Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy
Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy
| 21 February 2011 (USA)

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Based on the events surrounding the murder of British student Meredith Kercher.Hayden Panettiere (Heroes) and Marcia Gay Harden (Academy Award winner for Pollock) star in the Lifetime Original Movie Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy based on the international headline-grabbing story of the now infamous American exchange student accused by Italian authorities of brutally killing her roommate. Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy poses the question of whether Knox (Panettiere), the Seattle honors student accused of murdering her college roommate Meredith Kercher (Amanda Fernando Stevens) in 2007 with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito (Paolo Romio) and acquaintance Rudy Guede (Djirbi Kebe), actually committed the crime or was herself a victim.

Steineded How sad is this?
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
jasontheterrible Very interesting presentation causing one to shift in belief about innocence or guilt. Initially I thought it was a fluff piece giving Amanda Knox a pass but then it tells the other stories from the other players and a strong picture of guilt emerges. I won't tell you whose. After following the actual trial pretty closely I thought this film presented all sides with precision. I don't know how well it depicts the emotion of the real characters but it seems like everything was well researched. The only fault I can find is Hayden did not really manifest that icy cold stare and personality that has been testified to by numerous players. The guard in the prison and two accusers for example. She was called the "ice maiden" by a guard and anti-social. HP's portrayal is much more girl-next-door and is fairly one-dimensional.
gallagherce I live in Italy and followed this case closely from the very beginning. I thought I knew the case well, but the movie revealed details and sequences of events that I didn't remember.Now I am not at all surprised that on March 26, 2013, Italy's highest criminal court overturned the acquittal of Knox in the murder of her British roommate and ordered a new trial. A shame that Miss Knox will probably not be present in the courtroom, as she has returned to the States. I'm glad that I watched the movie. It was well done. I would recommend it to anyone who followed the case as closely as I did. It just reconfirmed what I already believed by adding even more detail. That is, whatever her role in the murder, she was there. yep.
phd_travel The ongoing saga of Amanda Knox is fascinating and terrifying and unbelievable in the way only a true life story can be. The movie does a good balanced job of putting together the series of events without leaning too much to one side or the other, though personally after watching it I felt quite convinced of her innocence. There was no motive. The evidence against them is so flimsy and quite ridiculous. Hayden acts quite neutrally, letting you decide for yourself about her behavior. Marcia is alright as the worried mother. Nice on location filming and feel. Italy looks quite charming here even though Perugia is not the most picturesque town in Tuscany. How this could have happened in Italy is just shocking. Such a tragedy for all esp Amanda and Raffaele. Hope they get out soon.
edwagreen Amanda is that sweet Seattle girl going off to Italy for a year's study there. She is an honor student and as she accused of murdering her room-mate, we learn that she is quite a character-boozy, joint smoking and in with all the crazy guys in various sex romps. This is a little too much to take as we are not prepared for the transformation we are hearing.Her ultimate conviction makes us forget that this is also the story of the media and the differences in the laws of a foreign country. It's almost as if you do a crime, make sure it's in your own home country. Too many guys with too many murder suspects mars this film.
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