Mr. Turner
Mr. Turner
R | 19 December 2014 (USA)
Mr. Turner Trailers

Eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner lives his last 25 years with gusto and secretly becomes involved with a seaside landlady, while his faithful housekeeper bears an unrequited love for him.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
sergelamarche This film goes distance in revealing the master painter Turner, England's best. Nice to discover how the fellow was. Scruff but witty and not francophobe like the common english. Refreshing film!
Hayden Having seen Leo McKern in an excellent TV movie about Turner titled "The Sun is God", I was eagerly looking forward to this film. For me, it failed on virtually every account. I wanted to know why Turner got out of bed in the morning to chase the sun and the light. I wanted to know what drove him to paint such wonderful pictures, and what technique he used. I wanted to feel his inspiration. I was appalled by the directors offensive portrayal of John Ruskin, who was an amazing man, a great writer, an ecologist (who took on the polluting Mill owners and struck a blow for the environment) a wonderful watercolour artist in his own right and a champion of Turner. The one redeeming scene was of The Fighting Temeraire being towed away on the Thames. This is often voted one of Britains favourite pictures, and there it was on the cinema screen, brought to life. Sadly - the incredible artist Turner was not brought to life - but reduced to a grotesque soulless caricature.
lebewohll-78626 As Mr Leigh has attempted to promote a cultural and economic boycott, I believe that behavior is appropriate for would-be viewers of his work. Mr Leigh's blatant anti-semitic rants and behavior obviouslyundercut his work. I must pass on patronizing the work of a Nazi bastard. From the look of things, most of the UK is rapidly becoming more accommodating to this nastiness. It won't help their cultural exports nor much else from the UK. If Mr Leigh loves the bloody Muslims so much, why doesn't he move to a Muslim 3rd-world country, and then try there to express his thoughts, and try to get his movies produced there?
SnoopyStyle It's the first half of the 19th century. Mr. Turner (Timothy Spall) is a grumpy respected painter in the Royal Academy of Arts. His newest unconventional style causes controversy. His beloved elderly father dies. His children's mother hates him. His housekeeper Hannah Danby is his sometimes sexual outlet. He rents a seaside room and has an affair with his landlady Sophia Booth after her husband's death. His many friends include scientist Mary Somerville, rare for her times, and bitter failing painter Haydon.This is not a plot driven movie. It takes a couple of hours before the drama starts to pick up. This is very much about Spall's immersive performance. The character doesn't really change. After 15 minutes, one gets the full sense of his personality. The movie is generally slow with a few explosive scenes. The exhibition scene with the many Academy artists paint a complete picture of Turner and his place among his peers. This is a brilliant performance looking for a more intense plot.