Far North
Far North
| 09 October 2008 (USA)
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In the arctic, as Saiva is being born, a shaman declares that she is evil and will bring harm to all who become involved with her. Saiva is cast out of her tribe of herders and grows up to live a nomadic existence with Anja, a young woman she adopts as an infant. Then Loki, an injured and starving soldier, stumbles into their isolated lives. The women nurse him back to health, but treachery, violence and doom await them all.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Made in the USA If there is a war being waged between good and evil, between right and wrong, then everyone involved in the production of this movie have aligned themselves on the side of evil.I'm not sure what it is about modern movies being made with the sole intention of hurting your mind, but this is just another one of those. You will be no better off for having seen this. You will not be improved. You will not be educated. You will not be enlightened. You will not be entertained. There is no good in it at all. It's just trash.If you like Michelle Yeoh, turn off Far North right away. I have no idea why she would agree to play in this abomination. My very high opinion of her fell dramatically.The title of the movie and the book are both terribly misleading. This story could have taken place in any setting. You see Michelle Yeoh in an eskimo outfit and take into consideration the title, The Far North, and you think that it might be a love story. It most definitely is not.The viewer is literally tricked into watching this movie from the beginning up until the very last moment where the filthy excuses for human beings spring their trap. Boom, they win. They've put something in your mind that you would never have agreed to allow in. And you most definitely wouldn't pay for it. This is not entertainment.I'd like to believe that the majority isn't going to tolerate this from the mainstream for much longer. People seriously need to start fighting back. At the very least, there should be a new rating introduced. Like rated L for liberal entertainment.
moviesleuth2 Having a movie with very little dialogue is a risky proposition. In my opinion, it almost never works. "Far North" is a case in point. This could have been a devastating and disturbing tragedy, but the way it's presented, it's boring and tedious.A woman named Saiva (Michelle Yeoh) lives with her daughter, Anja (Michelle Krusiec) outside of human contact. Because of past experiences, Saiva avoids other people like the plague. Then an outsider, Loki (Sean Bean) comes into their midst, which changes the status quo.The acting is not the problem, nor is the cinematography (which is stunning). Yeoh and Bean are well-known faces (both have been in Bond movies) and are capable actors. But there is little they can do with such limited material. Michelle Krusiec may not be as well known as her co-stars, but she matches them.The problem with the film is that with almost no dialogue, it's too simple, and with the resulting minimal character development, it quickly becomes a sleep-inducer.I will say that the ending is a great twist, but not even that can make up for the 80 minutes of tedium that come before it.
tjjohnson-4 A film set in the frozen north in which the sparse dialogue complements the barren scenery is an intriguing proposition and in the right hands I think this could have achieved a satisfyingly chilling atmosphere at least. I assume this is what the makers were aiming for, but the film ultimately comes across as semi-realised and in many respects pretty sophomoric.In a film with a minimal script the few words need to be chosen carefully and complemented by credible non-verbal chemistry, but what little dialogue Far North contains is embarrassingly leaden, while the director fails to tease out any truly believable performances. The leads try to make something from the scraps they're given but Michelles Krusiec and Yeoh stretch plausibility as polar hunter-gatherers and Sean Bean, as ever, is lumbering and uninspiring.That the film looks great is perhaps the best thing that can be said for it. A climax grasping after emotional gravitas comes across as jarring, bordering on idiotic.
Viorel Oancia A film built in on secret human desires, on people instincts. Many movies have failed to deliver such feelings in the past. This one isn't!Far North is calm in the beginning only to shatter the heart in the end. This movie it is not about a woman or two, not about a man, but feels more like an ice cold journey into the real nature of humankind. Be warned, you might not like what is to be found there.This is the only film I know, which clearly draws a 'bold' red line between a woman in her twenties and a woman in her forties. I saw it just now and I liked this movie more than I would ever want to admit here. Although it has some minor loose elements, in the end nothing really matters. To me, this is a 10+ movie! Congratulations to all the people involved in the making!"Let me comb your hair (so you'll be beautiful for him), you must look your best for Loki when he returns…"Far North, in loneliness and isolation, these words may and do have a different meaning