The Trip to Italy
The Trip to Italy
NR | 15 August 2014 (USA)
The Trip to Italy Trailers

Years after their successful restaurant review tour of Northern Britain, Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon are commissioned for a new tour in Italy.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
ibrahimnader This is a real smart movie.. Taking your rhythm and anxiety to a very peaceful zone, restore your serinity.. I admit, it's a bit boring.. But this is the idea.. Sort of relaxation you should surrender to the stream and give up your regular thoughts about love, sex, excitement, show Biz, etc.. Just let the sun shine on your face. I encourage to make it series movies, but don't be so specific in the dialogue to movie biz, make it more rich to suit other people and different occasions.. Maintain the slow rhythm and ambience.. No music is a good idea.. Nature and scenes are suburb and sufficient glamorous.. Great GREAT!! I FOUND MYSELF PAYING FULL ATTENTION DURING THE PLAY..
jimparrett After laughing along with Brydon and Coogan savaging their own vanities and all of life around them, I found some of the reviews here to be more comical than the film. It's as if "The Trip to Italy" totally escapes them, probably much to the two main actors' amusement. The beauty of the ridiculous and sometimes lame impressions belies that the two are not trying to be serious travel/food hosts but two comics riffing on the idiocy of the business they are in .. and much more. This is satire, not some boring Anthony Bourdain exploration of food and culture. It's two goofy guys making fun of themselves. That so many people miss that simple point boggles my mind.
DesiAnge I just watched "The Trip to Italy". A big disappointment! I couldn't find neither comedy nor drama in it. Just terribly boring and slow action, idiotic dialogues and nonsense. Who wrote such a scenario?! Two aged guys who was just eating and talking non-stop.Are they famous in Britain?! I couldn't find anything funny. I was waiting something to happen during all this unbearable 108 minutes. The longest 108 minutes in my life! I have never seen so many people to leave the cinema theater before the movie ends. I literally fell asleep couple times during this one. I love British humor, but please! Rating of 6.7 in IMDb ?! Really? I gave to "The Trip to Italy" 1 (awful) and i think, this movie deserves it completely.
Irishding As I write this review I am scrambling to think of a more boring, painfully uninteresting and dull movie, and I can't. Of course I have come across Steve Coogan before. The other character with his constant boring mimicking, I am not familiar with (perhaps in another setting he maybe bring a slight chuckle.. but here he is just downright irritating). And Steve, who breaks the news at their first meal that that he is off the drink, yet embarks on a culinary trip to Italy. the home of finest wines and food.!!. Not even funny. and this puts the finishing touches on "dry and boring". But as the movie was set in Italy I thought it might be interesting and at least we would get to see some nice scenery. Well the truth is after about half an hour I couldn't take anymore and walked away. I didn't tick the box for spoiler alert, because I am not going to spoil this movie, simply because it is not possible. It was spoiled already the day it was made. I would rather watch paint dry. How how this has got a 6.7 rating on IMDb is racking my brains and wrecking my head. Because I do put a lot of faith in IMDb ratings I am completely at a loss here and extremely disappointed. Anything above 3 is over rating it..
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