Falcon Rising
Falcon Rising
R | 05 September 2014 (USA)
Falcon Rising Trailers

Chapman is an ex-marine in Brazil's slums, battling the yakuza outfit who attacked his sister and left her for dead.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Comeuppance Reviews John "Falcon" Chapman (MJW) is a suicidally depressed ex-Marine with PTSD whose emotional problems are exacerbated by alcohol abuse. That may seem dark, but things start to look up for Falcon when a new mission gives him renewed purpose in his life. Unfortunately, though, the mission involves his sister Cindy (Ali), who was attacked and hospitalized while in the favelas of Brazil. Falcon arrives in Sao Paulo and proceeds to beat up a bunch of people in his quest for answers. Teaming up with old contact Manny Ridley (McDonough), as well as gaining some new friends and foes along the way, Falcon discovers some surprising revelations about the crime syndicates of Brazil - the Japanese Yakuza is all over the place. Will Falcon find out who his sister's attackers were without getting himself killed in the process? We love Michael Jai White, or MJW as we call him, and we're happy to report he's still "got it". His Martial Arts abilities are cool, brutal, and top-notch. By far the best thing about Falcon Rising are the fight scenes, all of which involve White. Unfortunately, the movie AROUND it isn't so hot. The plot is paint-by-numbers and you don't get hooked in to the storyline like you could or should. We know a lot of people criticize action movies, saying that they're dumb and the plots are perfunctory window dressing so that the action setpieces can exist. In the case of Falcon Rising, that's a valid observation.If you take another DTV movie we watched recently, Green Street 3, it doesn't compare to Falcon Rising at all, because GS3 works any way you slice it - with action, without action, low budget, high budget, whatever. It's just a good movie that satisfies the viewer. The acid test for action is - would the movie be good if you took out the action scenes? In the case of GS3 the answer is yes. In the case of Falcon Rising it's no. Director Barbarash was responsible for the Van Damme films Assassination Games (2011) and 6 Bullets (2012) so he should know the rules by now. And he commits another no-no… We don't like CGI bullet hits. We don't like CGI blood. We don't like CGI anything. "Speeding up" the action to cover it up doesn't work, and turning the blood into a "mist" is not a valid masking device either. Is doing this less expensive than squibs? Is it somehow an improvement in the development of mankind that nerds on a computer can now hit Alt-B for blood and Alt-E for explosion? This is considered acceptable and good? Especially when you have a charismatic and talented Martial Artist like MJW at the helm, CGI stuff should be eschewed.Michael Jai White fans - and action fans in general - will appreciate the action scenes, which are quite good. The movie around it, not so much.
Yaroslav Zaitsev (yarik83) I am not going to label myself as a fan of anybody because I honestly don't know anyone in the movie except for Neal McDonough and one look at him and you know he is going to play some sort of CIA guy or ambassador guy or one of those office pencil pushers who is secretly a super agent. Movie starts off on a dark note and I can understand how and why they chose to begin that way but the rest of the movie was so twice removed from the intro that you begin to wonder why even include it in the first place?!Story was highly predictable. Some corrupt cops, some bad guys, some other bad guys who are just thugs and then some super bad guys. One of the biggest issues I had with this movie is that fights looked very believable but the rest of the movie did not. You could practically recite every single line for every single person in the movie if you had it on mute. I thought it was a poor choice of decision to make this movie anglo-latino bilingual. Make Latin culture communicate in their native tongue, none of this cross bridging nonsense. Naturally they did not film in Brazil so it was very obvious by location shoot, accents, languages used and more. If you can generally survive predictable dialogue and somewhat of a predictable story line and poor acting and highly predictable characters... this movie is a decent watch while waiting for something more substantial to arrive in a netflix queue. One of the biggest problems with this movie is that it could have been ohh so much more. Instead we have an unstoppable machine that was a little too powerful for the movie itself. If you remember a movie like Elite Squad and Elite Squad Enemy Within... that gets you a general ballpark of quality of movies that could have come out of this whole thing. Even on a low budget it is possible to produce such an amazing movie like Juan of the dead or Una Noche (granted I felt this movie had a lot of flaws but at the very least quality of film stood out). One of the biggest issues of shoving a big brute into a movie and not giving him appropriate competition is that he or she will inevitably turn into Steven Segal that pretty much plows through anything and anyone and you quickly lose interest. You need to have right opponents and this movie, honestly, did not deliver that. Even in closing scenes there was no sitting on the edge of your seat.The story of a veteran is a story that was re-told about a zillion times. The face of a Neal is telling enough to let you know that there will be politics and corruption involved. The cheesy detectives let you know what the movie is about as soon as camera pans to them. I gave this movie a 4 and I honestly think it could get a 6 if it tried a little harder.
2fresh 2clean This film wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. I got this film after seeing a trailer for it on IMDb and I also had the film "Blood and Bone" in mind. Both films star Michael Jai White. Although "Blood and Bone" was simple and predictable it was pretty good, unlike this film. There were a few good action scenes in this film but not enough to compensate for the lack of a deep story line and strong plot. John 'Falcon' Chapman (Michael Jai White) is an ex-marine who goes to Brazil to find and fight the Yakuza gang who violently attacked his sister. See, simple but it could have been way more effective. The acting in this film wasn't bad but it wasn't the best. Some people like Laila Ali should keep their day jobs. I'm not throwing shade I'm just telling it from an artistic view. Some of the acting was a bit stale at times and not very convincing. I just expected more from this film. Now don't get me wrong, this film wasn't so bad to where I couldn't stand it. It's worth watching if you have absolutely nothing else to watch or do.
tags_skeewee Wonderful movie. Why Hollywood does not use Micheal jai white more is beyond me. His fighting is beyond excellent. No stunt doubles. No cgi. Just above the rest kick assery. He is one of the best fighting actors ever. He is so under used. Yes, his acting isn't Oscar material, but he plays his parts well. You can really feel his characters emotions. He owns ever action scene he's in. This movie wasn't all action. It had a good story. There was good pacing. Of COURSE he is easy on the eyes to on which helps. You look forward to every scene he's in. The plot line moves along nicely. The shooting location was great. Rio was a great background to the movie. If you like White's other movies, you will like this movie.