| 05 March 1993 (USA)
Undefeatable Trailers

The film follows Kristi Jones who, along with her gang, take part in Mafia-run street fights to earn money for her sister's college education. Kristi's sister hopes to become a doctor and pay for Kristi's education.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
t_atzmueller And now, having read through all the reviews – naturally thumbing down all those that deny the films greatness – and seeing that everything has been said, I feel I must have my say.How could I forget the first time I watched this movie with my buddies? We were laughing like imbeciles, even hours later, bouncing around the room, swinging from chandeliers while defecating against the walls. RIP, Bobby, watching the film was too much for him: his heart and brain imploding simultaneously. Mike ended his days in a lunatic asylum and Fred, well, let's just say he's still somewhere out there, hunting for female eyes. How could any of us suspected the mind-shattering experience that is "Undefeatable"? What sets director Godfrey Ho apart from the James Camerons, Stanley Kubricks or Ed Woods, is the fact that the man isn't really a director. Actually, he's a former accountant from Hong Kong, who came up with the glorious idea of buying, stealing and re-editing leftover B- and C-movies, splicing them up with footage of Europeans wearing silly ninja costumes and then selling the crap to idi… , pardon, to viewers like me. Sadly, after cheating everybody with whom he had ever worked, Godfrey has given up on directing. Instead, being the gift-that-keeps-giving that he is, he now teaches film-making at the university of Hong Kong.The second time I encountered "Undefeatable" was when I opted against "Titanic" for a romantic evening with my girlfriend. In that night, I asked her to marry me – she accepted, still a little shook up by the experience and we've been happily married since. Although, nowadays I sometimes suspect that she drinks, after having given birth to a little two-headed girl, whom we named Godfrey Ho-Marie.And now, as the warden is about to return me to my room (which I share with a giant Indian chief), I still hum to myself that old Frank Sinatra song: "Undefeatable, that's what you are … un-de-featable …." As to rating this film – I'd give it all the points in the world!
TorgoTron This film, a gem of the oft forgotten pre-internet pre-CG 90's, is one of the most entertaining train wrecks you'll ever see shot in soft focus and bad lighting. From the bug-eyed pathos of the immortal Don Niam (currently a martial arts instructor in Akron, OH, google him!) to the community-theater level production design, Undefeatable is not to be missed by true connoisseurs of the bottom of the film barrel.Our story, as it were, follows Cynthia Rothrock's Kristi Jones, who fights on the streets to put her kid sister through college. She's a street-tough hustler with a heart o' gold. Watching Kristi Jones ply her trade is really one of the most entertaining aspects of this movie. She and her "gang" of comic-relief Asian dudes meet up to fight other street-fighter-2-esque characters in an ally or warehouse or something. Some greasy dude in a suit pays money to the winners.Anyway, the parallel plot involves Don Niam's "Stingray," a pit fighter who is the titular "Undefeatable." He's a psycho who scares his wife away, and then subsequently wanders around attacking women who bear any slight resemblance to her. One of his victims is Rothrock's sister, which sets up the conflict.Don Niam's filmography consists basically of this role, a few other bit parts and "hit man" on some episode of L.A. Heat. Which is a terrible shame because Niam is triple-A HILARIOUS. Always the same bug eyed expression, the same ridiculous mullet, and the same hilarious overacting (which almost makes up for the extreme underacting of the rest of the cast). In one scene he's wearing denim cutoff jacket, which combined with his poofy hair and short stature makes him look like he should be at a K.D. Lang concert.Oh yeah, and there's the requisite "street-smart cop who doesn't play by the rules," his dopey sidekick, and even the "mayor's busting my balls" police chief, but at the end of the day this is Don "The Man" Niam's picture. Everyone else looks like they've popped a valium before they deliver their stupid lines while standing in cardboard sets lit by harsh fluorescents.SO, to summarize... hilarious over/underacting? Check. "Mentos commercial" school of cinematography? Check. AND, it's on Youtube! So you don't even have to leave your house! Just grab a six pack of shitty beer and enjoy the laughs.
ivo-cobra8 This is Cynthia's best movie she ever made like the other movies Cynthia is best action star of martial arts,like Don Wilson she better than him in other movies she plaid she show us her talent and that girl s fight back.Cynthia make good movies with Richard Norton.They were the best pair in the movies.She was the only action star of the martial arts.She is still undefeated and she always be.First she never us a stuntman,she did her own stunts and she show's us what she can do,she should play with Jackie Chan in the movies too bad that she never plaid in Jackie's movies.I just won't too say i wish you good luck Cynthia in your work.
darkglobe87 I simply HAD to comment this film.After purchasing a DVD of this for only £0.99, I have probably had the most amazing experience of a cinematic-nature in my life.Anyhoo.. I didn't know DVD's like these existed! Used to the shiny, Hollywood blockbusters I was quite shocked.Godfrey Hall II is a legend! His choice of cringe-worthy actors, awful choreography, even worse cameras and crummy film are effective in making a fairly entertaining film! Don Niam should be awarded for the bravery shown just for appearing on camera (oh, the hairstyle....) Cynthia Rothrock isn't the world's worst actor, and is actually quite attractive, but just doesn't seem to fit in, in my view.