The Last Run
The Last Run
PG | 07 July 1971 (USA)
The Last Run Trailers

A former mob getaway driver from Chicago has retired to a peaceful life in a Portuguese fishing village. He is asked to pull off one last job - to drive a dangerous crook and his girlfriend to France.

Wordiezett So much average
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS**** Grossly underrated film by George C. Scott as professional getaway driver Harry Games who, as we see at the beginning of the film, is retired in a Portuguese fishing village who gets a job by the mob, the first in 9 years, to get convicted hit-man Paul Rickard,Tony Musante, out of a Spanish jail and back to safety across the border into France. With a staged break-out Rickard is picked up by Harry in his souped up BMW and to his surprise Rickard instead of wanting to flee to freedom he wants a confused and angry Harry to go out of his way and pick up his American girlfriend Claudine, Trish Van Dever, thus screwing up his time-table.Still determined to get the job done Harry not only risks his life in getting now both Rickard & Claudine to safety from the police but the very gangsters who hired him to free Rickard in order, it comes as a big surprise to Harry, to murder him! In some of the most stirring car chase scenes in movie history Harry finally gets Rickard and his girlfriend to the Spanish coast only to have the mob waiting for them. Harry who at first was only an innocent bystander in all this is shot by the mobsters who were holding his main squeeze Monique, Colleen Dewhurst, hostage whom he dropped in to say good-by. Realizing that a trap is set for Rickard and Caudine by the mobsters who shot and wounded him Harry tries to warn them but finds out that his friend fisherman Miguel, Aldo Sanbrell, who's supposed to pick them up on his fishing boat has also been murdered and shoots it out with his killers only, after putting them down, is himself killed! Now with the coast cleared both Rickard & Claudine sail to safety in Miguel's dinky fishing boat to far off to North Africa, some 500 miles away, and to safety.Not really an action movie as it was promoted to be that caused it to flop with the critics and public "The Last Run" was really a film of rediscovery for Harry Games who at first had no reason for living, after his son died at childbirth and wife left him,but found one in getting back behind the wheel and doing what he does or did best as a getaway driver for the mob back in Chicago. It gave Harry a final thrill that he lacked, in being out of the business, since he retired from the mob as well as knowing that he still, in being the top mob getaway driver,got it! P.S The movie "The Last Run" also had George C.Scott not only change professions, from a fisherman to getaway driver, but wives as well leaving his then wife Colleen Dewhurst, who he was married to twice, for the far younger by some 15 years Trish Van Devere who he stayed married to for 27 years until his death in 1999.
JasparLamarCrabb Certainly not awful, but with a title like this, one would expect a whole lot more action. George C. Scott is a getaway driver out for one last score, helping to break low-life creep Tony Musante out of a Portugese prison. Musante hooks them up with his dishy (and decidedly sane) girlfriend (Trish Van Devere). The three flee the law as well as a number of gangsters. It's all rather dull for a film that promises fast paced thrills. Director Richard Fleischer does his standard journeyman's work and despite stunning cinematography by Sven Nykvist(!) and a suitably rousing score by Jerry Goldsmith, the film is shockingly inert. Scott growls a lot, Musante is annoying and Van Devere is pretty fetching. Colleen Dewhurst has a small, and very unlikely role. Started by director John Huston, who walked off the project after one too many arguments with the famously temperamental Scott.
unclecessna This film almost should have been in black and white! Very solid throwback to the gritty film-noir gangster films of the 40's. The ever brilliant George C. Scott tackle's the Bogartesque protagonist with style - a retired gangland getaway-driver lured out of retirement by personal reasons for one 'Last Run' in Spain in which he has to transport a escaped killer and his moll across the border to France. Of course nothing ever goes quite as planned and Scott soon find's his assignment calling for him to make some tough choices in the face of mounting odd's and hidden dangers. This film benefits from it's strong cast, fantastic camera-work by the great Sven Nykvist(Bergmann films), great location scenery in Spain and an economical screenplay from the talented Alan Sharp(Night Moves). Underrated director Richard Fleischer gives the film a great Hemingway type atmosphere and does a good job with the action scenes. Interestingly John Huston started this film and left after three weeks into the production following rows with Scott, Sharp and the producers over wanting to have the script re-written by his eighteen year old son! Overall this is a good solid thriller that works and is waiting to be rediscovered.
verbusen I caught this movie last night on TCM Middle East and I don't have a lot of access to older movies (which is about all I watch on TV), so for me to watch any movie means I had an interest in it. My interest was of course George C Scott. All in all, I was not to impressed by this turkey. The whole thing with him being a burned out getaway driver has to be spelled out to us, and there is no build up of his wife leaving him or of him pulling his last big job before he goes into retirement. I ask all the people who seem to love this film, wouldn't that have made this a better film? Of course that would have meant a bigger budget which this film is sadly lacking. Yeah the scenery was very pretty, and it was very cheap to film too I'm sure. But you know this is a movie about a getaway driver and the premise is that the deal goes bad, so it's supposed to be an ACTION film, not a PBS travel log. It's characters are pretty much forgettable and we are forced to endure Scott drive around in very long boring scenes that lack any realistic action (or any action!). Add on top of it all a spaghetti western soundtrack and its getting almost unwatchable. As a matter of fact if I was in the states I would have turned it off but like I said I'm in the desert without much stuff to watch thats old so I stayed with it just to see the lame ending. Another reviewer made some comment about Scott crashing the car, and that signified Scott's death as well. Boy I must be on a different plain because when I watched this I didn't even think about that, and I doubt the director did either. Scott wasn't driving the car anyway. One personal note, Scott has his shirt off through part of this film and I noticed he doesn't look too fit. I also thought about how my chest looks since I'm about his age in this film, and I realized I'm probably not the stud I think I am. When you are watching a film thinking about stuff like that it means the films very boring, El Stinko.