Raw Force
Raw Force
R | 01 July 1982 (USA)
Raw Force Trailers

A group of martial arts students are en route to an island that supposedly is home to the ghosts of martial artists who have lost their honor. A Hitler lookalike and his gang are running a female slavery operation on the island as well. Soon, the two groups meet and all sorts of crazy things happen which include cannibal monks, piranhas, zombies, and more!

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Michael Ledo A cruise shipped owned by Hazel Buck (Hope Holiday) and commanded by Harry Dodds (Cameron Mitchell) visits Hong Kong and the passengers want to visit the forbidden Warrior's Island. Warrior's Island in inhabited by bizarre monks (lead by Vic Diaz) who can raise the dead, but need pretty naked women. Their supply of women comes from a man with a German accent and a Hitler mustache.Cameron gives us a fine academy performance as a ship's captain, fire fighter, zombie hunter, bar fighter, and admirer of the female form. Unfortunately the cast around him, may have cheated him from another nomination with their horrible performances. Imagine Kinsley getting an award for that Gandhi thing, while Mitchell was killing zombies and reciting lines like "I have to see a man about a horse" and made us feel them.The dead don't really become part of the film until 14 minutes from the end. They have their own slow motion swagger music until they have to Kung-Fu fight with a woman policeman (Jillian Kesner).The VHS to DVD transfer was a joke. My DVD had visible tracking adjustment lines from time to time. Not just small ones either. Much of the movie takes place on the love boat undressing the women, something that would have been better scripted feeding them to the zombies.What the film does have is ample nudity with just about all the women except the two top stars, doffing their tops for one reason or another.6 stars for the camp value and nudity. "Raw Force" and "King-Fu Cannibals" are the same film. I imagined they changed the title because "Kung-Fu Cannibals" was too much of a plot spoiler for the Cameron Mitchell's sophisticated following.
Michael_Elliott Raw Force (1982) ** (out of 4)A group of martial arts students are on a boat where the owner is allowing them to stop by a legendary island that is supposed to be haunted by the ghosts. Once on the island they run into a man who looks like Hitler, some strange monks and some cannibal zombies.Edward D. Murphy's RAW FORCE isn't your typical horror film. It's actually a pretty wild movie that seems to have had the director just throwing anything into it hoping something would stick. It's certainly not what you'd consider a "good" movie but at the same time if you like low-budget non-sense then there's plenty of that here. What little gore the film might have is made up by the non-stop gratuitous nudity.The film is really a madcap of non-sense as there are wild parties on the boat, plenty of martial arts action and then we even get some pretty wild stripper scenes. The Philippines locations are put to good use as several young ladies get nude on the screen as the American actors run around either screaming or kicking. Cameron Mitchell gets the top-billing as he plays the Captain of the boat and you can't help but feel that he's having a good time being on location, making a few bucks and not having a care in the world. Fans of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE will spot an unbilled Camille Keaton during a scene where she's in the bathroom with a guy trying to get her pants off. And yes, she's nude.RAW FORCE needed a bit more gore to keep it more entertaining but at the same time it's nutty enough to make it worth viewing if you like these types of movies.
Leofwine_draca An absolutely demented B-film, a US production filmed in the Philippines, which I found to be most enjoyable. It's poorly-made, don't get me wrong, and in a typical critic's mind it would rate as a bomb, with poor effects, no plot to speak of, and a lack of good acting and/or characterisation. But there's a ferocious pace and kinetic energy running through RAW FORCE that makes it hard to dislike the film. We've got the party of travellers in a foreign country, the gang of bad guys who keep naked women locked up, the crazy martial arts, and the same slow-motion zombies who come out of their graves as the ones in THE LEGEND OF THE SEVEN GOLDEN VAMPIRES, which seems to have been a big influence on this one. The similarities between these two films are impossible to ignore and I'm sure that they'd make a great double bill together.There's not really much more that I can say about this film other than WATCH IT! If you think it sounds like your kind of tacky, cheesy thing, then all I can say is YES! The acting is so wooden that the characters become interchangeable, the music inappropriate and far too jolly, and the gratuitous nudity comes FAR too often as a way of bolstering the plot (and to keep people watching - that's always a bad sign). The film's biggest star is Cameron Mitchell at a stage well past his prime, although to be fair Mitchell is very likable as the salty old sea dog, a captain who flirts with all the ladies. Eagle-eyed viewers may also spot I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE's Camille Keaton in a cameo as "girl in toilet", amid all the other muscular-but-dumb American actors and the pretty girls who invariably show up for no other reason than to take their clothes off.Every ten minutes the cheesy dialogue grinds to a halt in order to have another poorly-staged bout of martial arts action. I love the fighting in this film, it's absolutely hilarious and very violent. The best gory scene comes when someone decapitates a zombie with a sword and a single bit of blood squirts in the air. Actually the action is pretty good, very frenetically paced, with people flying about and rolling on the ground and hitting each other with supposedly dangerous props. There's even a guy who does a jump-kick through the passenger window of a moving van! There's just so much to like in this film, I don't know where to begin.What about the man who wants to be Bruce Lee SO much that it actually hurts? No idea who the actor was but you've gotta love his high-kicking skills. Or the hilarious sweaty 'tough guy' with permed hair in the film who cheesily winks at the camera at the end. Or the Chinese monks, who have dubbed laughter playing over them whenever they appear on screen. Or the offensive German (?) stereotype who dies in a welter of blood after getting munched by deadly piranha. Or the camp zombies themselves, who are painted blue and pose hardly any threat to the heroes because they're useless, and for some reason always have to move in slow motion to make them look more threatening than they really are. Kung fu, bad actors, copious nudity, zombies, gore, evil monks, cannibalism, women in cages, exotic locales, and Cameron Mitchell. What more could you possibly ask for in a B-movie? See this forgotten classic now!
Mike HOLY! This movie was funny! Especially scenes with the monks. This is the plot, I think: a group of fighters go on a cruise which is ambushed by oddballs and one of their friends gets kidnapped. After shipwreck they end up on an island inhabited by cannibals, zombies, and monks. The monks buy women from a gang of punks and cook them because it supposedly gives you some kind of force. More of a martial arts than horror film, this movie will satisfy your appetite for graphic violence, if you have one. Otherwise stay away.