as I may have. When the audience does see gore, it is very tactfully done, looking real, but not over blown. This is not a torture porn movie. Solid gore – check.The actors are solid, characters are interesting enough, and create some marginally engaging dynamics. Characters have a good balance of screen time, and enough personality to create some realistic group tension. The directing is also solid, although some of the sub plots might have been expanded on more clearly. Acting – check.The obvious stupidity is questionable. The premise is good, but as the cliché goes, there are enough plot holes to drive a truck through. These lead into an ending that predictably is a letdown. I could not think of an ending that would be much better. The movie just kind of locks itself in. This is common with indie horror, so I mostly gave it a pass. Enjoy the build up, not the pay off.So there you have it, a solid indie horror movie with lots going for it, but some obvious pit falls that are hard to avoid. Sometimes as a director, to get characters into situations you want them in, you just have to hope an audience overlooks some obvious trucks.
in1984 At least the opening scene should have a subtitle "inspired by Dexter the TV series". While the basis for the plot is new and interesting and also has the Human Centipede/Saw gore feel to it, the actual setup to the point where the horror/gore begins is horrifyingly weak.The actors help make the film bearable, and Maya Hazen is awesome. While the characters may seem stupid beyond belief or unrealistically smart in some cases, after watching a film like Compliance that's based on real life idiots, it's best to simply take it all in. They usually tie into the overall story and are better than screaming stupid naked teens running off in all directions from bigfoot, big fang, etc. In short, the stupidity typically fits into the situation and is part of building the suspense/agitation.There's apparently a new category developing for films that annoy along side horror, tragedy, sex, and comedy. This is a combination of annoyance and standard gore. That may not be a good idea for an entire film.This also works as a story in what not to do. It does give you points of satisfaction to offset the gore, plot development stupidity, and other annoyances as if those are all pains to achieve the gain. It's horribly disappointing that opportunities for titty twisters were missed. The writer and director are in desperate need of a sense of humor.FYI, my rating may be a little harsh and I'm tempted to up it to a 5, but don't bet your collar bone on it.
homecoming8 After watching "Vile" and reading a couple of surprisingly good reviews on it, there's only one explanation: these must have been written by the producers and actors of "Vile". First off, I'm a horror fan and I also love movies like "Saw" and "Hostel". "Vile" is a very cheap copy of "Saw" and "Cube" but the production values are very bad: the shaky camera work gives you a headache, the script is stupid with characters that do not make any sense at all. The cast is not awful but also not convincing. But then again, the characters are badly written. Basically, the story is about a couple of friends that pick up a female hitchhiker. She drugs them all (believe that ?) and they wake up in a room with 5 other people. They are somehow forced to torture each other, because that releases a drug in the brain that the mysterious woman behind the screens wants. Yep, after 7 minutes of screen time we move to the dark room where the entire movie takes place. Boring, not interesting and not scary in any way. That's also why the torture scenes do not work on any level. You just pray the running time of this movie is limited but 88 minutes is way too long for this simple plot.
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