R | 13 May 2005 (USA)
Unleashed Trailers

Raised as a slave, Danny is used to fighting for his survival. In fact, his "master," Bart, thinks of him as a pet and goes as far as leashing him with a collar so they can make money in fight clubs, where Danny is the main contender. When Bart's crew is in a car accident, Danny escapes and meets a blind, kindhearted piano tuner who takes him in and uses music to free the fighter's long-buried heart.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Prismark10 Unleashed is a hokey but fun action film with a script that is rather barking mad just as is its depiction of Glasgow with cockney gangsters, blind American musicians and a Chinese guy treated like a dog.Jet Li is Danny who really is raised like an attack dog, with a collar and sleeps in a cage. His master is a sadistic gangster played by Bob Hoskins who sets him loose on people who he wants dispatching.Chance leads him to the kindness of strangers as Danny encounters Sam (Morgan Freeman) a blind pianist and his ward Victoria. For the first time he encounters beauty, music and something like a family.However he has to choose when Hoskins turns up whether he wants to go back to his old ways and death fights or whether to go for a better life and he also gets a chance of avenging his mother's death.The film might sound daft but it has a starry cast with Hoskins hamming it up as the gangster, an unusual setting of Glasgow with not many Scots and Li showing of his mean martial arts skills.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- Unleashed, 2005. In Glasgow, Danny is a young Asian immigrant martial arts specialist and he's kept and raised like a dog by his owner, the gangster and loan shark named Bart. When Bart unleashes his dog collar and ordered to kill, Danny behaves like a savage animal, hurting and killing people as commanded by Bart. After an car accident assassination arranged by rival gangsters that kills Bart, the wounded Danny becomes to be lodged by a blind piano tuner named Sam and his stepdaughter, Victoria. They welcome him to their family. After humanizing Danny, he feels attracted by music. But his past violent haunts him and his new family situation.*Special Stars- Morgan Freedman, Jet Li, Bob Hoskins.*Theme- Tenderness can soften anyone's tendencies.*Trivia/location/goofs- England. The role of Bart was originally written for Albert Finney, who dropped out to do 'Big Fish' (2003). Other actors who were offered the role were Anthony Hopkins, Michael Caine, and Brian Cox who had all turned it down. Before Bob Hoskins was given the role of Bart, it was to be played by Billy Connolly who had to drop out due to other projects overrunning. Some scenes were shot prior to the cast change, this is why Morgan Freeman mentions being in Glasgow in the film.*Emotion- A clever and interesting film plot. Well acted and casted with a subtle 'message' the audience. Very violent and bloody in some crime scenes.*Based on- Frankenstien myths and modern psychology theories.
g-bodyl Unleashed proves to the world that Jet Li is not only a martial arts star, but has the power to be a dramatic actor. As a result, he makes one of the best films of his career. This film is quite violent thanks to all the fighting, but the story has emotional power and surprisingly will invoke emotion in you if you like this film. I like how they took a classic animal tale but changed the animal part to human. It's inhumane, but a very powerful take on this old tale.Louis Leterrier's film is about a Chinese immigrant named Danny who was taken in by a London gangster at a very young age. The gangster treats Danny as a dog and he is trained to fight illegal fights for money. But after years of abuse, he finally escapes. He ends up living with a kind piano tuner. But things go awry when Danny's past begins to catch up with him.The acting is very good. I already mentioned Jet Li and how this is the best film of his career. But glory must also go out to Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman. Hoskins, usually the good guy, uses his angry scowl to be effectively scary as the gangster. Freeman as usual delivers a top-notch performance as the blind piano tuner.Overall, this is an excellent film that has loads of martial arts as well as some involving dramatic scenes. The choreography of the fights is brilliantly staged as usual in Jet Li's films. This is the best work he has done in English-speaking films as lead actor. I rate this film 9/10.
jinsilver This movie plays out like some Hollywood producer felt that a pure action movie won't sell, so we need to add some fake drama straight out of the generic romantic comedy bin. Kelly Condon as the Manic Pixie Dream Girl is by far the most annoying, but Morgan Freeman lowering himself to be Li's Magical Negro is almost as bad. Li just basically exists without speaking or having his own volition, which is such a waste for an incredibly talented drama actor. Hoskins plays a caricature of himself, but plays it very well; he and Dylan Brown are most of the entertainment in the movie. Most of the script is a rehashed mashup of better movies, and an insult to the viewer.The best fight scenes are all in the first 15 minutes of the movie, and they're worth watching despite the bad writing and hammy acting from everyone, but after the escape you might as well shut it off because the latter is all you'll get. You'll be weeping and face- palming for what the movie could have been if you don't.Watch Hero or Romeo Must Die if you want Li in genuine "breakout role" because this sure isn't it. Those movies prove that good action and drama can easily coexist, in the hands of a director who cares.