The Endless Summer
The Endless Summer
PG | 15 June 1966 (USA)
The Endless Summer Trailers

Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer is one of the first and most influential surf movies of all time. The film documents American surfers Mike Hynson and Robert August as they travel the world during California’s winter (which, back in 1965 was off-season for surfing) in search of the perfect wave and ultimately, an endless summer.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Lee Eisenberg As a surfing-themed movie, "The Endless Summer" is one of the most impressive things that you'll ever see. Bruce Brown (RIP) and Mike Hynson know how to travel the world to look for the perfect wave. However, it IS very much a product of its time. Brown and Hynson clearly weren't raised with any consciousness about the rest of the world. In Ghana, they have a Euro-centric view of the native people. While in South Africa, they never once mention apartheid.But aside from that, it's a fun documentary. I suspect that it inspired countless other people to start surfing. I never have, but there are people who are really into it.I recommend the movie.
SnoopyStyle Filmmaker Bruce Brown follows surfing adventure around the globe. His narrations are casual. The film feels free flowing, irreverent and hypnotic. The views are tropical. The local flavors are amazing. The waves are powerful. The action is beautiful. Sometimes, he's filming right on the waves. It's an eye opening picture back in the day.Bruce follows Robert August and Mike Hynson on an endless summer of surfing around the world. They first travel from L.A. to Dakar Senegal. They travel down the west coast of Africa and start teaching locals who have never seen a board. That part is probably the most endearing part of the documentary. They fly to Cape Town where there is a small surfing community. "There'll be a place like this. It doesn't even have a name." Along the way, he cuts in other scenes of big waves from places like Hawaii.
tony-peterson THE ENDLESS SUMMER is a terrific Documentary and a really great "trip" (in every sense of the word) to another era: the 1960's.Basically, the film is a photographic journal of two American surfers who start off from California, USA, and travel the world to find "the perfect wave". We follow them as they travel, and, if we're in a receptive mood, we have a lot of fun also. The film includes most of their trip, but the focus is on their journey through North and South Africa, New Zealand,Hawaii, Tahiti and Australia.The film features some typical surfer humour that some would find a bit "lame", but it always makes me laugh. One silly example: The two surfers pack their bags for their trip. One of them reads about possible shark attacks. The next thing that we see is the other one packing a single "band-aid"...for emergencies! Typical surfer humour!! Interestingly, but unfortunately for us, the only place the boys can't find a decent surf is here, in Australia! During their Australian trip they are constantly told by the younger and older surfers alike: "You guys really missed it. You should have been here yesterday!" This really means: "You guys really missed it. You should have been here last winter!" There are so many good things in the film to enjoy: the laconic narration by Bruce Brown; the personalities of the two surfers, Robert and Mike; the evocative music score; the excellent photography and editing; and the scenic locations all combine to make this a great experience. This is one of the few films that will make you really appreciate surfing...and documentary films. It's a fine example of how to make an imaginative film with a small budget. THE ENDLESS SUMMER is truly one trip definitely worth taking!
Yankees0625 At first we find the boys Mike and Rob Surfing in gold old safe know it like the back of there hand Hawaii. Winter is approaching and you know what that means... Time to have and Endless Summer. First they went to Africa, to find some of the ebst waves on there trip. They makes friends with the natives and meet one memorable character in the this doc. Is Terence, He takes time to out of his life to take the boys on there adventure through South Africa. He brings Humor in the the already funny doc. In Africa at the st. Francis Cape they finally found The Perfect Wave...Then they travle to Tahiti where there told there is no waves yet the found 3 spots... they call waves "Things" in Tahiti the first spot was "ala Stump", the nest was "In and Out" then there was "the other one". Then there were off to Australia where they didn't find any good waves and heard the phrase "You missed it by a day" over and over again. This brougth on Falsh Backs to Hawaii. Then they made it back to Hawaii where they finally knew there would be the waves they loved everyday... It was the perfect "Endless Summer"