The Medallion
The Medallion
PG-13 | 15 August 2003 (USA)
The Medallion Trailers

A Hong Kong detective suffers a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion and is transformed into an immortal warrior with superhuman powers.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Leofwine_draca Critics and fans alike have been fairly ruthless in recent years in giving Jackie Chan's Hollywood movies a real drubbing. I'll admit that the last film I saw of his, THE TUXEDO, was a two-star effort with poor casting and choppy action sequences. Thankfully, THE MEDALLION, another film which has been pretty much panned across the globe, comes across as something of a revelation. For a start, it's a quite good movie, much like Jackie's '80s efforts, with plenty of humour and action to keep the audience from noticing the thinness of the plot. Thanks to some particularly good international casting as well as interesting locations – when was the last time we had an action film set in Dublin? Never! – this is a mildly entertaining effort, low brow but crowd-pleasing with it.The story is as thin as they come and former stuntman Bey Logan even had a hand in creating it (Logan is the guy who does all the DVD commentary tracks on martial arts movies). It involves a medallion which makes the wearer become immortal – so this is basically the film where Jackie gets to be superman. Unfortunately the CGI effects to show the magical nature of the talisman are very poor, but they do fit in with the film's comic-book style. Jackie, although starting to look like a piece of crumpled parchment, is very good here in the comedy stakes and, although his once famous stunt work is replaced by wire work and computer enhancements, he still cuts it as the clumsy but lovable hero. Jackie's opponent this time around is Julian Sands, an actor who doesn't seem to have aged much recently; Sands is wasted and doesn't even get to overact much, but its still good to see him on cinema screens again after so long.The film is action-packed from beginning to end. There are a handful of fun martial arts battles and plenty of stunts, even if they aren't the most realistic on offer. Jackie's fall from a high building is a hilarious moment and the chase through the streets of Dublin is great to watch as well. Primarily, though, this is a comedy, which sees Lee Evans being cast as Jackie's partner. Evans is a delight to watch here, despite what others may have to say. Utilising the old-fashioned slapstick kind of humour, he plays a clichéd, stuffy, stereotyped British upper-crust character with non-stop pranks, pratfalls, and gurning, and I was actively looking forward to him appearing in each scene. He's ace and his natural, non gross-out gentle comedy is a real delight.The supporting cast includes veteran Chinese bad guy Anthony Wong as a suit in a bowler hat, reminding me more of Charlie Chan than anybody else. John Rhys-Davies shows up in a minor supporting role – the likes of which he used to do in the '80s/'90s all the time - but is wasted as usual. The love interest is played by Claire Forlani who is easily more attractive than Jennifer Love Hewitt – a natural beauty, her presence is delightful every time she shows up. Generally, that's all I have to say, except for older non-critical fans to check this out, as it's a return to the old days for Jackie and a film which leaves me actively looking forward to his next.
OllieSuave-007 Here is another crazy, action-comedy starring Jackie Chan. He plays Hong Kong Cop Eddie Yan, who is transformed into a warrior with superpowers after a fatal accident involving a mysterious medallion. Eddie teams up with British Interpol agent Nicole James (Claire Forlani) to investigate the secret of the medallion and deal with the villainous Snakehead (Julian Hands).Most of the movie is quick-paced with butt-kicking crazy action, much like a fantasy version of another Chan movie, The Tuxedo. But, this one lacks a solid plot (at least one to remember the movie by) that doesn't grab your attention much, and also lacks any suspense or tension to make it a worthwhile piece of entertainment. While much of the movie is with the necessary Jackie Chan action, it is loaded with childish fantasy elements and annoying slapstick comedy with extreme overacting, at the expense of Lee Evans. There are some nice thrilling moments, though, particularly involving the villains, and the chemistry between Chan and Claire Forlani was quite nice. Maybe little kids will enjoy this flick, but adults may probably well find better Jackie Chan films to watch. Grade D+
gridoon2018 "The Medallion" has a pretty good first half: there are enough scenes to prove that Jackie Chan's still got it, from a fight aboard a ship (where he ties a guy's arm to his leg using his own shoelaces and a piece of clothing!) to a fun freewheeling foot chase, and other minor stunts. But after Jackie "dies" and comes back equipped with superpowers, there are no more real fight scenes for him: they are all special effects - enhanced and wired. From a pure martial arts perspective, Claire Forlani's close-quarters fights near the end are the best that the second half of this film has to offer (more proof that Sammo Hung can make anyone look like a genuine martial artist!). The story is basically a rehash of Eddie Murphy's "The Golden Child", and it has a rushed feel to it (it's probably no coincidence that the DVD contains about 15 deleted scenes). But the cast is likable: Forlani is utterly lovely, Julian Sands is ideally cast as the immortality-seeking villain, and Jackie is always Jackie. "The Medallion" will probably disappoint most martial arts fans, but those who like the main actors will definitely get some enjoyment out of it. (**)
dbborroughs Jackie Chan's new movie is a bust. Its 80 minutes or so of missed chances. The cast is there as is the action director,Sammo Hung, but this is movie that simply doesn't work.It has six listed writers and about 19 producers of one sort or another.I'm watching this and I can believe its not working. Its just sort of there. I have no idea who to blame it on, probably everyone since this has the feel of a movie that had too many cooks.The director, Gordon Chan, I know by reputation only, his other films are suppose to be at good.Don't get me wrong, its not bad, its not anything its just sort of there. Its sort of like watching a blank wall, or better snow on a TV screen, there are things moving around on the screen but it really doesn't mean anything to you, it doesn't engage you...For the record its about a magical medallion in two parts that bestows supernatural powers when its put together. I think thats all you need to know.Is it worth bothering with? Only if you are a Jackie Chan completist. Everyone else has better ways to spend the time involved.ON THE POSITIVE SIDE - It is better than the Tuxedo which was dumb and shouldn't have worked on any level. This should work but doesn't.