Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream
Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream
| 02 November 2012 (USA)
Park Avenue: Money, Power & The American Dream Trailers

If income inequality were a sport, the residents of 740 Park Avenue in Manhattan would all be medalists. This address boasts the highest number of billionaires in the United States.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
carbuff Definitely left-wing viewpoint on growing inequalities in income, wealth and opportunity in America, but everything said seems to be basically correct and defensible. Quite a few interesting facts presented in a short and very watchable program. Harder on Republicans than Democrats, but both look bad, and the bias is easily justified by reality. I knew the Koch brothers contributed a lot of money to a lot of extreme right- wing organizations with the intent of protecting their wealth, but until this documentary, I didn't realize how truly mind-boggling their interference in the political process was, and I am pretty well-read and educated on these matters. This documentary left me feeling very ambivalent, because I have made good money on investments, but at the same time it is pretty apparent that America's economic system is fundamentally unfair. (Of course, I knew that before this documentary, because I pay very close attention to the financial world for my own personal purposes.) I experience some cognitive dissonance after watching shows like this--the current system is pretty good for me, but is almost certainly not "just" in any sense of the word. Truth be told, it leaves me in no rush wanting any changes for purely selfish reasons, as bad as that sounds. That is, no doubt, the problem with ever truly overhauling the American economic system, taxes or otherwise. The people who are profiting vastly more than I am, also have vastly more political power than I do, and are vastly less inclined than I am to do anything against their self- interest, as this brief documentary well points out.
otownbjj The film brings up valid points about lobbyists controlling Washington. However from someone who is middle class I do not believe the answers are more taxes on wealthy people by increasing capital gains taxes. That would also increase the taxes on MY 401k!! I'm middle class! The film also takes on the topic welfare a food stamps. As someone who works in low income areas I can assure you first hand that the abuse of the welfare system is staggering. Every day at work I deal with countless people receiving welfare/food stamps. In the last 6 months I can count on one hand those that are truly disabled and in need of assistance. The vast majority are those that refuse to work and furthermore have children they cannot afford. This as the amount that I pay for my health care as well my child's health care has increased dramatically. OBAMACARE.... BLAME WASHINGTON NOT RICH PEOPLE. Our elected officials have been bought. VOTE THEM ALL OUT AND START OVER!!!
sree467 I'm not an American citizen. I just live in America temporarily, so what I could provide is only an outsider view. First thing I felt after watching around half of this documentary is that it is biased and partial towards one political party. Also, it presented a complete partial view of Ayn Rand. It projected her as an evil of the poor. This documentary simply failed to understand that her philosophy applies to poor as much as it applies to the rich. You work hard two shifts back to back for a wage less than 20 usd pr hr and if you are forcefully asked to pay 30% of tax on it, how would you feel ? That was her point. This point applies equally to poor and the rich. This documentary failed to present this view, may be intentionally.
nhupho In this short documentary which is about an hour long, you'll get to understand more of the mindset that brought us our current extreme inequality : greed & power, as well political influence by the wealthiest. It dispels the myth of how "benevolent" & deceitful the wealthy elite can act towards the base that supports them. It shows how money can buy some politicians who loudly promises to reform tax laws but will bury it at the first opportunity.This documentary will not make more friends out of right-wingers or Republicans (ex: Paul Ryan). It's a captivating documentary but way too short as it's still only one piece of the whole puzzle. This movie states what the problems are but cannot present solutions and we're left to our own devices.As an excellent complement to this documentary, watch the PBS documentary "Big Sky, Big Money". You'll discover how much unaccountable shadow money can influence & subvert American politics!If you're serious about knowing more, documentaries/movies such as "Inside Job", "The Shock Doctrine", "The Revolution will not be televised", "The Take", "Zeitgeist Moving forward" will help further your understanding of the social/financial changes that needs to take place if we're to have a sustainable future or ANY future at all...
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