Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey
Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey
| 22 October 2000 (USA)
Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey Trailers

Documentary on the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, with a focus on the production of his unfinished film Game of Death. Using interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Lee aficionado John Little paints a portrait of the world's most famous action hero, concluding with a new cut of Game of Death's action finale, reconstructed from Lee's notes and recently-recovered footage.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Nephren-Ka Arguably the best Bruce Lee documentary available at the moment, and I've pretty much seen every one that is available. Having grown up idolising the great man and having seen all his movies countless times, when I first saw the "Curse of the Dragon" documentary I was most intrigued by an interview which was conducted with Bruce's long time friend, colleague and training partner Dan Inosanto where Bruce's original concept for "Game of Death" was brought to light. Inosanto made mention of the 5-floor pagoda idea and immediately I made it my mission to somehow find this lost footage.Some years later I have finally been privileged as well as honoured to see the long lost footage from the final battle scenes in "Game of Death" and to see the master in action for one final time. All I can say is that the "Game of Death" footage alone is worth the price of admission and any true Bruce Lee fan will be left salivating after seeing the incredible fight scenes coupled with the philosophical undertones that Lee so wanted to convey to his students, fans and audiences alike.The lost footage aside, the documentary is also quite solid with excellent insight into Bruce's philosophy and his incredible determination and integrity which truly made him a master in his respective trade. While other documentaries often focused on his meteoric rise to stardom and the mysterious circumstances surrounding his untimely death, this documentary chooses rather to focus on his life, his teachings, his way of thought and his remarkable achievements - all of which made him a legend.10/10
DAW-8 This is a fantastic documentary, both in terms of narration and information about Bruce, but even moreso in terms of the footage shown. More impressive than the 'new' Game of Death footage is the footage of Lee practicing at his Los Angeles home, and, most of all, his philosophical remarks in the episodes of "Longstreet". Those scenes are just incredible, such as his statement to James Fransiscus "Like everyone, you want to WIN, but you must be prepared to die", said in complete earnestness, with a very early-1970s flute playing in the background. When was the last time you heard anything like that on television or film? In any case, this is a beautiful tribute to Bruce as the complex, philosophical, extraordinarily passionate human being he was. You will not be disappointed.
jarmlar This documentary shows you Bruce Lee's life, how he went to be as good in Martial Arts as he was. There are also a great look at the original version of the "Game of Death" fighting in the Tower scenes. These scenes are just great, very different from the 78 version. And they are never been showed before. So take a look here, and see how Bruce Lee takes his one inch punch and much more....
joez-4 Short and sweet: If you're a Bruce Lee Fan, You have to have this DVD. If you're not, you will be. Watching this Doc/Feature was like going back to the early 70's. Seeing this never before released footage reminded me why I became a fan. It's a treat to have the "Real Bruce" visiting us again. The original 30 minutes or so of Bruce's (not Robert Clouse's) "Game of Death" makes this DVD a must have. Anyone that does have the Clouse's version can now dump that film in the trash. Why settle for a film with 7 Bruce Lee imitators when you can have the one-and-only. "Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey," though only containing 30-or-so minutes of the original "Game of Death" is (the real) Bruce Lee's last film. Enjoy :-)