Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan
Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan
R | 19 May 2014 (USA)
Dangerous Mind of a Hooligan Trailers

Five criminals unknown to each other are hired to complete a bank robbery. What should have been a smooth operation soon descends into paranoia, violence and horror.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Leofwine_draca DANGEROUS MIND OF A HOOLIGAN is another nonsense production and a slice of low-rent British crime. It feels more like a copy of RESERVOIR DOGS, with a bunch of pond-dwelling criminals falling out after a heist, than anything else, and it certainly has nothing to do with hooliganism. I tend to find that the presence of Simon Phillips in a film is a guarantee of ineptitude and so it proves here. This is packed with cheap camerawork, derivative scenarios, low rent action, and a script that replaces wit with incessant profanity. It's dumb and predictable, cheap and nasty, and entirely without merit.
A Hillier There were certain points when i quite liked this, for me , the first 30 Min's but the incredibly poor decision to introduce a psychotic/maverick pursuer who we were supposed to believe was associated with the Police destroyed all semblance of realism. It was a shame as i was drawn to finding out what would happen until the end even though i ended up fast forwarding through the vignettes to give characters more depth i suppose but actually just slowed down the pace of the film. Ending up doing my own editing which is not a good sign. What really annoyed me was the ending as hate films that just bottle out on happy/sad ending. Felt the acting in the main was OK but as said previously the most charismatic character to go early was a strange decision.Female character was criminally under developed. Shame.
FlashCallahan First off, it's got nothing at all to do with football hooliganism. There is one scene where one geeza' is telling a woman that he used to fight at football matches, but the fundamental part of the narrative is that there is a heist a guess what? It's only gone bloomin' wrong!!!And he's avin' a larf!!!That's the writer director that is. As you would expect,the film is the pits, and these films, like low budget horrors get released almost every other week here in the UK, the covers are more or less the same, and there is always some sort of scribing on the cover like 'the best British thriller since The Long Good Friday' to get the working class man worked up.But it's like the director has watched too much Tarantino and Guy Ritchie movies and tried to do his own version. There are monologues about fast food, boxing and obviously a double cross, and its horrible to watch.The characters are all stereotypical of this sort of movie, one has a heart of gold because of his past, one is a nutter, one is a family man, and one is ex forces who says a prayer before the robbery.Righto then. The supposed monologues are cringe worthy, the suits are something out of Buddy's Song, and there is a twist at the end, that irritates.Oh and there is a bent copper. There's always a bent copper.If I could put a scribing on the DVD cover, it would simply say 'pfft'.
Aaron River What a waste of time, well 25 minuets! Actually i only got about 25 minuets in, and that was because i wanted to see if it could get any better! which just added to the disappointment! You don't even need to see it through to the end to see where it's going..Although I didn't bother waiting to find out where it went so i could be completely wrong about where it was going! But i didn't have 82 minuets to waste frankly.Personally if you've got nothing else to do and like to watch a mediocre British gangster/psychopath killer/??? type film then I'd recommend taking up reading!!!