Rolling Vengeance
Rolling Vengeance
R | 02 October 1987 (USA)
Rolling Vengeance Trailers

A truck driver builds a special, eight-ton monster truck to help get revenge against the rednecks who killed his family.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
utahman1971 People say it is bad, but really isn't must be the relatives of the drunk kids. Jeez, I liked it a lot and I am not really into trucker movies or rednecks. So must be a redneck to not like it. I am not. Oh well, you either hate it or love it.I love it, and thought it was okay, but missed after watching the first half hour and then did other things. Now, catching it again and watching it all the way through on television, and all I can say is, that it is a great and awesome revenge movie.I think this site sucks because the ratings on here suck from bad reviewers, and this site lets the bad reviews in. No forcing of ratings, just people making things up to ruin the ratings. I will enjoy it while others complain about it.People are so picky about movies, it's pathetic.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) What do you do when the law is not on your side? You build a monster truck and teach these bullies a lesson. That's just the case in "Rolling Vengeance". A father and son trucking team deliveries liquor to a bar owner name Tiny Doyle(Ned Beatty). He has 5 sons who run rampant through the town: Driving drunk, running people off the road. They killed the trucker's wife and daughters. He would go after the person responsible after a technicality in court. He too would end up losing his life. Joey Rosso (Don Michael Paul) would get extreme by building a monster truck consisting of parts from a junkyard. He takes it on its first test drive after the first two brothers when they attacked another trucker. The van was totaled on the encounter. Before that, Joey used the truck to turn Tiny's used car lot in a junkyard. Tiny's next two sons were next after they raped Joey's girlfriend Misty (Lisa Howard). This truck makes Bigfoot look like a normal vehicle. This movie is for truck lovers. It's not for everyone. I wouldn't put this movie down. It could use more scenes to make it fun. But it was fine for me. 2.5 out of 5 stars
FacemeltingFilms TV movies were never a big deal to me. I always assumed since it's on TV it can't be that badass. There are no boobies and no gore so why bother, right? Well Rolling Vengeance has taught me a thing or two about TV movies. Apparently they can be brutal! Joey and Big Joe Rosso are an all American father son trucking team who happen to be unfortunate enough to deliver booze to the local strip club. The club is run by Tiny Doyle and his four sons who harass the public and cause a general disturbance to everyone in a half mile radius. One day while drunk driving they decided to play chicken with Big Joe Rosso's wife and two daughters. When chicken goes wrong the wife and kids are killed and the rednecks get off scot-free. Enraged, Little Joey decides to get his revenge one way or another.The sheer brutality of the mother and two daughters dying in the first half of the film is only the beginning. As we move on we see the father put in a coma and the girlfriend raped. For a made for TV movie this sure has some balls! The only thing that really holds back the film is how ridiculously mean Tiny Doyle and the Doyle brothers are. In the court case, after getting off free of killing a mans wife and two children, they stand outside the courthouse to make fun of him! Then they drop cinderblocks on his truck! Maybe I'm not from the country and don't realize what people are like out there but is anyone that mean? Ned Beatty doesn't really pull off the badass father figure either. The first time we see him he's wearing a 50's leather jacket and he looks like that old guy at the club no one talks to.As far as revenge films go Rolling Vengeance goes on the top of my list. The first half of the film would put it their alone. When you find out Little Joey Rosso has been building the biggest, meanest monster truck this side of Kentucky this movie will move right up to your favorites. Watching Joey roll over half the town in his 80's montage themed monster invention is to 80's what chicken is to waffles! You gotta love it.
emm The first time you look at it, ROLLING VENGEANCE looks like it's going to be a cool picture. Sadly, movies like this do not translate well as full-length features. In addition, it suffers from the same old formula where somebody takes revenge on another and wins. An interesting point about the movie is that our lead character is in a no-win situation against both the criminal and the law, but our revengeful modern age prince saves the day as usual! Those who enjoy watching monster trucks do some killer stunts just like at the arena will be greatly discouraged. There's nothing special in the world other than just a cookie-cutter action movie.
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