X-Men: Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse
PG-13 | 27 May 2016 (USA)
X-Men: Apocalypse Trailers

After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
filmtogo It's not as complex and well constructed than X-Men: Days of Future Past but - BUT - it is still a very entertaining movie mostly because of the great cast. Not only the "new" additions of X-Men: Jean Grey, Cyclops, Nightcrawler and a little bit of Jubilee and more Quicksilver but also the "baddies" Archangel, Storm and Psylocke. Another BUT sadly brings us Apocalypse who just looks totally out of place here. He's a cartoon enemy in a film that tries to be serious. Magneto would've been enough of a man gone wild again but instead we get a god like character who makes us laugh every time he appears. There are some really nice moments of friendship and solidarity and a good way of the script to deal with Jennifer Lawrences unwillingness to get into blue Mystique shape again. It could've been better very easily but it's still enjoyable and far from being a disastrous (apocalyptic) movie.
kingsj81 This is nothing more than a Disney Princess Franchise movie for grown men. Movie making by algorithm to yield highest profit.
trkakan Since we all now how horrendously the mk ultra program is coming toward to as. This movie specifically made for to manipulate the future by using peoples emotional power for their desire future to become. This is typically illuminate move. They have big fear of end up being anti Christ. Cos all signs indicate them. Mind reading and controlling program is established nowadays. See Davos gathering. You'll see name of morning star ( Jesus Christ) proposed as demon as well as God's names in Quran Karim. To me these people no different than the clown from the movie 'it'. Be aware where your emotions goes to !! Check the signs of the Anti-Christ
Michael Ledo The film opens up in ancient Egypt and by the time it was all over I thought it was going to tie into Prometheus and Star Wars. The film takes place in 1983 with our characters looking the same age as they were in 2014. I guess X-Men stop aging. The first half of the film re-introduces characters and relationships as we get a glimpse of the bad guy who turns out to be a Trekkie watching a very appropriate episode where man rejects the god Apollo and kills him (sort of.) The film has all the bells and whistles of an X-men production, and anything that has J-Law in a painted blue suit can't be all bad. In their quest for bad guys, there are just so many rogue X-men and aliens out there so they opt to kill Apocalypse who claims he was Re, but also Elohim, the God of the Old Testament. During a time tunnel warp we get a glimpse of a Jesus statue and wonder what the script writers were implying as now the God of The OT is a bad guy who wants to destroy the world (okay maybe He does with that apocalypse thing) and the X-Men are the good guys who must stop and kill him. The theme would be rather controversial if they dwelt on it, rather than just glance by it and allow the uninformed viewer to never connect the dots.In spite of the X-Men changing history in the last film, there has been no ripple effect going forward. Reagan still becomes President, Annie Lennox becomes a pop star etc.The special effects are what who would expect for a $178 million dollar production. I was hoping for a better script.Guide: The old gods aka Apocalypse is bad and must die. J-Law looks nearly naked. Something that sounds like half the F-word was spoken. Wolverine makes a cameo appearance and neither swears nor shows his naked butt for a change. Kudos on getting past that.