Jimmy's Hall
Jimmy's Hall
PG-13 | 03 July 2015 (USA)
Jimmy's Hall Trailers

Jimmy Gralton returns from New York and reopens his beloved community hall, only to meet opposition from the local parish.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
krisztyxx The movie Jimmy's hall is a man's fight against the authority, a man's fight to freedom. Freedom to himself and to the community. When Jimmy Gralton returns home, he found itself the same problems, wherefore to left the country many years ago. Nothing is change only the characters on the scene. The youth want to do the same things, what Jimmy and his friends did years ago. They want to be free and want to be enjoy free the dance, learning, theatre, reading. He drop in parallel events, as it happened is his youth. Jimmy tried to fight again, the power and the oppression. He see in the young people himself, that is the reason he tried to fight again. The movie is a perfect instantiated to the one man, a revolutionary battle to the totally oppression. He always hope he win, but is impossible at all. No man on earth, who can't win this kind of dictatorial power. That is the reason we can respect Jimmy Gralton, he know, in deep inside in his soul he never win, but he try and try again, when everything is seems hopeless he keep going and fight. The Jimmy's hall a great example of the man contend contra the authority.
Martin Bradley At his best Ken Loach makes films that are as emotionally engaging as any in world cinema and while he has on occasions disappointed, every Ken Loach film is worth seeking out. "Jimmy's Hall" sees him return, in some respects, to the territory he explored in "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" and it is one of his very best films. Again we are back in Ireland but 10 years after the end of the Civil War. Old wounds haven't healed, (they still haven't healed completely to this day), and like "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" the divisions here are much more political than social and almost as violent.It deals with the very specific conflict between those who opposed the Treaty, those who supported it and the dominating Catholic Church when one, Jimmy Gralton, returns from 10 years exile in America and reopens a community hall that was the source of all his trouble in the first place, against the express wishes of 'Holy Mother Church' and those who backed it.As scripted by Paul Laverty it is, of course, a deeply political film but Loach is the most humanist of political film-makers; consequently it is also a deeply moving (and, at times, very funny) picture. At its centre is a magnificent performance from Barry Ward as Gralton and he is backed beautifully by Jim Norton and Andrew Scott representing the clergy as well as a host of wonderfully naturalistic Irish actors, some professional, some not. Loach may now be in this seventies but this feels as fresh and as relevant as anything he did fifty years ago. I think it's the equal to both "Land and Freedom" and "The Wind that Shakes the Barley".
Valentin Alexiss Just consider the start : a horse-car stops about 50 yards from the house it as to deliver luggage. Guess what... does the car approaches the house more after leaving the impatient passenger jumping out ? No it stays there and the driver takes the big luggage out and hardly makes its way to the 50 yards house. This is bad cinema from start to end... How can such a bad thing come to reality ?... Only because it's so meaningful to the guy that believes in his story, that he completely looses focus on others interest. This is an inside bleeding story that makes its creator become sterile... This has to be an accident. This is useless. This is a waist of time.
eyeintrees There are many movies made about oppression, but not nearly enough. In this story based on facts and one man's intention to give culture, song and dance to his small, impoverished community, it defies belief that this travesty of injustice occurred.As usual, the Catholic Church, the overlords and the unjust legal system come together to destroy any chance a small community has of the vital birth-right of culture and harmony for those who need it most; an isolated county in Ireland.As one man steps up, after having been deported once already for the grand crime of opening a hall where people can learn such basic things as song, dance, art, literature and boxing, after his ten first ten year deportation, the local youth who have nothing to look forward to in life, convince him to do so again.This is a straightforward movie about a circumstance that defies belief, and yet it occurred. Worth the watch for anyone who understands that oppression and fascism is wrong and that normal people deserve joy, community and to fight back when their world makes no sense on account of simply wanting to life a life.