The Edge of Love
The Edge of Love
| 13 March 2009 (USA)
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When the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and his flirtatious wife Caitlin sweep into war-torn London, the last thing they expect is to bump into Dylan's childhood sweetheart Vera. Despite her joy at seeing Dylan after so many years, Vera is swept off her feet by a dashing officer, William Killick, and finds herself torn between the open adoration of her new found beau and the wily charms of the exotic Welshman.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
James It's actually quite hard to fully account for the failure of John Maybury's "The Edge of Love", and even harder to pin the blame for that failure. A film that revolves around the acting of Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller and Cillian Murphy would seem to have a lot going for it, and the (for me) unknown Matthew Rhys also does a great job of playing that Welsh master of wordplay Dylan Thomas.The four of them here act out a true story which culminates in a dramatic - and certainly filmworthy - event that actually happened (and can for example be read about in a Daily Telegraph article of June 9th 2008 entitled "My granddad tried to kill Dylan Thomas").And - apart from the superb (if at times coarse) "Under Milk Wood", Thomas gave us the just-unreservedly-superb "Do not go gentle into that good night" - possibly the best and most meaningful poem ever written in the history of the world. Plenty of other Dylan Thomas works demonstrate abundantly well the guy's enormous talent.I suppose "Do not go gentle..." itself gives a clue or two, for Thomas did indeed choose to "rage, rage". Obsessed with things tough and macho (when potentially he was perhaps not that much of either), he insisted that his life should primarily be devoted to womanising, smoking and drinking and - quite often also - to being profoundly annoying and childishly silly. He thus did much to contribute to his own death at the ridiculous age of 39.All of this is made fully clear in the film, and one cannot fault Matthew Rhys for the work he does here, which is in many ways excellent.But, somehow, we don't want to know...All the more we don't want to know given the wartime setting, in which Thomas more than once sounds off arrogantly about men in uniform not even knowing what they are fighting for (ironic really, since if ever there was a war in which ordinary people did indeed know what they were fighting for it was 1939-45).One of those men in uniform is the Cillian Murphy character of Capt. William Killick of the Special Operations Executive, a true and genuine hero who Murphy plays straight and well here. Killick entices Vera Phillips (the Keira character) away from her role as occasional hanger-on with Thomas and his wife Caitlin (the Sienna Miller character), and from that point of view he was just doing what came naturally in a straightforward "young officer pressed for time falls for pretty and sweet girl" kind of story.Unfortunately, necessarily, he soon after marrying went off to Greece (behind the lines), saw plenty of action, and came back to Wales to find out that the three others had been living in two cottages there for those several years of his absence, and spending his military pay, and generally doing a whole lot of not very much. Needless to say, that upset Killick more than a bit, and he did become a bit trigger happy at that moment ... and the case went to court.That is an amazing story but one that you wade a long way through "The Edge of Love" in order to reach, and in fact this part of the film is rather played down compared with interminable earlier parts that are often offputting and sometimes also tedious.And ultimately that's (I suspect) just because we don't want the light of too much truth to shine in on the legend here.Perhaps somehow the Director is at fault here - but mostly because he is perhaps overambitious in what he thinks an audience (or at least an ordinary audience member) is prepared to tolerate.
pc95 While I understand that director John Maybury is focusing on a drama in his "The Edge of Love", he's taken some liberties that are both distracting and detracting. The liberties I found to be his fudging and distracting use of color and texture changes for WWII settings in London. If you're trying to make a semi-serious period piece, tweaking the backgrounds to be noir-ish doesn't work. Now that that complaint is out of the way, what works in the movie is actually the 2nd half where Sienna Miller did the best work of the lot of the actors. Indeed she really looks tormented, jealous, but free-spirited in front of the camera. Knightly is satisfactory as are the others Rhys and Murphy. I enjoyed the teasing and flirting of the 2 gals with the Dillon Thomas character, and while the courtroom scenes lacked a sense of gravity or conflict, the movie has a better 2nd half out of the city-setting and pomp. The war scenes feel too obligatory though. Overall, it muddles through.
Saad Khan THE EDGE OF LOVE – TRASH IT ( C ) Keira Knightley's most Boring movie till date…She & Sienna Miller looked gorgeous...But the movie didn't live up to the expectations… the locations were stunning but the movie was very slow… Cillian Murphy acted really well as always and I think Matthew Ryes was totally miscast (He only looked like Dylan Thomas), he couldn't stand up among them, he wasn't charming as Dylan Thomas was suppose to be, Anyways there was Bad Direction & Poor Writing as well… Both Keira Knightley & Sienna Miller Couldn't Save this One though their Performances Were Really good. I really wished that if they worked on story a little bit more so it would have been more interesting and intriguing for us.
Samiam3 Although I am very familiar with poet Dylan Thomas, I know nothing of his life. Whatever his life and specifically his marriage involved, I would imagine that The Edge of Love (based on the novel) manipulates things a bit, but unless you are a historian or a poet, who cares.The movie is less about Thomas and more focused on the two most important women in his life. One is his wife Kathrine, and the other is Vera who was his first love. One romantic night on the beach as youths is something that both have tried to put behind them but cannot, now grown up they are good friends. I forgot to mention that this is set during the war. Vera becomes engaged to Captain Will Killing who he gets her pregnant and leaves for war. While he is away, Vera starts to fall for Thomas again, and Kathrine has fallen out of love with him. She is also carrying another man's child. Things get even more emotionally complex when Capt Killig returnsAs you can see, it is a very soap operatic plot, and it takes shape in a fairy drab slow manner, with perhaps one too many sequences of sappy dialogue. But all is not lost yet. For a non- Hollywood production, I think that the Edge of Love is about as stylish a picture as one can get. It is certainly more dimensional and intelligent than about 90% of contemporary romances, Hollywood production or not. Some of it has to do with being set during the war, which sets up emotional conflict that feels more convincing and less artificial, a bit like Atonement. this one features acting and cinematography of equal talent to Joe Wright's Oscar nominee, but it is in far greater need for stable pacing and progression. Things are okay at the start and finish, but the middle section is where your attention span may be tested, unless you are deeply and profoundly rooted in the story. I doubt if The Edge of Love will have that kind of an effect on the viewer, but is a good film to check. it might even make a good date night movie, considering it is so much smarter than the chick flicks that boyfriends are forced to endure today.