Enter the Dragon
Enter the Dragon
R | 17 August 1973 (USA)
Enter the Dragon Trailers

A martial artist agrees to spy on a reclusive crime lord using his invitation to a tournament there as cover.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
BroadcastChic Excellent, a Must See
Roy Hart If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
spadan-95417 Very good, I've watched this movie about twenty times and I'll watch even more. People do not understand how much Bruce Lee is important, there is no other Bruce Lee and there probably never was another Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan could not get even close. This movie changed the world is a must for all movie lovers.
blrnani A truly great action film that provides us with a worthy legacy from the master, Bruce Lee. It also kindles the inevitable 'what if' nostalgia, wondering where his career might have gone if blessed with Jackie Chan longevity. Tho' I do worry about Jackie's well-being, still doing so many stunts himself, even today. Bruce Lee always seemed to be the physical ideal - strong but quick and light; a contrast to the muscle-bound Schwarzeneggers - so it is still hard to accept that his body betrayed him in the end, if we are to believe the official story. But celebrity does have its temptations and pitfalls and it was a period when drug taking was considered normal in certain spheres. Moreover cocaine, especially, feeds the notion of of immortality, of being untouchable and capable of anything (while simultaneously wreaking its internal damage). Who knows what really happened, but I shall always treasure my copy of this film.
wmberezowki I don't know if I'd watch this film again, but it was definitely worth my watching. Although it wasn't my favourite, some aspects of the film were definitely worth watching. The fight scenes were intense, and the imaginative scenes like the mirror scene made for really good suspense and creative shots. I think this film has aged well, despite the mediocre ADR and quality. The plot was very good and the camera angles were engaging throughout. I think Williams was killed instead of Roper because Williams was the 'clown' character in the movie, and killing him off created a more serious tone afterwards for the remaining part of the movie. A couple movies that played homage to this film are Kill Bill, and even Austin Powers (even though this was more of a parody, took elements from the film). This movie took from the James Bond movies in order to appeal to larger audiences using elements like the classic "spy-movie" music. All in all, pretty dang good movie.
miladbathani 1/2.This was worth watching because of the potential it shows in adr. It also inspired me to not have an excuse when having a low budget on a film because this film did have a very low budget and strived for excellence ! 3. Being honest I believe it hasn't aged very well but considering it was made in the 70s and is still being watched today is very impressive. 4. I believe roper was killed instead of Williams because roper was very suspicious of Han and Han knew that Williams was kind of digging his nose in his business. So when Han found out that someone was out late snooping around he accused roper and that's when everything went down hill. 5. John Wick chapter 2 did, as it was a similar assassin aspect. 6. Action films these days steal this type of audience making the audience just want to watch eye candy rather than watching an action film for the story.